Poliminerol - a combined dental product made from natural ingredients, used in the treatment of periodontal diseases and gingivitis.
Poliminerol is produced by the Bulgarian pharmaceutical company LAVENA.Dental solution should be stored in a dry, cool and dark place at a temperature of not less than 15 and not more than 30 degrees within 3 years from the date of manufacture. It should also be remembered that access to children is restricted.
Poliminerol is available in vials in the form of a solution with a volume of 100 ml for use topically and externally. The medicine is liquid with a yellow tinge and has a weakly expressed menthol-timol odor.
The effect of the medication is due to the qualities of the constituents. The main acting element is the lye of the uterine lake of Pomorie.
Additional elements:
- sodium saccharin - sugar substitute;
- ethanol( ethyl alcohol);
- menthol;
- Thymol.
- How to use and dose
- How to use
- Indications and contraindications
- Side effects and overdose
- Special instructions
- Analogues and price
How to use and dose
Before using the medication, you should empty the oral cavity of pus, dirt, food and other bacterial clusters.
Solution procedures are performed depending on the pathology:
- For preventive purposes, .Carry out the gurgling procedures of the oral cavity for 5 minutes once or twice a day in a diluted form in a ratio of 1: 4.
- With catarrhal gingivitis .Rinse for 10 minutes three times a day with diluted medicine in the proportions of 1: 5.To increase the effect, it is possible to apply lotions from the drug mixture of the pure solution to the gum edge. Preparing a thick mixture is superimposed on the gauze dressing and applied to the gum. After hardening, the dressings are left for 2 to 24 hours.
- With ulcerous and hypertrophic gingivitis .Apply gauze lotions to the gum of the roller from the cotton wool to the places between the teeth, moistened in a solution. Manipulation will be repeated according to the scheme: day break, day procedure. In parallel, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with diluted Poliminerol medicine.
- At the first stage of periodontal disease .They use lotions and drains for the space between the teeth. In parallel, oral operations are performed in the mouth with a diluted remedy;
- In the severe stage of progressive periodontitis .Do dressings from gauze, and if there are pockets in the gums, then in their bottom as deep as possible lay the medicated drainage from cotton wool. It is recommended to change them up to three times every 5 minutes. Such manipulations can be carried out separately, but in the aggregate the effect is achieved much faster. Ginsing procedures are performed in parallel with bandages and cotton drains.
After carrying out preventive and therapeutic manipulation with Poliminerol solution, do not rinse the oral cavity with water or other means without prescribing the dentist.
For the therapeutic course it is recommended to impose up to 15 gauze lotions according to the pattern: day after day. The remaining 4-5 dressings should be conducted no more often than twice a week. Drainages from cotton wool are injected first daily, and then repeated once a month.