How to switch a video card on a laptop - an instruction and various ways to change the settings

Many models of modern portable computers have two graphic video adapters: integrated and discrete. The system itself decides which one to use for a particular task. There are several options how to configure the video card on the laptop, so that a weaker chip is not mistakenly included in the games.

How to switch between video cards on the

laptop For those who do not know what a video adapter is in a laptop, it is necessary to remember that at present there are two kinds of this element of the system. The first one - built into the processor, the adapter can not boast of high performance, but consumes little power. Models PCs with such a combined version are, as a rule, cheaper. There are models of such processors from both world manufacturers: Intel and AMD.

The second kind of video adapters is discrete or separate. These cards are well suited for games, video processing, but are more expensive, have higher power consumption and are more heated. Optionally, the system should only have one kind of graphics chip. Many laptop computers have both types of adapters at the same time. By default, the operating system itself makes a choice which one to run in this particular task. Sometimes it is wrong and you need a setting from the user.

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If video adapters are the same generation and from one company, you can specify the parameters under which they will work simultaneously, increasing the computer's performance. However, game developers recommend choosing one main option. This can be done using:

  • Task Manager;
  • in the BIOS;
  • special programs.

How to switch the video card in BIOS

This option works always on stationary machines, but is not always present in laptops. Some models do not support it, so you just need to check. Below is the instruction on how to enable the video card on the laptop and make it basic:

  1. Start or restart the PC.
  2. During the first screen saver, press DEL or F2( for different versions).
  3. When you get to the BIOS, control will be done using the arrows on the keyboard.
  4. To change the priority of the card, find the item called "Advanced" or "Config".
  5. Here you need a section that would include the word "Graphics".The names on models from Asus, Lenovo or HP may differ, but this word is always present.
  6. You need to either disable the second chipset, set it to Disabled, or move the primary adapter to the first line.
  7. Save the changes and exit the BIOS.

How to change the video card on the laptop through the device manager

The second option, how to switch the video card on a laptop - use the Windows tool "Device Manager".This menu contains all the elements of the system that are installed on the laptop. You can not change the configuration here, but you can disable any of the devices. To go to the panel, do the following:

  1. Right-click the "My Computer" icon.
  2. Select "Management".
  3. In the left menu, find the line "Device Manager".
  4. Expand the item "Video adapters".In it are those chipsets that are installed in the system.
  5. Right-click on the built-in adapter, select "Disable".

This manipulation will turn off the extra chip and only one main chip will remain. This is a temporary measure, because after restarting the computer, the device will resume operation. To switch forever the priority of the launch, you should use the specialized software that comes with the AMD Radeon, Nvidia GeForce adapters. This way to change the priority is much more reliable and easier.

Switching the video card of the laptop with special programs

Two main programs for managing video cards are only available with a discrete adapter type. For products from AMD, this is Catalyst Control Center, and Nvidia has NVIDIA Control Center. These applications offer the opportunity to more subtly control devices, set priority for them, enable or disable collaboration, set automatic chip change depending on the game or program that is running.

How to choose the main video card on a laptop in NVIDIA

Together with the adapter, there is a CD with special software for the product. It stores the drivers, some specialized applications for setting the chip frequency, fan speed and the program for general management of the system's graphic parameters. In Nvidia, this function is performed by the Control Center section. Inside this application, you can set specific settings. Instructions how to switch the video card to a laptop:

  1. Click on the Nvidia icon( bottom right corner of the screen) in the system tray and click on "Open Control Panel".
  2. Click on the item from the left menu "Manage 3D settings".
  3. On the right, select the "Program settings" tab.
  4. The system will find all possible applications for which you can set the preferred graphics adapter.
  5. Find a game or program that starts with the wrong chip from the drop-down list.
  6. There is a partition under it, through which the required video card is set.
  7. If you can not find the required file through the list, you can add it manually via the "Add" button.

How to switch to a discrete graphics card in a laptop in Catalyst

You can also change the preferred adapter via Radeon software. It also goes along with the card, but if you lost the disk, the latest version should be downloaded free of charge from the manufacturer's website. Remember that you can set the mode in which both cards will work simultaneously. Instructions how to switch AMD video card to a laptop:

  1. Run the Catalyst utility.
  2. You need a menu item from the "Power" section called "Switchable graphics adapters".
  3. Click on the "High Performance GPU" button. If you have a PC connected to the network, a discrete card will always work. If you want to switch to an integrated one, then select "Low GPU consumption".

Video: how to switch to another video card on

  • Mar 25, 2018
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