Adiantum: growing at home and healing properties

Botanical Description
  • Growing at home
  • Plant properties
  • Methods of application
  • Some of the most common representatives of ferns grown at home are ferns of the genus Adiantum( curly ferns) belonging to the Ptyrys family. The species included in its composition, of which there are about two hundred, are distinguished by a special external beauty, tenderness and elegance that allows them to be widely used for ornamental purposes to decorate gardens, landscape design, and compose flower compositions. On the territory of Russia( in the mountains of the Crimea and the Caucasus) from them you can find only two kinds: the Adianum Venus of hair and the Adiantum the stop-shaped. Of particular value is the first, which as a houseplant is grown almost all over the world, and in the wild is widely distributed in Central Asia and southern Europe. Venus of hair, called in the people by a female fern, a girl's or female hair, an adian leaf, is not only a beautiful decorative flower, but it also has some healing, and, as previously thought, magical properties.

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    Botanical description

    In natural conditions the Venus of hair grows in shady and humid localities, in gorges of rocks, near the banks of mountain streams and streams, near waterfalls and springs. Most preferable for it are well-drained soils containing carbonates. In the culture it propagates mainly vegetatively( by dividing the rhizome), in the nature there is asexual and sexual reproduction by spores. The height of the plant can reach 60 cm.

    Rhizomes thin dark brown, creeping, up to 70 cm long. Above are covered with numerous scales 1 - 2 cm long, which help the plant to fix on the substrate.

    Waii( leaves) of light green color twice or thrice pinnatized, have a length of 20-40 cm and a width of about 10 cm, are found on thin black and brown shiny petioles 10 to 25 cm long with a glossy surface. The length of segments of the last order( leaflets) is 2.5 - 3 cm, and width - 1.5 - 2 cm. They are very delicate and thin, located on the hairy secondary petioles, they are obovate with a fan-shaped apex and a wedge-shaped base.

    On the underside of the leaflets in the form of brown spots, localized sorises, where the spores necessary for plant propagation develop. They are covered by the folded edges of the leaves, which protects the spores from moisture and too early germination. The period of sporulation starts from the end of spring and lasts until the beginning of autumn.

    The underside of the leaves of the adianum

    Interesting: The leaves of the plant are covered from the outside with a special hydrophobic layer, so the drops of water falling on them quickly drain away, leaving them completely dry. It is because of this feature of the plant and received the name of the genus "adianum", which is translated from Greek as "not wettable".

    Cultivation at home

    With a little effort, the adiant leaf can be grown successfully in a roomy environment. Despite the fact that the venereal hair is missing flowers, it will become a real decoration of the dwelling, and all year round will delight the look of the owners with very gentle and beautifully hanging from the pot vayami.

    The plant feels well in rooms with a high level of humidity. At low air humidity( less than 60%), its leaves begin to dry out and die, to prevent this in the summer, it is necessary to spray the wai from the sprayer daily with water at room temperature. Earth in the pot should never dry out, however, abundant watering will lead to decay of the roots. The earth mixture should consist of peat and light, loose soil( sheet earth), it is recommended to add sand, chopped moss, pounded charcoal to this composition, and from May to September, once a month, also a little liquid organic fertilizers for indoor plants.

    Adiantum prefers the close pots

    The Adianum does not tolerate drafts, direct sunlight, heat, tobacco smoke, dust and polluted air. The ideal option for its cultivation is the penumbra, scattered muted sunlight, which can be achieved by placing the plant on the north or east side of the room. The optimum temperature regime for it is 15 - 22 ° C.In the room where the venerein hair is located, it is required several times a week to perform a wet cleaning and to regularly ventilate it. The plant does not tolerate a frequent change in location, for active growth and reproduction, it needs to find the most suitable place in the house and leave it there.

    In order for the plant to retain its beauty and freshness in the spring, it is necessary to trim yellowed, fading and aging leaves, which will promote the growth of new wigs.

    Tip: To avoid uneven watering, it is recommended to place the pot with the plant in a container with standing water and keep it there until the soil from the very top is saturated with water. After this, the pot must be removed, drained of excess water and put in place.

    Properties of the plant

    Previously, the fern of venus hair in the form of decoctions was used for hair loss, to give them shine, volume and enhance their growth, as an antidote for snake bites and for the treatment of liver diseases. Currently, it is also used in folk medicine for these and other purposes. The plant is introduced in the pharmacopoeias of many European countries.

    The therapeutic properties of the adianum are due to the following substances in it:

    • organic acids;
    • flavonoids;
    • lipids;
    • triterpenoids;
    • essential oil;
    • steroids;
    • carbohydrates;
    • tannins.

    Means from the adianum have an expectorant, antiseptic and antipyretic effect. In this regard, they are used to relieve cough, treatment of respiratory diseases, pancreas, spleen, liver, organs of the urinary system. Broth from the leaves of venereal hair can be used as a tonic drink.

    Compresses with juice of fresh adianum leaves help to remove toxins when bitten by rabid animals, used to treat malignant ulcers on the skin, dermatitis, psoriasis, accelerate the healing of wounds, boils. With gum disease, chewing fresh leaves helps.

    Means from the aerial part of the plant contribute to getting rid of alcoholism and tobacco smoking.

    The plant has a positive effect on the nervous system. While staying with him in the same room, the person's nervousness decreases, relaxation and calmness are felt, so it's useful to put a pot of plant in the bedroom near the bed, which will ensure a good quiet sleep.

    Fine shiny petioles of adiantum leaves look like women's hair, which makes the plant known as "Venus of Hair"

    Decoctions and leaf infusions are also used for cosmetic purposes for hair care. Rinsing their heads gives them a beautiful shine, prevents hair loss, stimulates their growth and eliminates dandruff.

    It is interesting: There is an opinion that the fern of the adianum enhances the female energy, brings happiness and love to women, therefore the florists sometimes supplement the wedding bouquets with leaves of this plant.

    Methods of application

    As a medicinal raw material, you can use the leaves and rhizome of the adianum. They are collected in August and September. In most cases, apply fresh parts of the plant, as after cutting, the leaves very quickly wither. Nevertheless, sometimes, after all, the drying of the collected raw materials is carried out in a well-ventilated room.

    Infusion for the treatment of cough

    Grass adiantum( 50 g) pour ½ liter of boiling water and insist for at least 24 hours, after which filter. All the received volume is drunk within one day, dividing into 4 - 5 receptions.

    Remedy for removing dandruff

    Fresh leaves of adianum( 2 tablespoons) are placed in a small saucepan, pour 400 ml of boiling water, and cook for a quarter of an hour on low heat. Cool to room temperature, filter, bring the volume of the resulting solution to 1 liter of boiled water. The prepared broth is used to rinse hair after washing the head.

    Compresses for boils

    Fresh sheets of venereal hair thoroughly crushed, put the resulting mass on a bandage and applied to the problem areas of the skin. On top of compress the band-aid.

    Infusion for rinses with inflammation of the mouth and throat

    Dried leaves of the plant( 1 tbsp.) Pour 200 ml of boiling water, insist half an hour, cool, filter and use for gargling.

    Warning: Venereal hair has no contraindications, but some people may have an allergic reaction to fern spores.

    Video - treatment and healing properties of the adianum:

    • Mar 25, 2018
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