Hair is the natural wealth of every woman, but how many different procedures they have to endure, while we change our appearance, try a new image, paint, weave, weave. Many have problems of split ends, dryness and other troubles, which have to be fought constantly. Keratin hair straightening gives a chance for every woman after a simple shampoo wash to feel like a client of the salon with whom the hairdresser worked. The procedure drastically changes the condition of the curls and allows you to forget about many troubles for a long time.
What is keratin hair straightening
Cosmetics such as shampoos, balms, masks are necessary not only to maintain cleanliness. They help to maintain health, shine of hair, but no matter how we try, over time their main component - the protein keratin is washed out, the structure is destroyed. Intensive return of the missing substance can restore all the lost beauty to the locks, and at the same time straighten them. Keratin remover contains many useful substances, such as fatty acids, silk proteins, vitamins.
How it works on hair
Keratin molecules, vitamins, nutrients entering into keratin - everything that makes up natural human hair, penetrates into it during the procedure. This has an intensive beneficial effect on the structure: the membrane, the rod, the stratum corneum, the bulb. The protein keratin itself is considerably compacted in the composition of the hairs. The result is:
- softness, silky;
- elasticity, elasticity;
- easy combing;
- quick styling.
Advantages and disadvantages of the
procedure Wishing to restore the hairstyle in order for several months and forget about the styling, combating the curly strands, the women decide on keratinous hair alignment. The procedure attracts a lot of positive aspects:
- it passes with the use of organic, rather than chemical components;
- combing dry and wet head is much easier;
- keratinize any type of hair;
- keratin film protects hair from ultraviolet rays;
- effect lasts from three to five months;
- you can forget about the fact that the curls are frayed or electrified;
- correction is faster, easier than the first procedure.
The technique of processing curls keratin not only restores the hair, it is designed to straighten them, and this is the dream of many owners of curly hairstyles. For the sake of a long straightening effect, many women are ready to accept some disadvantages of the procedure:
- If you fall under rain or wet your hair immediately after leaving the salon, the effect will be gone.
- Procedure - stress for the epidermis and bulbs.
- When artificial keratin starts to wash out, the ends strongly break off, require a haircut.
- There is a risk of visibility of greasy or dirty strands.
- The thicker the hair, the lower the effect.
- Keratation results in loss of volume.
- With a long length the master will work about 5 hours.
To whom is suitable
Keratin restoration and hair straightening is suitable for women with thick curly locks, which are constantly shaken and do not succumb to any laying. Since keratin strongly weights strands and significantly reduces them in volume, then with a large shock it will only lead the head in order. If the hair, on the contrary, is very brittle, thin and weakened, then it is wrong to expect keratin to cure them. Although the composition is necessary for restoring the structure, after washing it, the state of the hairstyle is many times worse.
The keratation compound often contains formaldehyde. This is a caustic and dangerous component. During the procedure, strands are treated with iron and heating causes formaldehyde fumes. For this reason, keratation is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactating women. Negatively it will affect people with scalp problems. Anyone who is prone to allergic reactions should also be cautious, certain components of the composition can cause allergies. It is better not to apply keratin to fragile hair, it makes them heavier, causes even more fragility, loss.
Keratin hair straightening at home
Variety and accessibility of cosmetics allows hair straightening by keratin independently at home. It passes in several stages:
- It is necessary to clean the hair from pollution, it is better to do it twice.
- Then dry the curls, leaving a little damp.
- Squeeze and evenly divide the hair into bundles, securing each clip.
- Strands must be treated with a keratinizing agent, while observing the measure. A small amount will not bring the desired effect, a large one - will lead to fat content and the fact that the strands will stick together.
- Wait for 20-30 minutes, then dry your head with a blow dryer in the weakest mode.
- Separating thin strands, draw each hot iron at least 5-7 times. The temperature is 200-230 degrees.
- Scrub.
Tools and tools
Before starting the procedure for kerating at home, in addition to reading the instructions of the chosen tool, you need to carefully prepare for it. You will need the following tools and appliances:
- Deep cleansing shampoo. It guarantees the washing out of laying agents, paint and everything that can reduce the effect of keratin.
- Means for keratizing. There are a lot of them on the market. More expensive are more effective, contain less harmful and hazardous substances, more protective complexes. Most popular: Cadiveu Professional, Biyouh liss, Cocochoco, Inoar. In home use, gelatin is popular.
- Pulverizer. It is needed for applying keratin, with its help it can be done evenly, without it there is a risk of badly applying the composition and burning the hairs.
- Iron. Choose one that heats up to 230 degrees.
- Hairdryer. Well, if it provides a cold or gentle drying regimes.
- Tools. You can not do without clamps, pins, gloves, combs, brushes, ceramic bowl( without metal).
Hair care after keratin straightening
The effectiveness of the procedure depends not only on how you conducted it, but also on your actions after keratizing. The first three days are especially important. At this time, try:
- For 72 hours, do not use elastic bands, clips, rims, hairpins.
- The head can not be washed for 72 hours.
- In the future, go for a non-sulfate shampoo and paraben-free.
- Within 2 weeks after the procedure, it is impossible to clarify, do the painting, highlighting due to the content in ammonia.
- Contact with seawater is not desirable( salt cleans keratin), visiting the pool where chemicals are added. Or use during bathing various protective serums, rinses.
The procedure in the cabin
Carried out by the hairdresser in the salon, the keratin hair straightening procedure, includes all the same steps as home keratizing. The difference is that the experienced hands of the master are much easier to cope with your curls, especially when they are long and strongly curly. An experienced professional will be able to carefully process each strand and put on it a lot of keratin, which is necessary for restoration and straightening. Salon cosmetics are professional and not as affordable as those designed for home use. It includes the following brands:
- 4Hair Cosmetics;
- Bella from Incobella group;
- Brazilian Blowout;
- Bio Ionic;
- Cadiveu;
- Coppola Keratin Complex.
Price of keratin straightening
How much does the keratin hair straightening depends on several factors: master's professionalism or salon level, the initial price of the used funds, the length of the curls. Average prices for Moscow are as follows:
Name of the cabin | Used items | Price depending on the length |
Doll | Cocochoco | 4500-7000 rubles |
Mybeautyhair | HONMA Tokyo Professional | 2500-10000 rubles |
Naturel-studio | Brazilian blowout | 8000-13000 rubles |
The work of individual masters | 1500-5000 rubles |
Photo of hair before and after keratinous straightening
Margarita, 31 year
I do not see anything terrible in keratizing. The first time I did it in the salon. The effect lasted 3 months. Then I decided to do it myself at home. For this, the main thing is to have a good ironing, otherwise it will not work. My hair is up to my shoulders, so it's easy for me to do myself. Everything worked out. The result is satisfied, and the kit for keratation is enough for another 3-4 procedures.
Helena, 25 years old
I have two opinions. On the one hand, the curls are really smooth, they do not crumble, they lie beautifully without daily styling with a plate and during the wind, they do not need to be shaped any more during drying. But the volume was gone, because I almost did not have it. I guess I should have applied keratin only to the top of my head to give it a general appearance.
Olga, 26
My hair is very curvy, strongly curly. The hair after keratin straightening was perfectly straight, but not for long, only three weeks. After that, they started to puff up a little, light waves appeared, but the appearance is well-groomed, silky, easy to comb after washing. I like my new hair style. In a couple of months I'll repeat the procedure.