Menstruation after Buserelin 71

In the treatment of gynecological diseases, hormonal drugs are often used. Their influence on the menstrual cycle is very high, because it is controlled by similar substances, only produced by the body.

What should be the monthly after Buserelin, what happens in the reproductive field at its reception and after some time? Many people want to know about it, because the drug causes different, sometimes disturbing reactions.


  • 1 Taking the drug and functioning of the reproductive system
    • 1.1 Getting started
    • 1.2 The second stage of
  • 2 Cycle after treatment
    • 2.1 Menstruation immediately after withdrawal
    • 2.2 Secondary monthly

Taking the drug and functioning of the reproductive system

Buserelin is an artificially created gonadotropin-releasing hormone. The drug is used to treat diseases in which abnormal growth and tissue distribution occurs. These are:

  • Tumors;
  • Endometriosis;
  • Myoma.
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That is, the effect of Buserelin is directed directly at the organs participating in menstruation. The mechanism of his work is to stimulate the pituitary to produce FSH and LH.This part of the brain and so produces these substances. With the drug their volume increases, which leads to a decrease in the natural production of sex hormones.

Endometriosis is an indication for taking the drug Buserelin

The reproductive system is in an artificial climax: the endometrium does not grow, the ovaries do not release the follicle, the egg does not ripen.

Theoretically, monthly after injections buserelin should not come, while long enough treatment lasts. This is its meaning: to give rest to the reproductive system, to eliminate the possibility of abnormal growth of tissues by suspending the cyclic changes that occur in them.

But the individual reactions of the body may be unexpected. At the same time, some of them are the norm, while others dictate the need to cancel the drug. In what form it is adopted, it does not matter much. Reactions to injections or the endonasal use of the original remedy, as well as buserelin depot or buserelin long are similar.

Initiation of

The most common manifestation that causes anxiety is monthly after the first injection of Buserelin. They are not at all. But it is worth considering that the effect of the drug is prolonged. Therefore, one can not expect that from the first dose the organism will completely submit to its influence. Moreover, they prescribe a remedy for conditions that are characterized in principle by abundant secretions and intermenstrual bleeding.

And if after the first injection buserelina came monthly, it means that the adaptation of the reproductive system is not yet complete. Begin to take the remedy on the 1st day of the cycle, so the next menstruation usually comes on schedule.

If, after the Buselrelin prick, menstruation began in the middle of the cycle, specialists consider this as a side effect of taking the medicine. It is also considered acceptable, not requiring discontinuation of therapy.

The drug not only stops the development of the endometrium over time. Its effect is manifested immediately by the fact that the monthly Buselelin Depot is characterized by a lower morbidity and a decrease in the amount of secretions, sometimes they represent a brush of brown color. The period of menstruation is shortened to 1-3 days.

The second stage of

Buserelin is administered, usually by a course of several injections( 2 to 6), which are done at regular intervals. It happens that the woman receives the second injection on a background of menstrual bleeding.

As a rule, it is not too intense, so in the next cycle it expects that there will be no critical days. Also it is frightened, when finds out, that monthly after the second nyxis Buserelina nevertheless have come. This is also an ordinary situation, arising from the addiction of the body to an increased amount of gonadotropin-releasing hormones. Allocations are noticeably less in volume in most women, such menstruation is called malignancy.

In rare cases, for the second time after Buselrelin injection, there are monthly as out-of-the-way medications, that is, quite abundant. But even this specialists do not consider the grounds for cessation of treatment. In the next cycle, there will be no secretions, since the reproductive system "turns off" from the working state due to the almost complete absence of estrogens in the blood.

And while for 2 cycles from the beginning of the use of the medicine a woman will have to be protected by barrier methods. It is extremely undesirable to get pregnant with buserelin, and the possibility remains at this stage.

We recommend that you read an article about the characteristics of menstruation with Clire. You will learn about the effect of the drug, the nature of the monthly discharge during its administration, as well as the reasons for the absence of menstruation and the restoration of the cycle.

Cycle after treatment

Because the drug is prescribed for the normalization of menstruation, the return of gynecological health and the preservation of fertility, the first thing that the woman receiving it wants, after how many post-Buserelin menstruation begins.

Expecting critical days, it is necessary to understand that the agent blocks the pituitary gland, prevents the release of the follicle and natural changes in the endometrium. The action of the first injection, especially the subsequent ones, leads the reproductive system to a state corresponding to the climax. Restoration later in all occurs in different ways, so there is no clear time for the arrival of menstruation. The earliest advance is possible in 30-35 days, counting from the date of the last injection. But in this cycle of ovulation most likely will not happen, as ovaries for rehabilitation will need much more 2 weeks.

Restoration of the menstrual cycle after Buserelin

When the monthly starts after Buserelin, is determined by other available circumstances. To prevent rapid recovery of menstrual function can:

  • Stress. It depresses the central nervous system, therefore, inhibits the return of normal hormonal balance;
  • Infection. The toxins caused by it, getting into the blood, also prevent the development of substances necessary for the renewal of the endometrium;
  • Other medications. This is an external effect that affects the natural chemical reactions taking place in the body.

Specialists consider it permissible to provide a chance for nature to work as much as 4-6 months. That is, all this time, the monthly after the abolition of Buserelin may be absent, and this is normal. If they are no longer, then the doctor takes measures to restore the cycle with the help of other medications.

But a woman should not miss out of sight yet another reason for the possible absence of menstruation, it's about pregnancy. In some, conception is easier after the therapy.

Menstruation immediately after cancellation

Monthly after cancellation of Buserelin

The first months after buserelin may be unaffected due to insufficient development of the endometrium. For several months he did not grow up, and all the processes in the body are restored only with time, including the thickness of the mucous uterus.

Usually menstruation is painless, other signs of PMS are also observed to a lesser extent than before treatment. There are 2 extremes to which the use of the drug may lead:

  • The first monthly after Buserelin Depot is also abundant, both before its use. This can mean the preservation of the main cause of bleeding, that is, foci of the disease, usually endometriosis. Myoma, having decreased as a result of the effect of the medicine, is also capable of provoking profuse menstruation;
  • Monthly after buserelin depot is meager and cease in a short time. This happens when a cyst appears on the ovary, sometimes caused by a medicine. Unlike normal menstruation, which was mentioned above, they are accompanied by pain and pulling sensations in the side.

Monthly after Buserelin long pass similarly and can create the same problems as the tool with the addition of "depot", since these are drugs of the same action. To identify the problem immediately and, if necessary, start looking for a different treatment tactic, a woman will be assigned ultrasound and hormone analysis.

We advise you to read an article on menstruation under Byzantine. You will learn about the reaction of the reproductive system to taking the drug, the reasons for the absence of monthly and possible side effects.

Secondary monthly

It should be noted that during the first menstruation, the action of the medicine can still be preserved. It is rather a process of purifying the reproductive organs from tissues, which lasted several months.

More informative in terms of gynecological health will be the second monthly after Buserelin. The ovaries have returned to their functions, therefore the features of the critical days must have the appearance peculiar to a particular woman, her disease or his cure.

This menstruation occurs after ovulation, so that the amount of secretion is optimal, it fits in the middle frames. On time after Buserelin there are monthly 3-7 days.

Often there is a delay caused by hormonal disorder due to taking the drug. But in some cases, its cause is pregnancy. It becomes more likely than before taking the drug. According to statistics, conception succeeds at once 30% of women who used it.

Monthly after the use of Buserelin are a clear indicator of gynecological health. And although they bring a lot of problems, often cause questions and even fright, this is not the reason to refuse to use the drug. For many, he not only helped delay or completely remove the need for surgery, but also to become pregnant after long unsuccessful attempts.

  • Mar 25, 2018
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