How to make plasticine at home: smart, play and magnetic

For children there is a lot of exciting activities, for example, drawing or modeling. The latter especially develops the creative abilities of children, because from plasticine you can mold everything that fantasy tells. In this case, parents do not have to run to the store - it's easy to make a lot of modeling for the home.

How to make home plasticine with their own hands

Plasticine is prepared according to different recipes, because there are several types of this material: each of them will require its own special ingredients. The main thing is that the components are not harmful for kids, who often pull everything in their mouths. Avoid eating homemade plasticine is very simple, adding to the test, citric acid with salt. Diversify color material will help food dyes, which have a low price and are absolutely safe. A bright and rich shade will make the figures more attractive.

Salted dough for modeling and crafts

Weight of flour and salt is a standard version of plasticine. Prepare such a dough for modeling for children will not be difficult, because the necessary ingredients will be found in every mistress. The composition includes the following components:

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  1. Flour is the basis, which can not be dispensed with, with wheat, oatmeal, corn or any other suitable. The main condition is a light shade, so that any colorant gives the material a color.
  2. Water is the second main ingredient that gives the molding test the necessary consistency and elasticity.
  3. Salt. Performs the function of absorbing and retaining moisture, so that it does not evaporate. Without salt, the material will dry and it will not be able to be used.
  4. Lemon juice is a preservative that allows you to store dough longer and create a sharp taste so that the child does not try clay.
  5. Vegetable oil. It binds all the ingredients, gives plasticity, reduces stickiness, so it's much easier to work with the material.
  6. Wine or alum. The first is needed to preserve the consistency and form of the dough, is sold in the confectionery shops. The function of the second is the same, only you can buy this component in the pharmacy.
  7. Paints. Color clay for sculpting is much more interesting, but use better natural, harmless dyes.

To mix the salted dough for modeling, the following ingredients will be needed:

  • flour - 2 items;
  • vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.
  • salt is fine - 1 item;Lemon juice - 2 tablespoons;
  • water - 2 items;
  • dyes.

Home clay is prepared according to this recipe:

  1. Take a saucepan, pour water, a spoon of vegetable oil. Bring the mixture to a boil.
  2. In the second container, mix the flour with salt, and then add lemon juice to it. Stir thoroughly.
  3. Pour the cooled water to the flour, mix until homogeneous and completely free of stickiness.
  4. Add any dye, mash the dough to make it evenly colored. For different colors, divide the clay into several pieces.

Magnetic clever plasticine

Smart plasticine has high elasticity, so it can easily take any shape. Once upon a time it was called a "lizard" or a "jumping-off", if done in the form of a balloon, and now it has received a new name "hendgam".This polymer can be made at home, because the process is not difficult, and the ingredients are very simple. The peculiarity of the material is that there are no fat traces left from it. In addition, this soft plasticine can simply be thrown against a wall and it will stick to it. The properties of the material develop creative abilities, fine motor skills and speech of the kids.

Magnetic hendgam differs from the usual one, because it is able to attract to metals thanks to special particles. To make clever plasticine at home, you will need:

  • glue PVA - 200 g;
  • fine-grained magnetic particles;
  • sodium tetraborate( can with glycerin) - 2 bottles;
  • dye - green or natural;
  • tinsel for decoration or perfume for flavor.

Here's how to make a magnetic clay in your home:

  1. In a clean glass container, mix the glue with the dye. The first ingredient should be fresh: no more than a year, and even better - no later than 3 months from the date of manufacture.
  2. Then enter the sequins with flavor, mix with spatula.
  3. Add the tetraborate, knead the mass until thick and uniform, add the magnetic particles.

Liquid plasticine

Another recipe for clever plasticine does not include magnetic particles. The mass is obtained simultaneously dense and liquid, like a normal hand. For preparation, the following ingredients will be needed:

  • medical alcohol or vodka;
  • silicate adhesive;
  • paints or food colorings.

The recipe for how to make plasticine at home looks like this:

  1. In a container, mix alcohol with a silicate adhesive in a 1: 1 ratio. If you use vodka, then in a ratio of 1.5: 1.Whisk the mixture until the consistency of the wallpaper glue.
  2. Color the mixture green, iodine, gouache, nail polish or food colorings. Adding multicolored sparkles or phosphoric crumb will give the material a luminous effect.
  3. Wash the finished product under cold water.

From what make plasticine

Each parent wants to protect the child from harmful toys. With plasticine, babies contact with hands, and often even pull it into the mouth, so it is important that the material is environmentally friendly and safe. In the USSR, plasticine was produced on the basis of animal fat and a number of chemicals. To date, there are many types of material for sculptural modeling, but mainly composed of the following ingredients:

  • animal fat;
  • pigments, i.e.color dyes;
  • Vaseline;
  • clay powder;
  • beeswax;
  • ceresin.

Plasticine clay for children at home

Busy baby is an interesting thing, which also develops creative skills and motor skills is not an easy task. Solve the problem parents will help plasticine universal material, from which you can not only sculpt the figures, but also make a jumping ball. If you are afraid to give your child to play with a purchase of plasticine, then watch the videos: they will teach yourself how to make mass for modeling.



How to Make a Play Before

  • Mar 25, 2018
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