If you are already ripe and ready to start your own business, the registration of is just what you need!
What is an LLC?How to register an LLC?How to open an LLC?
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So, the law defines LLC as "The organizational and legal form of an economic organization".
LLC or Limited Liability Company, may be established by one or more people.
In the second case, each of them has its share of the Authorized Capital, negotiated by the relevant documents.
The founders bear the risks of losses according to their shares.
LLC can participate in litigation, both as a plaintiff and as a defendant.
Can have bank accounts both in Russia and abroad.
LLC has its own round seal, can have its own logo, forms, stamps, trademark and logo.
P.S.A trademark must be registered.
LLC is registered for an indefinite period, as well as for a limited period. This is noted in its Charter.
LLC can engage in any activity within the law and acquire the necessary licenses.
Registration LLC!Detailed instructions.
Initially, if you have already decided to open , you need to come up with a name for your future company.
The name should distinguish you from competitors!
Before the start of the registration of LLC, your name will be checked in the USR, to exclude similar ones.
Then you will need to decide who will become the founder( leader) of the LLC.
By law, the number of founders is limited to 100 people.
You also need to determine their share in the Statutory Fund.
Then select the director, and decide who will apply for the registration of the LLC.
itself must be registered at a legal address.
What can be a business address?
This is the place of registration of one of the founders, or the lease of non-residential premises under the Agreement, or a premise that is the private property of one of the founders, which is again confirmed by a specific agreement or the same certificate of the right to property.
- Then we select the type of economic activity for our LLC according to the Special Classifier of Economic Activities.
- Determined with the type of taxation.
Open a current account.
After the registration process of the LLC has already ended and you have already issued and received the full package of constituent documents - you open a settlement account for your LLC, independently choosing the bank with which you will cooperate for the future. -
The application is then filled in and notarized.
The application must be a form of P11001.
After the Charter is written in 3 copies, which are stitched and numbered and a letter for submission of the Charter.
The letter is prepared in 2 copies and signed.
Then, if the founder is one person, a decision is made to open the LLC, and if several - the minutes of the meeting at which this decision is made.
The list of founders should be attached to the protocol.
On behalf of the person who submits the application, the state duty for the opening and state duty for the certification of the Charter must be paid.
Receipt must be attached to the documents.
Interesting facts from the world of business!
Naturally, if you feel sorry for your time spent - then you can easily buy an LLC!
This is everyone's business.
The package of documents for the registration of the LLC should look like this:
- Application form P11001.
Download:Statement of the LLC in the form of P11001.xls ( 59,3 KiB, 902 downloads)
- Charter( 3 copies).
- The decision to create an LLC or the minutes of the meeting.
- Two receipts for payment of state duty.
- Letter of confirmation of a copy of the Charter( 2 copies).
- Confirmation of registered address.
How to close an LLC?
We hope that this brief overview will help you easily collect all the necessary documents and open this form of commercial organization without delay.
We bring to your attention a useful video,
, which details the registration and opening of the LLC!