Whether it is possible to hand over analyzes on oncomarkers during monthly

Timely diagnosis of cancer allows us to identify the disease at a stage where it is possible to conduct radical treatment and return to the usual way of life. But many tumors behave quite asymptomatically for a long time, which greatly complicates their detection.

To detect precisely these, hidden malignant diseases, you can take oncomarkers. These are special proteins, the concentration of which increases in the blood in cancer in dozens of times. It is important for the correct interpretation of the result is the correct preparation for the delivery of the analysis. Is it possible to detect cancer markers during menstruation?


  • 1 When and why to take
  • 2 Preparing for
  • 3 analysis We hand over blood for monthly: for and against
  • 4 Norm and pathology in the results of

When and why to take

Everyone knows that in the early stages( first, second) of malignant diseases development there may be no- Either symptoms, or pathology is masked for other ailments.

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Namely, the detection at this time of tumors allows for the most radical treatment and rescue from the appearance of metastases and irreversible consequences.

But detecting cancer even in visually accessible organs is not always easy, not to mention those that are in the abdominal cavity.

In addition to all the available methods, it is possible to determine the likelihood of tumor on tumor markers. They are proteins that are the products of the vital activity of cancer cells, and sometimes they are particles of their cell membrane or substance that secrete the body to the appearance of such formations.

There is a specific set of oncomarkers for each organ. And even for one localization in most cases it is necessary to determine several such proteins, their ratio( called the index) and some other indications for greater reliability.

Oncomarkers must be taken in the following situations:

  • with a screening purpose in all women at any age, especially after 40 years;
  • for those who have malignant tumors in their relatives, especially those with a low-symptom course;
  • mandatory determination of oncomarkers in cases of unclear formations in the pelvis in women, for example, with suspected cyst( even if there are no signs of malignant growth by ultrasound, etc.);
  • for mastopathy( cysts, diffuse forms, etc.);
  • in dynamics when observing the formations of the ovaries, uterus, breast;in this case oncomarkers are recommended to take one or two a year;
  • as a control for the treatment of malignant tumors;
  • to determine the prognosis of the course of the disease;
  • in some other cases.

We recommend that you read the article about the analyzes during the month. From it you will learn about the need for blood testing, the possibility of taking analysis during menstruation, as well as urine tests and ultrasound.

Oncological markers help the doctor determine the tactics of treating the patient. So, the normal values ​​of these proteins make it possible to observe the pathological process for some time, to conduct conservative treatment. And, on the contrary, for the first time, randomly detected high indications give a "start" for the search for undiagnosed oncology in a woman's body.

In gynecological practice the following oncomarkers are most often used:

  • CA-125, HE-4, index ROMA - for the diagnosis of the pathological process in the ovaries. With the greatest likelihood of the presence of the disease can be judged if you determine exactly all three parameters. But the most widespread and popular acquired the CA-125, possibly due to the fact that it appeared first.
  • СА-15,3 for the diagnosis of breast pathology.
  • AFP( alpha-fetoprotein) and hCG to determine pathological conditions, somehow related to pregnancy.
  • Also found REA( cancer embryonic antigen), SA-72.4, CA-19.9 and others.
An increase in the level of CA-125 occurs in 80% of women with ovarian cancer. Also the indicator grows with problems with the mammary gland and endometrium. This cancer marker can not be called strictly specific, since its values ​​increase with the pathology of some parts of the gastrointestinal tract, lungs.

The increase of CA-125 is also noted, especially small, with other non-oncological problems. Most often these are inflammation processes in the small pelvis, endometriosis, benign ovarian formations, autoimmune diseases and some others. But when malignant neoplasms arise, CA-125 increases thousands of times( its norm is up to 35 U / ml), in case of benign processes - at times and dozens.

HE-4 also makes it possible to detect the likelihood of having an epithelial ovarian cancer in a woman. However, this indicator is nonspecific.

To increase the informative value of the CA-125 and HE-4 oncomarkers, a special ROMA index was introduced, which also takes into account the age of the woman. Comparing the values, it is possible to judge with greater probability the presence or absence of the disease.

СА-15, 3 is used to diagnose breast diseases. And by its values, we can speak about the effectiveness and radicality of the treatment.

All other oncomarkers are assigned in specific clinical situations or as an adjunct to others. For example, hCG normally rises during pregnancy, but the intensity of the increase in values ​​can be used to judge the likelihood of developing malformations in the fetus. And also hCG rises in usual conditions in women with trophoblastic oncological diseases.

Look at the video about oncomarkers:

Preparing for analysis of

In order for the results of analyzes to be as informative as possible, all recommendations and requirements for their delivery must be observed. With regard to oncomarkers, it is necessary to provide the following:

  • The blood of a woman is being sampled. It is preferable to take the analysis in the morning, since all norms in most cases are calculated precisely by such measurements.
  • On the eve of 6 - 8 hours should not eat any food, you can only drink clean water. Since blood, fatty acids and other elements that enter into it from food are taken for the study, it can affect the quality of the samples.
  • If a woman takes medications, it is necessary to notify the doctor, ideally, if the time is equal to a minimum of two or three half-lives of the drug before the delivery.
  • You should not smoke a few hours before taking the material. In general, those women who allow themselves this addiction, it is possible physiological enhancement of the results.
  • Alcohol should not be consumed at least one day before blood donation.
  • It is undesirable to carry out the analysis immediately after physiotherapy or other medical measures.
  • It is better to donate blood to oncomarkers in the first half of the cycle after menstruation. During critical days and during pregnancy, the results are almost always overestimated.

We donate blood for menstruation: for and against

Many women have to look for an answer, whether it is possible to take oncomarkers during menstruation. After all, it is not always possible to clearly adjust to the schedule of critical days. It is also important that the "these days" can really influence the result.

It is known that during menstruation, many parameters in the girl's body change imperceptibly for her overall well-being. This concerns the values ​​of a general blood test, urine, biochemical study and some others. Indeed, very often one has to face the fact that the indicators are at the border of the norm or even slightly higher / lower, if you hand over during critical days.

This also applies to oncomarkers. Not always, but the result can be a little higher than it really is. This is primarily due to the fact that all oncomarkers are not strictly specific studies. And during menstruation often exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases, "activated" endometriosis, etc. As a result, the informativeness of the indicators is reduced.

It is also better to take blood for these proteins after a month's because of the fact that it is possible to exclude the case when the tests are given during pregnancy. And during the gestation, almost all oncomarkers will be above the norm, although insignificantly.

Given this, if blood is given for prophylactic purposes, it is undesirable, but it is still permissible to conduct a study during critical days. In the case of identifying oncomarkers as a control of the effectiveness of treatment, it is better to strictly observe all the conditions and wait a few days.

Norm and pathology in the results of

A specialist can correctly assess the results of tests for cancer markers. Sometimes a certain excess of the norm is not evidence of pathology, but only a temporary phenomenon associated with some kind of non-oncological process. In case of malignant tumors, if oncomarkers react to this( in 80% of cases), their values ​​increase hundreds and thousands of times. Therefore, after seeing a certain excess of the norm, you should not immediately sound an alarm, especially if it is only one of a set of indicators.

Acceptable values ​​for the most commonly used oncomarkers:

  • CA 125 - up to 35 U / ml;
  • CA 15-3 - up to 25 U / ml;
  • REA in non-smokers( aged 20 - 69 years) - up to 3.8 ng / ml, for those who practice cigarettes( from 20 to 69 years) - up to 5.5 ng / ml;

HE-4 varies depending on age:

We recommend reading the article about lymphocytes with monthly. From it you will learn about the normal parameters of lymphocytes in the blood, the reasons for the deviation from the norm, and also the advisability of putting a blood test during menstruation.

Oncomarkers are indicators, the definition of which helps to detect dangerous diseases in the early stages, when the woman is practically nothing to worry about. Only one of the values ​​of these tests can not reliably judge the presence or absence of cancer. Correctly evaluate the results can only specialist. Do not worry much with a slight excess of oncomarkers, because, in addition to oncology, they increase with some other, not so dangerous ailments.

  • Mar 25, 2018
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