Fistula on the gum: causes and treatment

Any diseases involving teeth or gums require a prompt visit to the dental clinic. Only a doctor is able to correctly diagnose and, if necessary, to conduct the necessary treatment.

It is almost impossible to determine the nature of pain or inflammation in the oral cavity without proper preparation.

With special severity it is necessary to treat such an education as fistula. Only the dentist can identify the cause of the disease, its nature and possible ways of treatment. If a patient for a long time postpones visiting a doctor, he may even lose one of his teeth.


  • What is it and what are the symptoms of the violation
  • Classification of the disease
  • Where lies the reason?
  • Surgical treatment - the main solution
  • Treatment at home
    • Folk recipes

What is it and what are the symptoms of the violation

Fistula is a disease that has an inflammatory character. It looks like a hole or a bag on the gum. In fact, this is the channel inside the gum, which connects its surface and suppuration in the root area of ​​the tooth.

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On it from the center of inflammation the formed liquid and purulent masses are taken away. In most cases, it can be detected with a simple visual examination with the naked eye.

A fistula is formed on the gum due to the proliferation of connective tissue( granulation).As a result, the healing process of the inflamed root or nerve of the tooth becomes difficult. Because of what happens infection, rapid multiplication of pathogenic bacteria and suppuration.

In case of a prolonged course of the disease, the mucosal and gingival tissue of the gingiva breaks down in the growing granulation. On its surface begins to flow pus, a fistula is formed.

In addition to the obvious, this dental disease has other symptoms:

  • toothache , it can be strong or aching. Usually it is strengthened under pressure( for example, when chewing);
  • mobility , loosening of the problem tooth;
  • visible inflammation and reddening of the gum around the affected tooth;
  • selection of purulent masses ;
  • temperature rise of the patient's body.

The most accurate diagnosis allows you to put the use of X-ray equipment. But in most cases you can limit yourself to a routine examination.

Classification of the disease

On the photo external fistula on the gum

Fistula on the gum may be external or internal:

  1. The patient usually sees an external form on his own. This is usually the reason for visiting a dentist.
  2. Internal at a visual inspection is extremely difficult to diagnose. For its detection, radiography is necessary. The internal course of the disease is inflammation, the formation of a foci of infection at the root of the tooth until the fistula( fistula) reaches the surface of the gum. The patient can not independently detect the internal form of the disease.

Where lies the reason?

The fistula usually appears in the area of ​​the aching tooth. The causes and nature of the course of the disease can be different.

But in any case, the appearance of fistula is preceded by an inflammation and the formation of a purulent area on the root of the tooth. Subsequently, suppuration breaks to the surface of the gum through the formed fistula.

Even if the tooth looks quite healthy or has recently been treated, the appearance of the fistula clearly indicates some kind of inflammation inside the gums.

The causes of fistula formation are usually:

  • neglected forms of caries or pulpitis, their untimely or inappropriate treatment;
  • poor-quality filling of dental canals;
  • perforated tooth root;
  • inflamed cyst;
  • complicated, prolonged eruption of wisdom tooth;
  • of the granuloma.

Required explanations:

  1. If treatment caries was done well enough, the disease can progress and lead to inflammation of the dental nerve and take the form of pulpitis. Without proper treatment, it flows into periodontitis. When pulpitis occurs infection, inflammation directly to the nervous tissue of the tooth. If treatment is not performed, it can lead to complete dying of the dental nerve and the spread of inflammatory processes deeper - to the dental root. As a result, and appears periodontitis - inflammation, the formation of pus on the tip of the tooth. Subsequently, a canal is formed, a tube through which the pus from the foci of infection enters the gum surface, forming a fistula.
  2. Statistics show that the percentage of poorly sealed channels during dental treatment reaches 65-70%.The main error is the insufficient depth of sealing. As a result, an unfilled area remains at the top of the root. Such cavities are a favorite breeding ground for bacteria and the appearance of infection. Over time, the affected area grows beyond the tooth root and its top is formed by a cavity with the formation of pus, and then the fistula.
  3. In case of careless cleaning of the tooth channel , it can be accidentally damaged. As a result, a non-physiological hole is formed. Without timely filling it can cause inflammation, the formation of purulent masses and the appearance of fistula.
  4. Very often, up to a point cyst at the apex of the tooth root does not manifest itself, why not diagnosed and not treated. But with the onset of some unfavorable conditions, for example, reducing the immune defenses of the body, cystic formation can become inflamed. When there is a lot of pus, he begins to look for a way out. Thus, a fistula is formed on the gum.
  5. Rarely does anyone have wisdom teeth erupting without some discomfort. In complex cases, the process is prolonged for a long time, the gum in its area becomes inflamed and swollen. As a result, it is traumatized by a growing tooth from the inside and located opposite - from the outside. In this place, and accumulation of pus occurs, and then a fistula appears.
  6. The cause of the fistula can be granuloma - accumulation of fluid and pus in the soft tissues of the gums around the tooth. If there is no timely treatment, the inflammatory process can lead to the formation of a fistula.

How is the formation of a fistula on the gums and treatment bases:

Surgery -

basic solution the photo Set the inner bone fistula of the cyst in

periodontal At a time when the tooth fistula appears on the gum surface and pus gets way out, the patient feels a suddenrelief. Painful feelings are significantly reduced, and the person thinks that there has come an improvement.

This is why the visit to the dentist is most often delayed and the disease becomes more complicated. What can I do if I have a fistula in my mouth?

The launched form with great difficulty can be treated by therapeutic methods. Without timely treatment, the inflammatory process and suppuration affects the periosteum. In this case, you can no longer hesitate, emergency measures are necessary to remove the pus as quickly as possible and to keep adjacent teeth.

They resort to a surgical operation and with a random perforation of the root of the tooth during the cleaning process. Surgical treatment is used to form a fistula on a tooth covered with a crown. Disassembling the installed structure is usually more difficult than removing the fistula through an open gum.

Affected tissues are removed by scraping, after which the channel is treated with a laser. On this treatment does not end and the patient continues it independently in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor.

Treatment at home

Choose the optimal way to treat the fistula is only for the dentist. And then certainly to determine whether medical treatment is sufficient, he can only after an examination using X-rays.

Whatever treatment is chosen, it is necessary to begin it with the removal of the cause of the problem. For this, the dentist opens an aching tooth, and the inflamed channels are carefully cleaned. Then the cavity formed is thoroughly washed and disinfected.

It is filled with a medicine in the form of a paste and a temporary seal is placed. Subsequently, the canals are sealed and a permanent seal is placed.

When performing dental procedures, an additional course of antibiotic treatment is required to stop the inflammatory process. It is prescribed for 7 or 10 days, depending on the severity of the case. Most often used: Augmentin, Ciprolet, Ofloxacin.

In addition, at home, treatment is supplemented by rinsing the oral cavity with medicinal solutions or herbal decoctions.

Furacilin, Chlorhexidine and Miramistin can be used for this. Treatment is necessarily supplemented with antihistamines( Tavegil, Erius).

Folk recipes

The use of decoctions and ointments from herbs can not eliminate the cause of the fistula or lead to its complete cure. But they are excellent anti-inflammatory drugs. Can be used before visiting the dentist for the removal of inflammation and swelling or after with a view to prompt healing.

Than to cure a fistula in a mouth without application of chemistry and surgery:

  1. For rinsing the decoction or tincture of a camomile and calendula is used. These herbs can be used both individually and together. In addition, eucalyptus, sage, fir, and yarrow possess an anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. An ointment is prepared from eucalyptus .The leaves of the plant are crushed, mixed with sunflower oil. The mixture is insisted for 24 hours, then the crushed onion is added. All ingredients are taken in approximately equal proportions. Then a little of the obtained ointment is wrapped in a sterile bandage or napkin and applied to the fistula. The drug stretches purulent masses and helps tighten the wound.
  3. bee propolis has a disinfecting effect. To accelerate the healing after a medical intervention, it is recommended to dissolve it or keep it under the tongue to cleanse the oral cavity of the bacteria.

Complete recovery from fistula is impossible without eliminating the root cause of its appearance. A visit to the dentist is inevitable. His delay can only complicate, aggravate the situation and lead to tooth loss.

  • Mar 25, 2018
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