Juniper has long been famous for its bactericidal action. It is known that in places where this shrub grows, at a distance of 3-4 meters, there are no winged pests. In addition, it has a number of other useful properties and is actively used in folk medicine, cosmetology.
Juniper oil tincture is one of the ways of therapeutic application of shrubs. Consider her medicinal qualities and recipes in more detail.
Use of
tincture Juniper is characterized by anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, tonic, healing, anti-rheumatic properties. With its help, doctors treat tuberculosis, asthma, scabies and dermatitis, relieve toothache and stabilize blood pressure. The same medicinal qualities are endowed with its alcohol tincture.
In folk medicine tincture on juniper berries is directed against pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchitis, coughing, and suffocation. It has diuretic properties and effectively treats neuralgia( it is added to the bath).Tincture is used externally, and inside, for warming compresses, lotions( with bruises and bruises), for inhalations( for colds).Such inhalations are an effective expectorant.
Attention! When you take the tincture inside, blood flows into the gastrointestinal tract. For this reason, it is forbidden to be taken with peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, erosive gastritis.
How to make juniper tincture at home
You can prepare several types of medicinal tinctures from juniper berries.
On vodka
Recipe 1. Ingredients:
- juniper berries - 5 g;
- honey - 25 g;
- vodka - 500 ml.
Rinse the fruit with vodka and leave to soak for 10 days. Drain the solution twice a day for 1 tbsp.spoon before you start eating. The product has a general strengthening effect.
Recipe 2. The main participants of the tincture:
- juniper fruit - 50-60 g;
- vodka - 2 liters;
- black ground pepper - 5 g;
- salt - 25 g;
- horseradish - 80 g;
- fennel seeds - 100 g.
Put the ingredients in a glass container, pour it with vodka and tightly seal. Insist in a warm, but sheltered from the sunlight place for 14 days, from time to time, thoroughly shaking. Strain, drink according to the above scheme.
Recipe 3. Classical tincture of juniper on vodka is prepared according to the following technology:
- Pound 200 g of berries, place them in a large glass jar and fill with a liter of quality vodka without any impurities.
- Cap tightly seal and determine to insist in a dark, warm room for 3 weeks.
- Finish the finished liquid through several layers of gauze cloth and pour over clean bottles( preferably from dark glass).
- Dishes with tincture should be determined for 2 weeks in the refrigerator, after which it will be ready for consumption. Drink it should be 2 times a day for 50 ml before meals with the above ailments.
On the brew itself
The curative tincture of juniper on moonshine differs stronger taste and is used for the same ailments as vodka.
- Juniper berries - 1 kg;
- Moonshine - 2 liters.
Fruits should be thinned, pour the moonshine and leave to infuse for 2 weeks, then overtake to evaporation ¼ of the original volume. Finished means to distribute on dark bottles and tightly cork.
On alcohol( gin)
Juniper tincture, the recipes of which there are many, is also prepared for alcohol, and in this case it resembles the taste of intoxicating gin.
To create the tool you will need:
- juniper fruit - 25 g;
- alcohol, with a strength of 90% - 610 g;
- cumin - 2 teaspoons;
- coriander - 3 tsp.
Alcohol is divided into 2 parts. Dissolve a large portion( 330 g) with water( 70 ml) to 80% strength. The resulting liquid fill the berries. The second half of the alcohol is also diluted with water( 60 ml) to 80% and put into it coriander with cumin.
Each drink is insisted separately for 5 days, periodically shaking vigorously. Then filter the solutions and dilute them( separately) with boiled water, increasing the volume by 1.5 times. Distillation should also be carried out separately, before evaporation of 260 ml of each beverage. Only after this stage, infusions can be mixed and diluted with a liter of boiled water. Before taking the liquid, it is necessary to insist in the refrigerator for 7 days.
Application in folk medicine
Application of juniper tincture is extensive, it copes with a variety of ailments. Consider the most effective recipes on its basis.
With radiculitis
Toning and relaxing properties of the drug make it indispensable in the treatment of sciatica. To facilitate and prevent pain syndromes, a juniper tincture( 4-5 tablespoons) is added to the hot water bath. As an additional therapy, compressions can be carried out. To do this, blot the gauze dressing in the tincture and attach it to the back. Compress the cover with cellophane tape and wrap it with a warm scarf. The duration of the facility is 3 hours. After this time, wipe the back with a damp cloth and apply a nourishing cream.
For rheumatism
Juniper tincture is an excellent remedy for rheumatic pain. In these cases it is customary to do warming water procedures. Prepare a large basin, fill it with hot water and add 2-3 tbsp.spoons means. In the resulting bath it is necessary to soar your feet for 15-20 minutes.
With bronchitis
In a hot glass of milk, add tincture of juniper and honey( 1 tsp).Drink hot twice a day: morning and evening. The remedy will soften the cough and spit out the sputum.With angina
With angina it is recommended to take a lemon-juniper. For this, mix one lemon nectar with tincture( 50 ml).Rinse the throat with a solution 2-3 times a day. In addition, you can take it inside for 8-10 drops, previously diluted with an equal amount of water.
With catarrh
Tincture on juniper berries is often used for catarrh healing. Recipe: finely chop one onion, mix the resulting mass with sugar( 2 tablespoons) and dilute with 2 cups of water. The mixture should be boiled on a moderate flame until it thickens, and the onion does not become soft. In the finished slurry, drip the tincture( 1 teaspoon), mix and use for a day for 1 tsp.
With pyelonephritis
Grass sponge( 1 tablespoon) boil with boiling water and leave to soak for 20 minutes, then filter and mix with juniper tincture( 1 tsp).Drink 2-3 glasses a day.
For boils
To accelerate the maturation of boils, mix the crushed potatoes( 1 piece), finely chopped sorrel( 20 g) and tincture( 20 g).Ready mixture apply to the affected area for 15-20 minutes.
Application in cosmetology
Multifaceted tincture on juniper berries is also actively used in cosmetology.
For problematic skin
For acne, acne and other facial skin irritations, take on the following mask: mix one onion juice with the juice of the viburnum and a juniper's tincture( 1 teaspoon).The resulting solution regularly treat the skin.
In case of hair loss
Scrub the garlic( head) on a fine grater, squeeze out the juice and mix it with the tincture( 1 teaspoon).The mixture is rubbed into the roots of the hair and leave for 30 minutes, wrapped in a towel. Then rinse with shampoo. Repeat the procedure every 7 days.
For all its usefulness, tincture of juniper on vodka is prohibited to receive:
- for inflammation of the kidneys, nephrosis, nephritis;
- in acute glomerulonephritis;
- with gastric and intestinal ulcer
- with acute gastritis;
- during pregnancy;
- to nursing mothers.
Caution! In the treatment it is extremely important to comply with the dosage, as exceeding the norm can provoke severe poisoning. If this occurs, rinse the stomach and consult a doctor.
Juniper tincture is not recommended for a long time - it can cause kidney irritation.