Ruta graveolens
Ancient perennial medicinal plant. Its homeland - Southern Europe, grows well in the Mediterranean Sea, that is, in a warm climate. Thanks to the healing effect, the root was also appreciated by the ancient Egyptians, Greeks and Romans.
A perennial plant( semi-shrub) grows from a lignified rhizome, reaching a height of 30-50 cm. The stem is straight, branched with bluish-green, strongly dissected leaves. Blossoms in the summer. Yellow 4-5-membered flowers are collected in lush topchamber whisk. Fruit - four or five-nest box. Ingredients: contains an essential oil, the main components of which are pinep, limonene, cineole, rutin, furocoumarins and alkaloids. Also, the root contains malic acid, tannins and bitterness.
Cultivation of
Ruta is a cold-resistant and relatively frost-resistant plant. To the growing conditions is undemanding. They grow it on various types of medium-fertile dry calcareous soils. Better develops in solar areas, protected from the wind. The soil is prepared, as well as under other perennial spicy plants, in the fall - deep processing, in the spring - digging 15-20 cm. Propagate the root with seeds, seedling and vegetative methods( cuttings, bush division).In the open ground, the seeds are sown in the spring( in late April - the first half of May), in order to obtain seedlings in early April - in sowing boxes in the greenhouse. Seal the seeds finely. Seedlings, if necessary, are thinned out. Seeds are planted or seedlings are planted in rows with rows between 60-70 cm. Plants in a row are placed through 35-40 cm( up to 50 cm).Care consists of loosening the soil in the aisles, weeding and with the weak growth of plants in fertilizing with fertilizers. Ruta can be grown in one place for no more than 5-7 years.
To have many leaves, periodically cut off the plants not yet stiff shoots( 3-4 times per season).Young leaves from the tops of shoots are collected in May. The leaves of the rue are collected usually before the flowering of the plant. Used leaves or all grass. Grass can be harvested several times a year. Hand with rue fragrant should be carefully, it can cause unpleasant irritations on the skin. It is interesting that the fresh green herbs have a strong, peculiar and sometimes unpleasant smell. However, after drying, the smell of the leaves changes and slightly resembles the aroma of the rose. Dry the leaves at a temperature of no higher than 35 ° C for a week. After that, the dry leaves are separated from the twigs and stored in a tin box or glass jar with a tight-fitting lid.
Medicinal properties of
In folk medicine, ruta is used against worms in children, with disorders of the menstrual cycle, as a means of irritating the skin and reducing rheumatic and neuralgic pains, as well as headaches caused by blood rushes to the cerebral cortex, dizziness, dyspnea. Ruta has a beneficial effect when added to dishes, as it stimulates the appetite, improves digestion. Ruta has a strong antiseptic effect.
The taste of rue bitter, spicy, spicy, the smell of spicy aromatic. Essential oil of rue is used in the food and perfume industry. In the pharmaceutical industry, leaves and inflorescences of rue are used in the production of aromatic water, various tinctures, medicinal charges and medicines. From it receive routine. Young fresh and dried leaves are used as a seasoning. Their peculiar aroma gives a piquant taste to dishes from fish and eggs. In combination with other spicy plants, it is used in the preparation of game. In a small amount, this spice is added to the ready meals. Rutu is also used for special vinegar tinctures, for flavoring tea, cocktails and liqueurs. As a spice, use rue should be carefully, because it has a strong flavor and taste. The leaves are completely added to canned cucumbers, tomatoes or other vegetables. Ruta gives refined taste to fillings, salads, assorted dishes and dishes from vegetables. A peculiar special taste is obtained with her dishes from lamb and cheese. Since it is poisonous in large quantities, add it to sauces and soups, the dishes of mushrooms should be in moderation.