Very often patients complain of pain in the area of wisdom tooth, which has not yet erupted. What causes this pain and what to do in this case?
The wisdom tooth, the eighth one, erupts later than the rest of the teeth. The growth of this tooth begins approximately from 16-17 years.
Eight is erupted through a large gum line that has already formed over the years. This site, which hangs over the erupting wisdom tooth, is called a hood in dentistry.
If the eruption process does not cause any painful sensations, then this process does not require any surgical intervention. But not all of them go smoothly and then the excision of the hood over the wisdom tooth is required.
- Causes of hood inflammation
- Diagnosis of
- Why should the hood be removed?
- Preparation for excision and operation
- Rehabilitation of the patient at home
- In the dry residue of
Causes of inflammation of the hood
There is a small space between the wisdom tooth and the gum hanging over it, called the hood. Often, food particles fall into this space and stay there. Food with time begins to deteriorate, and this helps to multiply bacteria.
That's why an unpleasant smell comes from the mouth and the hood over the wisdom tooth becomes inflamed, pus appears. With gum disease, the cheek may swell, the body temperature may rise. With worsening of the condition there is soreness in the area of lymph nodes and problematic when opening the mouth.
If the time does not begin treatment and start this process, the inflammation can expand and go into an abscess. Inflammation and decay can start other tissues and there will already be a need for cuts from the outside of the face. Therefore, when there are painful feelings, you should not postpone the visit to the dentist.
Diagnosis of
The final diagnosis can be made by a dentist upon examination. Inflammation of the hood above the wisdom tooth is called pericoronitis.
On examination, the erupting eighth tooth and swollen gingiva above it should be visible, significantly enlarged in size of white or red depending on the stage of inflammation.
After initial examination and diagnosis, the doctor prescribes the operation date and treatment for the preparation time in the form of trays with a disinfectant and local compresses. More details about the period of preparation for the operation will be discussed below.
It is important in diagnosing to understand in what direction the wisdom tooth itself grows. If he has a normal direction of growth, that is up, then there are no contraindications to excision of the hood, but it also happens that the tooth grows sideways towards other teeth and exerts pressure on them. In this case, it is necessary to remove the wisdom tooth itself and the excision of the hood will not help.
Why should the hood be removed?
After pericoronitis is diagnosed, the doctor usually directs the patient to prepare for the excision of the hood. This is a classic way to solve the problem, since the treatment of inflammation in this area can be ineffective and dangerous.
Inflammation of the gums can be removed with regular intake of antibiotics. But after the course of taking antibiotics, the inflammatory process will continue.
This is due to the fact that the space between the tooth and the gum is constantly filled with food and there is a continuous process of reproduction and development of pathogens.
During the action of antibiotics, they temporarily stop their development, but as soon as the antibiotic ceases to function, the problem returns again. Since the appointment of antibiotics is an aggressive method of treatment and adversely affects the body as a whole from this method, it is better to leave in this case.
In addition, if the process is started, the state can irreversibly deteriorate. The next stage in the development of the disease will be a violation of the chewing process, a problematic functioning of the facial muscles and, associated with it, difficulty in opening the mouth, increasing pain syndrome.
Inflammation and decay can go to soft tissue, and pyogenic microbes can be transmitted through the lymphatic or circulatory system.
After removing the hood, the space where the bacteria multiplied disappears, so more inflammation should not be repeated. The wisdom tooth continues to grow normally, since now, nothing hinders it.
Also, after the diagnosis is made, it is necessary to take into account the presence in the anamnesis of gum excision at the same site earlier. It happens that the gum is excised, but after a while it again becomes inflamed. Then the question is raised about the effectiveness of this method in the individual case and most often it is necessary to remove the whole growing tooth.
Preparation for excision and operation
The main task in preparing for the procedure is to remove the acute inflammatory process. This occurs by rinsing the oral cavity with a particular intensity in the area of inflammation. For rinsing, chamomile infusion is used, in case there is no allergy to it.
For allergy sufferers, we can apply soda-salt solution based on the proportions: for one glass of water, a half teaspoon of soda and the same amount of salt. Rinsing should be 3 times a day.
To relieve the pain, you can drink anesthetic medication. Usually Ketorol or Ketanov is prescribed, but not more than 4 tablets per day and tooth drops that have a local analgesic effect.
Dental drops are applied to a small piece of gauze and make a compress directly to the site of inflammation. Such a compress will reduce the pain syndrome and favorably affect the removal of inflammation.
The hood removal procedure itself is performed under local anesthesia in the absence of contraindications to it. In case of individual intolerance of analgesics or during pregnancy and lactation, the procedure is performed without the use of anesthetic.
After injecting an anesthetic, the sensitivity of the site is minimized and the procedure is painless. The dentist plans a site for removal and cuts off the excess portion of the gum with the scalpel so that nothing covers the area of the tooth, since if a piece of the gum remains, the inflammation can happen again if food falls under it or if there is insufficient hygiene.
Then the wound should be washed with a special antiseptic and a styptic. After stopping the bleeding, the doctor applies a compress using the healing medication Alvozhel or Iodoform Tyrrut.
Rehabilitation of the patient at home
At the end of the procedure, the dentist makes recommendations for further oral care and prescribes the date of the examination. Within a few days, rinse the oral cavity with a weak solution of Miramistin or Furacilin.
Miramistin is used in the amount of 10-15 ml per application. Furatsilina solution can be prepared independently. To do this, you need to buy a ready-made powder in a pharmacy at a dosage of 0.02 g or tablets of the same dosage and crush them into powder. Then dilute it in warm water and rinse.
Miramistin is used in the form of irrigation, for this you need to purchase a special solution with a spray, in the form of a spray and spray it 3-5 times a day.
Also, in order to reduce the pain and sanitize the wound, you can rinse the oral cavity with a decoction of herbs: chamomile and sage. To do this, one teaspoon of each herb should be poured a glass of boiling water and insist for 15-20 minutes.
Half of the broth strain through gauze and dilute with warm water for one rinse. The rest can be left for the next time.
Before rinsing again, it should also be well filtered so that no particles remain and dilute with warm water.
In addition to rinsing, you need to apply compresses with dental gel Holisal 2-3 times a day. It promotes the rapid healing of the wound and anesthetizes it.
Holysal removes heat, pain and inflammation due to the main active substance. Kills microbes, and fungi due to this does not give the gum inflammation again. It is recommended to apply before meals, if the pain senses interferes with the intake of food.
After eating, the mouth cavity should be rinsed to get rid of the leftover food. Holisal is made on the basis of gel, so it is quickly absorbed, and active components last much longer. Anesthetic effect lasts from 2 to 8 hours, depending on the individual characteristics of the body.
In the dry residue of
Thus, with obvious signs of inflammation in the area of the wisdom tooth, it is necessary to consult a doctor, to prevent the development of the inflammatory process in soft tissues. In case the doctor prescribes excision of the hood as a treatment, one can not neglect his recommendations.
In case of refusal to remove the gum may not be restored independently and with the help of local therapy, and the inflammatory process of will take a lot of time and effort to treat it.
Operation under local anesthetic procedure is painless. But after anesthesia ceases to work, you may experience severe pain. But they are removed with the help of pain medications that are taken orally and locally.
Within 3 days the wound should be delayed due to the high capacity of the mucosa to regenerate tissues. On a second examination, the doctor will confirm the effectiveness of the recovery.