How to take bee pollen: ways to

Update is a flower pollen, which bees are secreted by their bees, so it is saturated with useful ingredients and is a less allergenic product of beekeeping than honey. But, despite all its unique qualities and medicinal properties, it is important to know how to take bee pollen. Otherwise, you can seriously damage your body without getting any benefit.

Adhering to the rules of admission, you will provide yourself strong health

How to take: possible ways of

There are two forms of pollen on sale, which will influence the way of reception.

  1. Dried packaged by packs. Before use, it can be dissolved in water or taken in a natural form.
  2. Honey with pollen. Most often pollen is filled with May or acacia honey, as many apitherapists are sure that they are able to preserve most of the nutrients.

    Important! After some time, the renewal loses one fourth of its medicinal qualities. This occurs approximately six months after collection, and after a year about 70% of the useful substances are destroyed.

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    And honey in this case plays the role of a preservative and adds a large number of its valuable components to the mixture.

To dissolve or not?

Pollen is better for consuming in dry form

When considering the question of how to properly take bee pollen, many people often ask - dissolve it in water or use it in its pure form? In fact, a dry undiluted product, which must be resorbed in the mouth, is more useful. Saliva is able to release absolutely all the beneficial substances that are very easily absorbed through the mucous membrane, after which they are much faster to begin to have an effect on the body.

Dissolved in water, the update also benefits, but to a lesser extent. Most often, this method is used by people who for some reason are not able to swallow a pure product.

Homemade mixes

Pollen is sometimes added to other foods. As a basis, you can choose:

  • floral honey;
  • butter;
  • jam;
  • jam.

Do this quite rarely and only because some do not tolerate the specific taste of the update - a little bitter.

Before adding pollen to the mixture, it must be ground on a coffee grinder

. The powder is mixed with the base. In this form, it is very quickly absorbed by the body, bringing tremendous benefits.

How much should I take?

When using bee ovine it is important not only to know how to take, but how much. The dosage can be as follows:

  • The daily dose for an adult person, according to apitherapists, should not exceed 32 g. This amount is optimal for the body to receive all the necessary substances and be able to assimilate them.
  • If you take pollen as a prophylactic, then for an adult the daily dose will be 15 g( a full dessert spoon).
  • During treatment of any disease, the norm is 25 g, in rare cases up to 30 g.

Advice! Follow the rules of dosing the update, because the body simply can not process a large number of amino acids, which will come with both pollen and other food.

As to how to take bee pollen to children, there are also certain restrictions.

The size of the daily dose will depend on the age of the child
  • Children from 3 to 5 years of age should consume no more than 4 grams per day;
  • from 6 to 12 years, the daily dose is 8 g;
  • from 12 and older - not more than 12 g.

Advice! Do not forget that beekeeping products can cause allergies, so you must first eliminate the individual intolerance of your baby.

When to take?

It is recommended to consume bee pollen in the morning on an empty stomach. Half an hour later, you can start breakfast. If desired, you can immediately take the entire daily dose or divide it twice. The second method should be done about 12 o'clock in the afternoon or in the evening half an hour before a meal.

Pollen should dissolve in the mouth until it completely dissolves. Drink it immediately is not recommended, it is advisable to stand for 20 minutes. Do not eat before the bed, because some of its components are the causative agents of the nervous system, so there may be problems with sleep.

How long can I use the update?

If you want to support your immunity, then the month of admission will be quite enough. But the best option will be prevention throughout the year, which is carried out in certain months and one course takes no more than 3 weeks:

  • the first course is held in December to support the body;
  • second course falls in January, when it is necessary to prevent ARVI and influenza;
  • third year is delayed for April, when the body especially needs vitamins.

Important! Always specify the duration of the course for various diseases in the apitherapist. Most often it takes no more than 20 days.

Try to purchase bee pollen from trusted vendors to avoid buying counterfeit or spoiled product. If you get an update in capsules, then before use, the shell should be opened and drunk the pollen in its pure form. If you follow all the above dosage and reception rules, this unique product will bring your body maximum benefit. And about what diseases this remarkable natural gift is able to provide invaluable help, you can read in the article about the use of bee pollen.

  • Mar 25, 2018
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