Exercises for triceps with dumbbells - effective training complexes for men and women

For proportional musculature development, it is important to pay attention to all muscle groups. Male athletes often focus on the biceps, forgetting about the triceps, which is up to 60% of the total arm volume. You can pump the triceps muscle with dumbbells at home, and in the gym.

How to pump the triceps with dumbbells

Training program, the number of approaches and repetitions are selected, based on the tasks. For example, girls just want to strengthen their muscles and do not seek to build muscle. Men, as a rule, pursue the opposite goal and want to make their hands more massive. Exercises on the triceps with dumbbells are not as effective as the barbell options, but are safer, less traumatic and can be performed even in the apartment room.

The sports complex, as a rule, consists of basic and isolated exercises. The technique of the first involves more than one joint, so several groups of muscles are activated simultaneously. This helps to work the triceps, shoulders, chest, back. Basic exercises are performed at the beginning of the workout, because they consume more energy. If you do them at the end of the program, they will not be as effective, or maybe just not enough strength to perform.

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Isolated exercises involve always only one joint and are needed to target specific muscle groups, often small ones. It is difficult to pump the mass with their help, they are used for working out the relief. They are put at the end of the training program to reach the muscle limit. For maximum effect in the schemes, both basic and isolated exercises are used.

How to pump the triceps with dumbbells while sitting

There are several exercise options that load the triceps. Such a variety is necessary because of the peculiarities of the structure of this muscle. It consists of three beams:

  • long;
  • medium or medial;
  • lateral or lateral.

With different motion mechanics, they are not loaded evenly, so for proportional development you need to perform several exercises. One of the most common ways to pump the triceps muscle is to extend the arms in a sitting position from behind the head. The maximum load in this movement is a long beam, the others slightly less.

This triceps dumbbell exercise is an isolating type, so it should be performed after the base part. You can do it with each hand in turn, but it is better to do it with two simultaneously, so that the load is distributed evenly. You will need a bench on which you should take the original position. The technique of execution is as follows:

  1. Sit comfortably, the legs stand firm on the floor, keep your head straight, your back straight, look ahead.
  2. Take the dumbbell with your hands "to the lock" for the pancakes from one side. The neck of the projectile should be between the thumb and forefinger of your both hands.
  3. Take the dumbbell by the head, lower it as low as possible to fully stretch the triceps.
  4. Lock the position of the body, elbows, they do not have to move at all.
  5. Begin to unbend your arms at the elbows until they are fully straightened, and the projectile will not be over your head.
  6. Slowly lower the dumbbell to its original position.
  7. Repeat this movement 12-15 times. For training, you must perform at least 2-3 approaches.

You can not do the exercise quickly, because this can lead to injury and reduced efficiency. Beginners often make the following mistakes:

  • one of the hands push the projectile stronger than the second;
  • is too arched back, which creates an extra burden on the lower back.

Extension of the arm to the triceps in the slope of the

This is another example of an isolated triceps exercise with dumbbells. You should perform it at the very end of the workout in order to maximize the muscle. This is a very simple option from a technical point of view, it is often performed in the gym by the girls. For men, it is also quite suitable. Load is equally distributed over all three bundles. The technique is as follows:

  1. It is possible to do both hands simultaneously, but it is better to do it in turn.
  2. Take the weight in one of the arms, place the opposite arm and leg on the bench. Your body should be parallel to the floor.
  3. The part of the arm from the shoulder to the elbow should be raised so as to be parallel to the floor.
  4. Keep your head straight, look ahead. Start the extension of the elbow, try to straighten it completely.
  5. At the highest point, detain the projectile for 1-2 seconds and smoothly, under control, lower it to its original position.

In this exercise, it is important not to swing your arm up and down, but to extend the elbow. To better control the movement, make a delay of 1-2 seconds at the bottom and top point. Select the weight of the dumbbell should be so that you can perform a minimum of 3 sets and 10 repetitions in each. An alternative option to this exercise may be extending the arms from the upper block.

Press of dumbbells for triceps

This is an isolated exercise on the triceps muscle. More often it is carried out with a barbell, but with dumbbells you can use an alternative - the French press. Doing this option is more difficult, but there is less risk of hitting yourself on the forehead. The triceps are loaded well, beginners should not perform this exercise without preliminary preparation. Do not take heavy dumbbells, because it is likely to damage the elbow joint. The technique of execution is as follows:

  1. In the initial position it is necessary to lie either on the floor or on the bench( the second option is preferable).
  2. In each hand, take a dumbbell.
  3. Raise your hands up so that they are perpendicular to your body.
  4. Fix your elbows, while moving they should not move. Lower the dumbbell to the face. Control this process so as not to hit your forehead.
  5. Completely lower the projectile to the face, then again slowly raise it to its original position. If everything is done correctly, the probability of getting injured is very small.

Exercises for the triceps at home for women

To tighten the muscles of the body, it is not necessary to go to the gym. Many girls are training right at home. Typically, the emphasis is on the hips, buttocks and press, but about the hands, too, should not be forgotten. They are prone to the appearance of cellulite, the skin can become flabby without proper load. There are options how to pump the triceps at home with or without dumbbells.

If you have a given projectile, then you can fully follow all the exercises described above. Particular attention should be given to the extension of the arms in the slope, which are well suited for girls, do not have complicated techniques and are highly effective. If there are no dumbbells at home, then you can use other options for training the triceps. Houses can be made:


An excellent option, which loads all three bundles well, to a lesser extent involves the front fascicle of the shoulder muscle. The technique is as follows:

  1. You will need an elevated surface for the palm rest. You can use a bed, sofa or chair( if it is stable).
  2. Stand with your back to it, squat down and place your hands on the edge of the surface, rest and stretch your legs forward.
  3. Fully straighten your hands. This is the starting position of the exercise. In mechanics, it resembles push-up on bars, but with a greater focus on the triceps.
  4. Bend your arms in the elbows, sinking to the floor. After reaching the bottom point, return to the initial position. Repeat the motion 10 times.

Push-ups from the floor

This classic exercise option can load different muscle groups depending on the setting of the hands. If you put them narrowly, then the load shifts to the triceps. For training, you do not need any additional equipment, which makes pushups a great way to pump the triceps muscle at home. Technique:

  1. Take the emphasis lying down.
  2. Set your arms to the width of your shoulders at chest level.
  3. Elbows push against the body. If it is difficult for you to do push-ups, you can first do it from your knees.
  4. Without pulling your elbows to the sides( keep them pressed against the body), drop to the floor and then top again. Repeat 15 times.

Video: exercises for triceps with dumbbells

  • Mar 25, 2018
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