Recently, queries have increased: how to return a man, how to win again a man, etc., which, frankly, irritates me.
Well, here's why to return a man if he threw you for no apparent reason?
Yes, wish him a fair wind and cross himself, that he finally dumped.
Quite differently, I treat requests, how to return the love of , because more important than this feeling is nothing in life.
First priority task for those who decide to return love
In general, I will tell you: you are aiming at a very difficult task.
After all, love - so powerful a feeling - it's not a thing in the store you bought, then, having decided that it was too expensive for you, they returned it back, and then, once again thought it over, decided to take it.
If you met your soul mate, then you should not be frivolous about your relationship.
Your love needs to be groomed and cherished, like a beautiful flower, so that it grows and smells.
If you made a mistake and lost a loved one without whom you do not represent your life, then first you should decide if you are ready to begin the process of his return.
It will be difficult, very difficult and not the fact that the end of your tale will be happy.
Can I return love at all?
You know, in some questions( for example, in matters of love), I'm an idealist.
It seems to me that the relationship with his second half should develop quite naturally: they met, fell in love, lived happily ever after.
Of course, you need to work on relationships, but the phrase "to return love" evoked in me 2 years ago skepticism.
And then my world view changed my husband's husband a little.
Tanya and Serezha got married quite young and, although they were connected by strong feelings, we all held the opinion that they should not have been so in a hurry with the wedding, and even for a year it was necessary to check their feelings.
The problems started already in the first year of life: Serezha drank a lot, lost his job and could not get a normal job, giving Tanya a great opportunity to pull everything on himself, constantly somewhere hanging around, did not pay attention to my friend, did not want to do housework.
In short, Tanya lived hard.
She survived for 5 years, all the while trying to save the family.
Conversations, tears, explanations, clarification of the relationship helped only for a while, then Seryozha again began to lead the cheerful life of a married bachelor.
After another cheerful booze with arrival at 3 o'clock in the morning, Tanya could not stand it and put her husband out.
And then he seemed to wake up, realized how much Tanya was dear to him and thought about how to return love.
Useful tips on how to fall in love with a man
To be honest, we all did not believe that they were reunited, and Tanya herself was very determined, convincing that Seryozha had destroyed all feelings in her, but he managed to save the family.
Just yesterday the useless husband stopped drinking( in general!), Got settled at last for a normal job and began the process of conquering his wife.
It was not easy, it all stretched for three months, but now they are really happy.
Seryozha surprised us all, having managed to become a completely different person.
When can I not return love?
Of course, such stories with a happy end, which I told you, much less than sad tales of broken hearts.
Sometimes, that you do not return love is simply impossible and there are very objective reasons for this:
Your passion object does not have any warm feelings towards you, only - hatred, dislike, irritation, indifference.
There is no love left, nothing to return.
- Your second half really fell in love with another / another, not just carried away or decided to experiment - and wedged in the ears.
You caused too much evil to another person, and resentment overpowered love.
On such a foundation, it is not worth building relationships, because even if you glue a shattered cup, you can not drink from it anyway, because important chunks are lost and it looks more like a sieve.
If you find out your situation, it's wiser to just let that person go, even if you suffer from love.
Just wish him happiness, heal your heart and go in search of your happy end with another person.
How to return love: to find the cause of its loss
After you have firmly determined to return the love and felt that you can do it, you should understand the reasons that led to its loss.
Once you figure out why your relationship has collapsed, you will understand how to act:
- The reason is in another man / another woman?"You must prove that it's better."
- Is it all about your bad behavior?- Change for the better.
- You could not make your soul mate happy?"It's time to look for ways to fix this."
How to return love: to become the same person once loved
One of the reasons why my friend Tanya drove her husband Seryozha is that he changed a lot during the years of their married life for the worse.
Maybe he was always so, but did not show his bad inclinations to his future wife - not the point.
Tanya was married to another person: caring, willing to spend all the time with her, quite successful in the profession, moderately related to alcohol, etc.
Think, maybe you have the same situation.
If so, then you also need to get rid of vices and resurrect those qualities for which you once fell in love.
How to become a good wife?
How to return love: to become indispensable in a person's life
We are afraid to lose something without which we can not live normally.
If you are an absolutely useless creature that is of no use to you, then you have no chance to return love.
For example, if you disappear from the life of your loved one, then it will not change for the worse, but it should.
Your task is really to become irreplaceable.
Your second half should understand: if she loses you, then her life will form a void, which will not be filled with anything.
How to return love: to revive the candy-bouquet period
Life kills love.
Of course, in the family life can not do without, but if you let the life with a head suck you, then happiness will run away, headlong.
If family life is destroyed precisely because romance and passion have gone out of her, then it's time to get them back:
- let your husband / wife feel again young and desired;
- resurrect the candy-bouquet period;
- diversify your becoming boring intimate life;
- hammer on the purchase of meat grinders or wallpaper gluing in the corridor and spend better this money on a trip for two( albeit budget) and romantic dates;
- again start courting your second half: give small gifts, flowers( the husband gives his wife flowers, although - you can and vice versa), arrange romantic surprises, admit to love, etc.
To fix the information received
recommend you to watch a video about how
how to return the love of the husband / man:
How to return love: find your happiness formula
Love, rushed headlong, escaped from your life for a reason, but because ittired of feeling unhappy.
You have a very difficult task: to understand why you and your second half were not happy and what you need to change everything.
In this case, giving general advice is an empty matter, because each situation is individual.
If you are sure that you will not be able to find your own formula for happiness and return love, be like a family psychologist.
Specialist you probably help.
And yet: in order not to panic to invent ways, how to return the love of , try not to lose it.
If you already have a firebird in your window, then you should not kick it out with your sticks from the house, and then pour the crocodiles with tears about the terrible loss.