How to get rid of depression without taking medication?

And again we will talk with you about such a vile disease as depression.

If you get acquainted with the statistics of this mental illness, then the figures really amaze: in every developed country at least 20% of people suffer from depression( in the autumn periods their number increases) and almost 90% of adults have ever faced it.

And now tell me how, with such horrendous data, you can ignore the article, how to get yourself out of the depression of ?

We read, save in bookmarks, note, so as not to miss any useful material.

Why to know how to get yourself out of depression?

With the symptoms of depression, I think all my readers are familiar.

We have already repeatedly stopped at them.

The main thing - do not confuse the symptoms of the usual bad mood or stress and depression, which is a serious psychological illness.

If you are surrounded by close people, then naturally they will see changes in your mood, disturbances in your sleep and nutrition, excessive irritability, your unexpected asceticism, that you constantly look bad and feel tired.

instagram viewer

But what about people who do not have such wonderful friends and relatives who can draw their beloved out of a depressed state?

Struggle for work independently.

I believe that the proverb "Salvation of the drowning is the work of the drowning themselves" is very correct, because you need to learn how to deal with your problems independently, and not wait until such an adult child as an adult uncle or aunt takes the pen and tells you what to do.

Learn to get rid of yourself from depression.

5 steps that will help to get yourself out of the depression

Remember how it went through any of your diseases, but at least - the last flu.

Most likely, the algorithm of actions was as follows:

  1. You have long pretended that you are absolutely healthy, because a lot of work and you can not be sick.
  2. Even the vicious boss, who leads his subordinates to exhaustion with huge volumes of work, not wanting to put up with the presence of a snotty zombie in his office, sent you home, ordering you not to return until you get well.
  3. You tried to heal yourself, but for some reason nothing worked.
  4. Have gone to the doctor.
  5. The doctor, saying that you are a fool with a flu, attributed to you treatment.
  6. You bought all the medications, slightly ofigev from the prices.
  7. All conscientiously accepted, complaining that all drugs for influenza are not tasteless, whether it's chocolate.
  8. Recovered.

With the treatment of depression occurs approximately the same.

How to overcome depression: useful tips

To deduce yourself from depression, you need to commit 5 mandatory steps :

  1. Realize that you are depressed.

    This is very difficult for our brother, almost the same as writing yourself into alcoholics or drug addicts, but it's necessary.

  2. Reveal its cause.

    You can not treat depression without understanding what caused it.

    If you immediately start therapy, but the source of irritation will be close, then very quickly again fall into the grip of a bad mood.

  3. Remove sources of irritation.

    Even if it's a close friend, a favorite work, husband-wife, parents, you have to distance yourself from what drives you depressed, from which you are so hard to deduce yourself.

  4. Stop being sorry.

    Remember, what pictures are usually illustrated articles about depression: wrapped in a plaid young lady with a sad face, she sits and pities herself.

    Stand up, throw out the blanket and stop swimming in self-pity, because it's so humiliating.

  5. Choose the most effective treatment.

    I will offer you some common ways to get yourself out of depression, and you already choose what will help you.

    Although they can be used in a complex.

How to get rid of depression: using physical activity?

Depression is a cunning beast, because it very rarely attacks those who do sports or dances, but happily mows the ranks of lazy seals.

Shake and through "I can not" sign up for the gym, for dancing, for group classes in some kinds of sports.

After a while, the depression will not leave a trace, and the figure will improve significantly.

How to get rid of depression: with the help of proper nutrition?

Yes, chocolate contains a hormone of happiness, but this does not mean that you need to overeat candy, because ten kilos of excess weight gained after a chocolate diet will not exactly contribute to your exit from depression.

Just start eating right: lots of greens, vegetables and fruits, cereals, fatty fish, lean meat, dried fruits, nuts.

Less fried, smoked and fat, stew or bake products, or even better - cook them for a couple.

How to get rid of depression: with the help of rest?

One of the most common causes of depression is overwork.

A person works too much, takes on an exorbitant amount of duties and responsibilities and at one point simply can not stand the weight of the load.

Take a vacation, go to a warm country to soak up the beach, in a sanatorium, at a spa resort.

If you can not afford such a trip, then just stay at home and sleep well.

Do not do anything except pleasant things for yourself: watching your favorite movies, reading books, leisurely walks in the fresh air, etc.

How to get rid of depression: with the help of new interests and hobbies?

Many people complain, here, I have such a boring life, solid work, nothing interesting.

So, and who to you the doctor, what you are how much lazy, what do not wish to take a great interest in something entertaining?

Hence the depression, of which it is so difficult to get yourself out!

Think about what you would like to do?

Sign up for a course of drawing up ikebans, visit literary clubs, and any hobby groups that interest you.

Communication with like-minded people fills life with meaning and makes it more exciting.

How to get rid of depression: through communication?

People suffering from depression, I really want to hide from everyone.

Fight with such destructive desires.

You, on the contrary, should meet as many friends as possible, talk with colleagues, communicate with your soul mate( love is a wonderful remedy for depression), accept invitations to visit, etc.

Even if you do not want to see anyone, make an effort and go to the party, and there - talk, socialize, communicate. ..

A few words about depression and how to get out of it

in the video:

What's better: getting yourself out of depressionmost or ask for help?

Psychotherapists often attack resources like mine, grumbling: "Here, so-and-such, give out stupid advice about what they do not understand. Depression is a disease, so a doctor must treat it. "

Their words are not meaningless, because sometimes the disease has entered a stage where only medication can save a person.

I would advise you to really evaluate your strength.

If you understand that your ailment is not so serious, and you are quite able to overcome it on your own, then - go for it.

If you are sure that you can not cope without help, do not hesitate, ask for it.

To visit a psychoanalyst - do not be ashamed, drink antidepressants - do not be ashamed, lie in a specialized sanatorium - not ashamed.

It's shameful to turn a blind eye to your problems and aggravate your own disease.

So do only cowards and weaklings!

You see that the recommendations, how to get yourself out of the depression of , are extremely simple and any person can cope with them.

  • Mar 25, 2018
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