Transparent teeth: when is the norm, and when treatment is required?

Many people over the years change the appearance of teeth. Enamel at a certain age acquires a transparent shade. Such a pathology usually gives rise to anxiety in a person, since completely healthy teeth become transparent.

In many cases, experts attribute this phenomenon not to pathology, but to the norm, so do not panic ahead of time. It is necessary to understand in detail the question of why such a violation occurs in the body, for this you need to seek help from a specialist.


  • Why can the enamel on the teeth become transparent?
  • Area of ​​defeat
  • What is the danger of the phenomenon?
  • What can I do - treatment and restoration of enamel
  • Preventative measures

Why can enamel on the teeth become transparent?

Dentists do not take this phenomenon to the category of diseases, but consider the appearance of transparency of the enamel as normal. The main reason for the clarification of the enamel layer is an insufficient amount of calcium in the body. Such a deviation can be attributed to the acquired cosmetic defect, and not to the disease. But, if this issue is not taken seriously and not taken action, then in the future it may threaten the destruction of teeth.

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Reasons why the teeth become transparent:

  • genetic inheritance;
  • present dental diseases such as caries, periodontitis, cyst;
  • irregular or irregular oral hygiene;
  • use of paste with aggressive ingredients;
  • increased brush stiffness or strong forces during cleaning;
  • excessive consumption of sour and sweet foods;
  • malfunctions in the functioning of the digestive system in the form of heartburn;
  • administration of tetracycline antibiotics.

In the picture transparent tetracycline teeth

Transparency of enamel in childhood is due to weak tissue development or hypoplasia. Many parents practically do not pay attention to this problem. Many fathers and mothers believe that this is normal. They begin to be alarmed only when the baby has tooth decay due to the thin coating of the tooth enamel.

This problem occurs in children if the mother during pregnancy was not getting enough minerals, or in her body there was a deficiency of calcium and phosphorus.

In most cases, the dentist notices the enamel transparency in children. Therefore, it is important to show the child to a specialist when the first teeth are cut. Only after a detailed examination, the children's dentist will choose the right treatment.

When white spots appear on the enamel surface or clear gaps, consult a dentist. This must be done necessarily, so a small problem can develop into a serious illness.

At the initial stage, this may be the norm, but later developing fluorosis makes the enamel of the tooth fragile, which contributes to the appearance of cracks and chips on it. In addition, pain will begin to appear, especially if it hits a sensitive surface cold or hot.

Area of ​​defeat

The tooth is very rarely transparent. If the teeth are transparent on the cutting edge or whiten the enamel at the ends, then this is not a serious problem. Each person in this place has an enamel thinner, and dentin is completely absent. Therefore, it seems that the cutting edge of the tooth seems to be glassy.

Much more problems are created by fluorosis in the neck and equator parts. Despite the fact that in the neck area the enamel has a thin base, under its layer is dentin.

Therefore, when the protective coating is thinned, the tooth becomes glassy and the yellowish-brown color of the dentin appears. This gives the impression that caries have appeared, and the enamel has become covered with bloom. Due to this, a person is in an uncomfortable state, as he tries to control a smile.

What is the danger of the phenomenon?

According to statistics, transparent teeth are more common in middle-aged people. The whole process lasts around 10-15 years. If the time is not taken, the following problems can arise:

  • wear of enamel is accelerated at times, up to complete destruction;
  • an open dentin changes the color of the crown surface to a dark color;
  • erasing enamel increases sensitivity and pain when exposed to hot or cold substances.

There are three stages of destruction of the enamel layer:

  1. The first .The shine of the damaged area worsens. During this period, it is impossible to establish the process of erosion of enamel. It appears only on special procedures, when the surface of the tooth is dried by a stream of air flow.
  2. The second .The first symptoms are not comfortable. The transparent area of ​​the crown surface changes color.
  3. Third .There is pain in the process of taking cold or hot food, as well as during brushing your teeth. On the surface are formed specks of brown color.

The erosion spots on the enamel are indicated by the arrows

If the transparency process is not stopped in time, then after a certain period of time the solid basis of the teeth will collapse. At the same time the disease becomes chronic and affects healthy crowns along the chain.

Thinning of the enameled protective layer in the area of ​​the equator carries a serious threat to the health of the tooth. It becomes poorly mechanically stable and can easily be injured or split off.

Very rarely occurs fluorosis with a congenital nature due to inadequate tissue development. Over time, the teeth of such a patient become thin and completely destroyed.

What you can do - treatment and restoration of enamel

To save your dental health, you must follow the rule - any problem should be solved in the dental office. The sooner you turn to a professional, the better. And the transparent spots on the enamel are no exception.

You can restore the enamel in one of the following ways:

  1. Fluorination .The protective coating is enhanced by a substance containing fluorine, or special lacquers. Such tools reliably protect the teeth from the effects of acid, which will reduce the sensitivity to external influences. This method is almost painless. He is appointed even for children.
  2. Remineralization .Strengthens the surface of special substances with vitamins and minerals. After the procedure, the enamel becomes resistant to caries, the strength of the tooth base becomes much higher. This method perfectly restores and protects the damaged protective layer.
  3. Implantation of .The procedure consists in complete restoration of enamel in damaged areas. It is used if it is necessary to restore large areas. The dentist applies a substance with components of natural enamel. The next step is to reunite the implanted layer with natural matter.

Preventative measures

At home, to inhibit the development of transparency, it is required:

  • to brush teeth in the morning and evening and after each meal to rinse the oral cavity;
  • include in the diet products rich in minerals and vitamins;
  • use less sugar and quit the habit of using chewing gum;
  • regularly change the brush;
  • do not use a paste containing whitening elements.

These methods help not to exacerbate the problem and stop its development.

The brush should be selected with medium hardness. In some cases, it should be with a soft cleansing base. This will help to avoid erasing the enamel layer during the cleaning process.

If you tend to natural transparency of tooth enamel, you should avoid using an electric brush. This is explained by the high probability of injuries, as the degree of mechanical action on the protective layer of teeth increases.

For the restoration of health, specialist help is needed. The protective layer of enamel is difficult to effectively restore at home, using only folk recipes. Therefore, it is very important to follow the recommendations of the attending physician and strictly follow the prescribed procedures. This is the only way to stop tooth decay and always have a beautiful smile.

  • Mar 25, 2018
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