Beespods are the bodies of bees and drones, who died a natural death. In dried and fresh form it is used for medicinal purposes. On its basis make tinctures, ointments and decoctions, which have a wide medicinal potential and are actively used to promote health.
Use of the product
Chemical composition of
The reason for the potent medicamentous action of the detritus is in the chitosan complex, which includes bee venom, heparin, glucosamine, melanin, acetic acid. These microelements have a bioenergetic effect, purify the body, regulate metabolic processes and strengthen the immune system. In addition, they resolutely cope with disease-causing bacteria and act as a reliable barrier against viruses and infections.
Bee sweeping neutralizes harmful compounds in the body, destroys malignant cells and slows down the aging process.
- Chitosan has a hemostatic and analgesic effect, normalizes the thyroid gland, heals the damage to the skin and mucous membranes.
- Melanin removes from the body slag, toxins, radioactive substances, salts.
- Heparin regulates blood pressure, neutralizes inflammatory processes, normalizes the processes of hematopoiesis, improves the elasticity of blood vessels.
Warning! Useful properties of bee undermining are enhanced by its combination with other biologically active bee products, as well as in a duet with fruit, vegetable additives and vegetable oils.
Debriefing of
Every component of bee undermine can boast a wide range of therapeutic action:
- The body of a bee contains all the useful substances that make up honey, pollen, propolis, wax, mother's milk. Each of these components is endowed with healing properties.
- Chitinous cover, which includes such valuable substances as heparin and heparinoids, stabilizes blood pressure, improves blood circulation and vascular status, treats heart, kidney and liver diseases.
- Bee venom( apitoxin), which is rich in bee-sediment, increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, reduces blood clotting, lowers arterial blood pressure and increases the tone of the body.
Warning! Apitoxin is resistant to both freezing and heating. It transfers the temperature to +115 degrees, which in no way affects its healing properties. The latter are retained even after the thermal treatment of bee undermine.
- Beef fat. According to scientists and doctors, it is able to give odds to fish oil, known for its powerful medical composition. Beef fat includes a full set of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which makes it easy to digest, stabilizes blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
- Dietary fibers in the body of the bee improve the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, purify the body of toxins and harmful compounds.
How to get a scuff
By the time of collection, distinguish between spring, summer, autumn and winter beeswax. The most useful - autumn, as the bees for the summer get a good shape and are saturated with vitamins. Spring - winter collection due to high content of stool and depletion of bees, should not be taken internally. On its basis, tinctures and ointments for external use( with skin, hair, and purulent-septic processes) are usually made. Summer scaffold, as a rule, is small - many bees die outside the hive.
Bee sweeping does not always get natural. Sometimes bees of doom are deliberately targeted, selecting the rejected families and lighting them with sulfur dioxide or sea by famine. The product obtained in this way is quite suitable for traditional medicine.
. The scraper is separated from the debris and dried on a stove or in an oven at a temperature of 50 ° C.The finished product should ideally be dried, odorless, moldy and moldy. After which it can be used for recipes - cook, fry, grind, insist on alcohol.
Warning! Before using bees, always consult with your doctor.
The products of beekeeping are invaluable to the person. Podmore - one of the promising folk remedies. About how widespread the dead bees were found, read in the article: Bee sweeping in folk medicine: there is no equal to this universal vaccine!
It can be used for both a sick person and a healthy person - for prevention purposes. However, for all its useful properties, the product is not a panacea for all diseases and can not guarantee a 100% result.