- Small spool, yes expensive
- Recipes of the refrigeration cryocubes
- Terms of using cosmetic ice
Green cosmetics, called from the bed, carry the energy and expediency of nature. Decoction, infusion, ice from parsley for the face organically combines more than a dozen minerals, 6 groups of vitamins, valuable amino acids, biologically active and bleaching substances. According to the content of only ascorbic acid and carotene, a modest greenskin surpasses lemon and carrots. But these are the most powerful antioxidants, protecting the body from diseases and aging. Such a potential is simply a sin not to use to preserve the youth and beauty of the skin!
Small spool, yes expensive
Looking at the garden with green curls of parsley, marvel at how generous the nature was to a simple gardener. The plant-healer has always been used to combat various ailments.- With its help restore and strengthen the eyesight.
- Green consumption normalizes digestion, metabolic processes in the body.
- Infusion of leaves, roots, cleans and regulates the work of the kidneys.
- Juice is useful in diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
The external application of green culture is no less effective. Decoction of parsley women use to cleanse the face, shredded greens - for masks, ice - for refreshing and rejuvenating procedures. Beneficial effect on the skin due to the vitamin-mineral composition of the plant.
- Parsley contains a "shock" antioxidant complex - A + C + E. It is these vitamins that resist free radicals that provoke oxidative processes in the body, aging and destruction of cells, their degeneration, until the appearance of tumors.
- Vitamin A is involved in the synthesis of hyaluronic acid. This substance fills the intercellular space, affects the state of the main proteins of the epidermis - collagen and elastin. In cosmetology, hyaluronic acid is used to maintain the water balance and elastic structure of the skin.
- Vitamin C not only prevents oxidative processes, but performs a protective function. Ascorbic acid removes inflammatory processes on the skin, heals microcracks, retains moisture, increases the elasticity of the epithelium, protects against the harmful effects of solar ultraviolet radiation. The acidic chemical composition of the vitamin contributes to the clarification of the skin, to the smoothing of its color.
- Healthy appearance of the skin gives vitamin B₂.Decoction, ice from parsley for the face, thanks to the presence of riboflavin, promotes the regeneration( renewal) of epidermal cells. As a consequence, regular procedures eliminate peeling, heal cracks, give the skin an even tone.
- Vitamin PP( nicotinic acid) enhances the influx and circulation of blood, thereby improving the nourishment of the skin from the inside.
Recipes of the
juvenile cryopubes Recipes from parsley are useful for fresh use for cleansing, refreshing the face, but if you make ice from it, you will get a wonderful tonic for future use. To get a really healing liquid, you need to use fresh natural raw materials. Best is the greens picked up in the garden or bought at the market by grandmothers. Store parsley can also be quite anything, but there is no guarantee that the manufacturer did not use excess chemistry during cultivation.
To get a glass of strong infusion, you need a good bunch of parsley - by weight it is 70-100 g. The foliage is rather stiff, with a glossy tint, so to accelerate the return of nutrients, before cooking, the greens are recommended to grind until the juice appears. We offer several recipes for preparing cosmetic ice cubes from this vitamin herb.
Tip! Refrain from preparing ice cubes with parsley in winter - this is not always beneficial to the face. In addition, greenhouse greens are processed not only in the garden, but also on the counter. Unfair sellers spray wilted products with special preparations, after which it looks like fresh. What can not be said about the internal content of the product.
Of herbal infusion
The simplest option is to freeze clean, without any additives, infusion of parsley. Fresh greens must first be thoroughly washed in several waters, then finely chopped, chopped in a blender or passed through a meat grinder. The resulting gruel is poured with boiling water at the rate of 200-250 g of water per 100 g of vegetable raw materials. The solution is insisted for 20-30 minutes( before cooling down), then poured into a molded ice container.
Face wiping with such ice in the morning refreshes, tightens and lightly whitens the skin, makes it elastic, well moisturized.
From parsley juice
Cosmetic ice is sometimes prepared from parsley juice - for the face it is no less useful. To get 200 g of juice, several large bundles of plant along with petioles are needed. Greens are passed through a juicer, better auger. The second option - grind to the state of gruel, then rub through a fine sieve or squeezed through several layers of gauze. It's okay if the juice gets punctured particles.
Concentrated agent is especially effective, if the skin needs to be bleached, remove pigment spots, redness. Cubes of pure juice well tighten the pores and dry the oily skin. To get vitamin Cryocubics for easy cleansing, saturation of the skin with moisture, vitamins, trace elements, the juice is diluted with pure mineral water - in equal proportions or 1: 2.
Tip! To enhance the whitening effect of ice cubes, parsley is recommended to combine with dandelion leaves. They are taken evenly, squeezed out juice or cooked with infusion. For infusion, the leaves are crushed and poured with boiling water, so that the greens are covered. After cooling, remove cake and pour into molds.
With olive oil
For sensitive or dry skin, prepare ice from parsley with olive oil.
In a glass of warm infusion, cooked as described in the first recipe, add a teaspoon of olive oil, stir well. The oil will not dissolve in water, and its microscopic droplets will be distributed in the frozen liquid. As the ice melts from contact with the warm skin, the oil will soften, nourish it.
Tip! Instead of olive oil, it is recommended to add other oils that saturate the skin with useful substances, smooth it, strengthen elasticity. For example, a positive effect has sea-buckthorn, almond, peach oil.
Rules for using cosmetic ice
Using ice cubes with parsley for face care, do not forget about the precautionary rules.
- Do not abuse the cold procedure, so as not to chill the facial nerve, do not provoke inflammation. The recommended duration of the procedure is 5 minutes.
- Discard the cryocubes during a cold if you are overweight with chronic sinusitis or rhinitis.
- In the summer, wipe your face in the morning, in the winter - only in the evening, so as not to leave after cosmetic procedure in the cold.
Take for the rule, massage your face regularly with ice from parsley and the result will not take long. A unique plant will make the skin fresh, soft, smooth out fine wrinkles, remove puffiness.
Preparation of cubes from parsley: