Not everything in the female body that occurs during menopause is obvious and tangible. Especially not every change is natural. For example, high hemoglobin in women with menopause may mean completely different.
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The role of hemoglobin for a woman at the age of menopause
The role of hemoglobin for a woman at the age of menopause
Hemoglobin is a protein component of blood containingin itself iron and carrying oxygen to different tissues of the body. It participates in many life-supporting chemical reactions, therefore at every age its norm is important. With menopause, it is 117-138 g / l.
Reduction or increase in hemoglobin is undesirable. The last at the age of menopause is observed more often, as metabolism slows down, many other processes change due to oppression of ovarian function and decrease in the volume of hormones released by them.
However, at the stage of premenopause, when the concentration of substances fluctuates, the hemoglobin index also may be uneven. But this is the only valid reason why its values may not always correspond to the norm. If high hemoglobin is detected in women with menopause for a long time, this is very serious.
How does the increase in the menopause of
appear? Climax noticeably changes the general state of health. There are periodic attacks of fever, sweating, nervousness, insomnia. All this is similar to the signs of excess of hemoglobin, which experts describe as follows:
- Somnologic disorders. Primarily it is a constant sleepiness, when a prolonged rest does not improve the condition. But there are also possible difficulties with falling asleep;
- High pressure. Dense blood intensively affects the vessels, making it difficult to move;
- Changes in color of skin and mucous membranes. It becomes either unnaturally bright, or, on the contrary, pale;Headaches, vestibular disorders;
- Rapid fatigue, retardation;
- Weak, wandering throughout the body of pain. More often they are felt in the joints or stomach.
Why hemoglobin can grow in menopause
High hemoglobin can be detected in women with menopause for the following reasons:
- Incorrect power. In menopause, lowering the concentration of hormones requires a change in eating habits. The organism needs predominantly herbal components, and many women still continue to eat a lot of meat, that is, proteins, fatty, spicy foods, which leads to blood thickening. The desire to lose weight with a hunger diet leads exactly to the same effect. The body does not receive the necessary substances and tries to compensate for their growth in hemoglobin;
- Dehydration. In an effort to get rid of such an unpleasant climacteric manifestation as hyperhidrosis, some women drink water in too small quantities. This further inhibits the metabolic processes, which are now slowed down for natural reasons. Tissues do not have enough oxygen, because of what the body increases the volume of hemoglobin;
- Stress. In menopause, the emotional background changes, the woman becomes more restless, irritable, tearful. In some, the condition is aggravated to the point that depression occurs. And this is a chronic and heavy neuro-emotional load, which can cause oxygen starvation, and consequently, an increase in hemoglobin;
- Heart problems. This is a possible consequence of menopause. Reducing the concentration of sex hormones leads to an increase in blood cholesterol, a reduction in the elasticity of the vascular walls and, as a result, disturbance of the heart rhythm. All together provokes oxygen deficiency, because its supply to tissues changes. Hemoglobin grows in response to a lack of connectivity and a violation of the blood supply to the brain;
- Diabetes mellitus. The usual decrease in the volume of sex hormones in combination with abundant food and lack of physical activity in menopause than many women sin, lead to a violation of glucose uptake. The higher the level of the latter, the more its amount is connected with hemoglobin, since in this case the chemical reaction goes more intensively;
- Incorrect use of hormonal drugs. They are needed to improve health, when vasomotor symptoms, dry mucous membranes, emotional instability interfere. But unauthorized choice, incorrect dosage, too long use lead to an increase in the viscosity of the blood. It is more difficult for her to move around the vessels carrying oxygen. Tissues experience its deficiency, the body tends to balance the balance, increasing hemoglobin;
- Tumor diseases. In the menopause period, their occurrence is more likely than before, due to a decrease in immunity. Noticeable manifestations of malignant neoplasms for a long time do not show. But in the body many chemical reactions are already violated, tissues get toxins, and therefore do not have enough oxygen in them. Hemoglobin therefore exceeds the usual values.
It is recommended to read about the drugs prescribed for menopause. You will learn about the need to take hormonal means for the normal work of the body, the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines, the recommended way of life.
What to do with the increased level of the indicator with the climax
High hemoglobin in women with menopause needs to find out the reasons for which there is. It is important to observe its dynamics and be examined, as this may be a symptom of the disease. If the cause of the increased value is the hormonal failure, correct the indicator:
- Withdrawal from smoking;
- A diet consisting of seafood, vegetables and fruits of green and yellow colors. It is necessary to exclude red meat, buckwheat, animal fats. Water should be drunk to 2 liters per day;
- Ensuring the normal functioning of the heart, that is, movement, fresh air, and also blood-thinning medications Aspirin, Curantil, Trental.
It is also necessary to control the indicator because it can be a sign of other diseases unrelated to menopause: intestinal obstruction, pulmonary ailments.