Fasting is useful and even necessary for a number of diseases

Fasting is useful and even necessary for a number of

diseases Short-term fasting periods are used in the following cases:

In acute inflammatory processes of in the abdominal cavity, when the introduction of not only solid food, but also liquid is undesirable. In these cases, the introduction of a limited number of nutrients under the skin or into a vein is recommended.

With acute catarrh of the stomach and intestines. Usually prescribed 1-2 hungry days. If there is no liquid stool, then apply chamomile suction enemas. The same hungry days are spent at an exacerbation of a chronic catarrh of intestines, and usually treatment begins with laxative, with the subsequent day of fasting. Only hot water with a lemon, without sugar, or a hot infusion of chamomile or mint is allowed.

With acute and chronic intoxication. Fasting in these cases relieves the body of all toxins and toxins, and simultaneously gives a large amount of liquid, especially containing vitamins: apple peel extract with lemon or mandarin juice, lemon and orange juice with water, dried blackcurrant infusion, water with fresh juiceblack currant, with raspberry juice, strawberry, and tea with the addition( with weakness) of raspberry juice, vodka or cognac.

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With gastric and duodenal ulcers.

With diabetes. Among the fasting regimens proposed for diabetes, the following should be noted: Gulpa regime. The French doctor Gualpa proposed a special fasting regime for 5 days with a daily laxative. It is allowed to drink at will water in a warm form or an infusion of herbs. After 4-5 days of such fasting, Gulpa gives 1 liter or 1.5 liters of milk followed by 3-4 days of fasting followed by a vegetarian diet for two weeks. Subsequently, Guelpa changed his regime, allowing the patient in addition to periodic fasting days, a large amount of meat and a sufficient number of acidified liquids. Such a regime Gulpa offers and gout. Such hungry are successfully replaced with days of raw fruit or so-called salad vegetable days without salt and fats. In some cases, you can apply one hungry day followed by a carbohydrate day, consisting of a variety of carbohydrates or oatmeal.

With obesity. Hungry diets are poorly tolerated by obese people. In addition, after hungry days, appetite increases very sharply, because of what the lost weight is replenished with excess in a short time. In addition, it should be remembered that the hungry regime in obese, often suffering from cardiac weakness, causes very severe weakness, which then has to be fought. A hungry diet helps obese people during an attack of cardiac asthma, in which hungry days often bring great benefits.

With gout. The war period and the famine years have shown that the hungry regime favorably affects gout, unless the gout has a sharp exhaustion.

When cardiac asthma is recommended, absolute fasting with the simultaneous introduction of glucose under the skin.

To neurasthenics and hysterical subjects, refusing to take food. One day or half a day of fasting in hysterical subjects or in adolescents who refuse to take food for one reason or another, gives good results very often.

With a number of chronic diseases of the of the gastrointestinal tract are useful, if not days of complete starvation, then in any case days of large food restriction in general or those or other products - in other words, so-called unloading days. Such days of almost complete starvation it is better to spend on rest days or sharp restriction of work. The hungry days are sometimes held on their own initiative.


Contraindications to the diet of absolute starvation are: general weakness, deep old age and decrepitude, a sharp weakness of cardiac activity.

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