The article is about why the child does not eat well and what to do about it.
Contents of
- Why did the child become ill?
- What if the premature baby does not eat well?
- A child does not eat a mixture: what to do?
- A child under 6 months of eating badly: what to do?
- A child of 6-12 months does not eat well: what to do?
- A child a year does not eat well: what to do?
- To the child 2-4 years badly eats: what to do?
- A child of 5-8 years does not eat well: what to do?
- A child after illness does not eat anything
- A child does not eat in the garden: what to do?
- A child does not eat at home: what to do?
- A child does not eat vegetables: what to do?
- A child does not eat fruit: what to do?
- What should I do if a child does not eat the lure of Komarovsky?
- VIDEO: If a child does not eat well
Almost every parent is faced with a situation where his child starts a bad network. It is necessary to correctly identify the cause of such a problem, and then begin to eliminate it.
Why did the child become ill?
The reasons why a child can start eating badly is a lot. It all depends on the age of the baby, his health. Sometimes it happens that parents themselves come up with a problem, although their baby feels great, he is full of energy.
The main thing that parents should take care of is to stop being nervous and get help from specialists. An adequate pediatrician will comprehensively study the health of the baby and make an objective conclusion.
What if the premature baby does not eat well?
It happens that babies are born before the due date. If a premature baby does not eat well, then most likely it is because he simply can not do it, although he will be very hungry.
The fact is that premature babies are sometimes born so weak that they simply do not have enough strength to suck milk from my mother's breast. They are so tired of sucking so quickly that they stop taking their breasts, and as a result they do not gain weight.
In this case, it is necessary to feed the baby from the bottle. You can also use a syringe or a teaspoon.
IMPORTANT: It should be remembered that, having got used to take food from a bottle, the kid can forever give up his mother's breast.
Following the above recommendations, in the near future the mother will be able to make sure that her baby started gaining weight, he became sturdier and can calmly eat milk from his mother's breast.
A child does not eat a mixture: what to do?
Often moms are wondering what to do with a child who has become ill to eat the mixture. To begin with it is necessary to understand the reasons for this behavior:
- The child becomes ill. Pay attention to the temperature of the baby
- The child is suffering from sore throat. Painful swallowing can make a child uncomfortable. If necessary, contact a specialist for assistance with
- . The baby may not be hungry yet. Children who are breastfed need more time to digest food. Give the child 3-4 hours
- Sometimes it happens that the child does not like the taste of the mixture. All mixtures differ in composition and taste. Offer the child another mixture, maybe he will like it much more
- Sometimes a child can refuse the mixture due to gum disease from teething. There are many medications that can help the baby cope with this inconvenience.
- Sometimes a baby can not arrange a bottle or her nipple. Try to replace them, choose suitable
- The reason for refusing the mixture may be pain in the abdomen of the baby due to increased gas production or indigestion. Try to prepare the mixture according to the instructions.its violation can provoke the ailment of the baby. Offer a baby dill vodichku
- There are times when a child refuses to mix because of improper cooking - digestion is disturbed, diarrhea is possible. When the mixture becomes very thick, it is difficult for the baby to suck it out - the concentration of dry powder in water is exceeded. You should prepare the mixture only according to the instructions of
. A child under 6 months does not eat well: what to do?
The taste of breast milk is affected by absolutely all foods eaten by the mother. Sometimes there are dishes with a high content of certain types of spices, spices - not always after that the milk will taste the baby, and as a consequence, he can refuse to use it.
In this regard, young mothers should for some time refrain from taking spices and spices.
But if the child's loss of appetite is delayed, then it is worthwhile to observe the child, to identify possible causes:
- The reason for refusing food can be a short frenum of the tongue of the baby
- . Also the child may refuse food due to gum disease with teething babies
- .may occur as a consequence of inflammatory diseases of the mouth cavity. For example, stomatitis, yeast
- The cause of breast failure may be poorly expressed mother's breast
. If the above mentioned reasons are excluded, it is a question of reducing appetite. Causes of decreased appetite:
- General disease of the child. Pay attention to the body temperature of the baby
- If the loss of appetite is accompanied and not by the weight gain of the baby, then it can be a case of the digestive tract disease
- Dysbacteriosis
- There may be problems with the endocrine system
- There may be problems with the nervous system of the baby
- No established day regimen. Pay attention to the catering services. Should give the child time to get hungry
- Sometimes the causes of loss of appetite should be looked for from outside. For example, the room is very dry, hot. Other stimuli are possible
IMPORTANT: If the disease has led to a decrease in appetite, it should initially get rid of it, and there the appetite will be adjusted.
Depending on the reasons why your child refuses to eat, parents should choose ways to solve this problem. If you yourself are not able to identify the cause, or to influence its removal, it is best to contact a specialist in pediatrics.
The pediatrician can professionally assess the state of the baby's health, identify the cause of the decrease in appetite, and, if necessary, prescribe a treatment.
A child of 6-12 months does not eat well: what to do?
The main reasons why a child of this age may have decreased appetite are described in the section above.
But, there are also reasons that are typical for this age of kids. As a rule, in six months the child gradually begins to introduce complementary foods. In this regard, the reasons for refusing food can be as follows:
- child does not like to eat from a spoon
- kid does not like the temperature of the dishes
- crumbs are not satisfied with the color, the proposed food
- child is not satisfied with the consistency of the proposed dishes. For example, the food
is not well crushed. The only thing that a mother can do with such a problem is to cook baby food with love, do not insist on using it. If you force a child to eat by force, he can develop a negative attitude towards food, especially to new foods.
A child a year does not eat well: what to do?
The reasons for which a child of this age can be bad are the following:
- The onset of the disease. Pay attention to the general condition of the child
- The period after the illness. Give the body the ability to recover the baby
- Teeth continue to erupt. Inflamed gums prevent the baby from eating well
- The child did not have time to get hungry. Exclude snacks. Pamper the child delicious you can almost immediately after the main meal
- External factors. For example, you want to drink more hot in the summer, but do not eat
- . Maybe for some reason the baby's regime has lost its way. You should definitely install it
- The child does not like the food you offered. He already formed taste preferences
- A child may get bored with monotonous food. It should offer a variety of baby, balanced meal
What mother when the child is not eating well, depends on the reasons for such behavior. Sometimes it will be beautiful enough to decorate a dish offered to a baby.
In case the mother can not understand the reasons for the decrease in the appetite of the baby, it is mandatory to consult a specialist.
Child 2-4 years of bad eating: what to do?
After two years the children come to a period when they become very cautious and suspicious, they start to fear everything, including new dishes.
This period lasts a fairly long period of time. Sometimes parents have to wait until eight or nine years of the baby.
Let's figure out what to do with this:
- To begin with, parents should be patient. It's not always the first time a baby wants to try a new dish, it can take up to twenty attempts. If the twentieth time the baby did not want to try a new dish, you should take a break, but this time may be introduced into the diet of baby
- other culinary masterpieces in this age is already clearly manifested culinary preferences. Do not neglect it. Offer the child the right to choose. Ask him what he would like to eat, but that does not mean that you should go on about the baby and feed it exclusively with candies
- You should not force the child to eat. This can cause a negative attitude to food, and especially to the proposed dish
- Invite the child to participate in cooking. Children eagerly eat meals prepared by themselves
- Be sure to follow the regime. The child should know clearly when breakfast, and when lunch
- Avoid snacks from kids. Give him time to get hungry.
- . You should help your child concentrate solely on food. It is necessary to turn off the TV, remove all extraneous sounds, without the need not to talk to the baby.
- . Do not encourage sweets to eat. The child should not observe such a connection. It is better to offer a small, but healthy dessert after each meal.
- Teach your child a food culture on his example. If possible, sit at the dinner table with the whole family, eat your food with pleasure
- You can approach creatively and try to interest the kid with the prepared dish. It should be nice to decorate the dish for the baby, come up with the name of the dish, maybe even tell a colorful story about it.
A child of 5-8 years does not eat well: what to do?
The reasons why a child does not eat well in five to eight years are identical to the reasons from the previous section. There you can find information on how to deal with it.
A child after illness does not eat anything
As already mentioned in this article, do not force the child to eat, after the illness he has suffered. Initially, the child will not show increased appetite.
However, parents should take special care of the child's diet during this period. Preference is to give the products tasty and useful. The main thing is to cause your baby's appetite.
The child does not eat in the garden: what to do?
Sometimes it happens that the child went to the kindergarten and immediately began to eat poorly. Let's try to understand why this is happening and what to do about it.
When the kid does not stay with his parents, grandparents, and with a tutor, he has a hard time.
IMPORTANT: Adaptation period in the kindergarten is the strongest stress for the child.
The reasons for the child's refusal to eat can be as follows:
- The day regime in the kindergarten does not match the regime that the child had at home. The child has to adjust to the new daily routine
- The Dedsad menu is very different from home dishes. A child at this age can strongly touch in food, treat her with caution
- Not every child knows how to use cutlery, while other babies are skillfully treated with them
- It happens that the child badly asks for a pot
- The child thus tries to attract himselfattention of parents. In any case, parents will worry because of the refusal of the baby to eat, perhaps even taken early out of the garden. Children and it feels good
In order to minimize stress in your baby, you should start preparing it in advance for kindergarten:
- Gradually, a month before the first day in the kindergarten, start to teach the child to the new regime. Morning rise, food, sleep should be as close as possible to the
- dedsadov. You can try to prepare the baby dishes similar to those offered in the children's institution
- Teach the child to use the cutlery on their own. Teach the child to the pot
- Parents should be patient. You should remain calm - the children also feel it well.
It also happens that children start to eat poorly, the adaptation period period is behind. The reasons for this behavior can be the following:
- The disease is coming. Watch the baby, maybe something bothers him
- In the summer, when it's hot outside, the child's appetite may drop. In this there is nothing to worry about, offer to drink more
- Perhaps the baby does not add up to the babies from his group. Try to figure it out, it's probably easy to eliminate the cause. If necessary, contact the provider
. The child does not eat at home: what to do?
Why does it happen that a child does not eat at home, most likely the mother can answer. Watching your baby, talking with him, my mother is easiest to draw a conclusion.
Reasons may be as follows:
- The disease is coming. Pay attention to the health of the child, maybe something is bothering him.
- The child is ill. Do not force him to eat during this period, offer to drink
- Period after illness. Suggest your favorite baby's dishes, do not insist
- Problems with the kids in the kindergarten, in the yard, school, etc. Find out the reason and try to help
- It's hot outside. Offer to drink more, do not force to eat
- The child does not like the proposed dish. Do not force a baby to eat something that he does not like. This can cause a negative attitude towards food
- The child did not have time to get hungry after the previous meal. Exclude snacks
A child does not eat vegetables: what to do?
Some parents note that their children do not want to eat vegetables at all. Do not get upset, many people go through it, eventually everything will change. However, you can try to fix it:
- To begin with, start adding vegetables to all possible dishes, where appropriate. The child may not like it, but he will definitely get used to it.
- Offer a child to help you in the garden. Perhaps having grown the vegetable yourself, the child will gladly want to eat it
- Serve vegetables, decorate even sandwiches for crumbs. Beautiful dishes carry children, cause interest
- Let the vegetables always be present on the table. They should be cut - small pieces, nicely laid out on a plate
- Always eat the vegetables yourself. Watching you, the child will begin to join.
IMPORTANT: In families where adults themselves consume vegetables, add them to various dishes, there is rarely a question about the refusal of children to use them.
A child does not eat fruit: what to do?
Sometimes it happens that the child refuses to eat fruit. It is not necessary for parents to be very upset about this. As in the case of vegetables, this is likely to pass with time. But, you can try to accelerate this process:
- Parents themselves must eat fruit. The child can not resist if his parents enjoy using them
- Fruits should always be present on the table. Let them be available to the kid at any time.
- Finely chop and lay the pieces of fruit on a beautiful dish.
- Add fruits to all dishes, where appropriate.
- Offer the baby a puree of fruit. It can contain more than one fruit
- Lay out of the pieces of fruit picture. The child can get carried away
What if the child does not eat the lure of Komarovsky?
- Naturally, at a certain age a child should be introduced a complementary food. Its absence will lead to deficiency of iron, vitamin B12, folic acid
- However, according to Dr. Komarovsky, nothing terrible happens when a child refuses to feed, and only eats mother's milk. He calls this situation a problem with the selective appetite of
- . This problem is easily resolved with outside help. The fact is that when the mother is near, the baby feels great about mother's milk, it's hard for him to give up, but from the foodstuffs it's easy to
- . In case of mother's absence, it will be much easier to make the baby feel hungry
IMPORTANT: According to Dr. Komarovsky, the feeling of hunger is the only way to make a baby eat complementary foods.
Parents should get as close to their child as possible - this will help you to find out the problem in your child's hand, find out the cause of the problem and easily understand the consequences of the problem.