Tableware for cooking pilaf

Favorite by many dish of rice and meat migrated to the familiar to us cuisine from the Central Asian steppes. Different nations cooked it differently. Kazakhs, for example, each component was prepared separately, connecting only when served to the table. Uzbeks connected the ingredients directly in the vessel set on an open fire, that is, on a fire. The rice rumen also varied according to the national cuisine.

In what interpretation the pilaf reached your kitchen - only you know. But here is the fact that it is not possible to prepare it in any dish - an indisputable truth.

What is the preparation of pilaf to make it? Not in a thin-walled saucepan. All these newfangled sets with non-stick coating are good, but not in this case. It was originally cooked in a bowl with thick walls. On the fire, you still need to be able to cook. And the last stage of preparing the dish was the obligatory anguish without fire. Thick walls were well preserved heat, giving the temperature also after the heating ceased.

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This pilau is only in the cauldron!

Now about the original dishes for pilaf - kazane. Both the Kazan and its name were taken from the Turkic peoples who roamed the steppes. It is a half-circle dish with a convex bottom. Previously, at the edges were attached ears, which were threaded wire handle, able to withstand the weight of a full vessel. So it was hung over the fire.

Another option - installed on a tripod. Similar tricks have been preserved even now. In the options of marching. In the kitchen, it is much more convenient to cook in a cauldron with handles or in a cast iron. From the fact that it stands on the grate plate, the quality of the dish will not suffer. It is best to have a cast-iron cauldron for cooking a delicious plov. In the old manner they did so. But for many years now cast iron has been replaced by an aluminum alloy. These cassocks are slightly inferior to their predecessors. They retained the stability, the ability to keep the temperature for a long time, to evaporate the pilaf.

How to replace the cauldron at home

If a pilaf dish is not so popular in your family and is cooked infrequently, then buying a pot is unlikely to make sense. And although true gourmets say that pilaf, cooked in any other dishes, can not be called a plov, we will not be so pedantic. In what other dishes can you cook this wonderful dish?

In a city apartment, Kazan will be perfectly replaced by a wide frying pan with tall and thick sides. They are made from the same aluminum( and maybe, from old stocks you have cast iron left - it's quite cool).The bottom, however, is flat on the pan, but this does not prevent the preparation of pilaf. Especially since you are not going to put it on the fire.

Gentle pilaf is obtained in ceramic ware. For example, a whiting or a gooseberry. In ancient times, farmers, taking the secrets of pilaf, and did.

Individual portions of pilaf can be tattered in a serving pot in the oven.

If you do not need to mix the ingredients according to your recipe, the tempered glassware is also useful. In it, you can immediately serve pilaf on the table, long without thinking about serving and how to beautifully shift the dish.

One more obligatory component in the bowl for a pilaf is a cover that is close fitting. Without it, do not cook delicious pilaf.

Kitchen appliances and tableware
  • Mar 25, 2018
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