Hide from all.
I mean - in a figurative sense, but if you have a secluded place that no one knows and which is ideal for work, then you can hide there.
Alert all friends, relatives, customers, partners, etc. that you will not be available to them on this day.
Prevent them from calling and writing to you!
Unplug the phone or just put it on silent mode and do not touch it until you complete your work plan.
The same applies to mail, Skype and other means of communication.
Make a list of the things you need to accomplish during this day.
Describe the stages of work by hand in the diary or create a text file on the computer.
Your plan should be detailed, indicating the execution time of each case, broken down into subparagraphs, if necessary, etc.
Once you have completed one task, be sure to delete it.
This is very motivating, especially when crossed out points prove to be greater than those left for execution.
How to plan your day correctly: 3 variants of
Determine for yourself the working time period in advance.
Phrases "I will work until everything is done" or "The whole day" - do not fit!
Your forecast should sound something like this: "I will work 12 hours, from 8 am to 20.00 pm".
You should not pretend to be Napoleon and claim that you are going to work 20 hours, allocating only 4.
. Nothing good will come of such a plan!
Really evaluate your strength!
Stick to these terms no matter what.
Remember, a hundred years ago there was such a television game "Guess the Melody"?There the players competed: "I will guess this melody from five notes", "I'm from three", etc.
Proceed in a similar way.
For example: "I will write this text in 2 hours."
And try to keep within this time, without being distracted by extraneous things.
Checked by itself: the closer the deadline, the more active the brain begins to work.
Your working day should come out of the usual time frame.
Super-productive day should be different from your usual day.
For example, you are a night owl. Get used to get up no earlier than 10 am, then devote another hour and a half coffee, lasagna on the Internet, a leisurely breakfast.
In short, your work day starts no earlier than 12.00.
Surprise your body: set the alarm at 6 am. Coffee-breakfast-wash-shave should not take more than 30 minutes. And at 6.30 you have already started to work.
And at 18.00 - have already done everything.
How to start the day right: 5 valuable tips
Use additional motivators.
Are you used to listening to music while you are working or do you love to humble the TV with a light background?
In a superfood day, limit these little joys.
For example, say to yourself: "I will turn on the music only when I perform the first 4 points of the plan."
So you will have an additional incentive for fast execution of all tasks.
Do not let your body run out.
Remember the golden rule: you need to drink water so often to avoid feeling thirsty.Once you have felt thirsty, it means that your brain began to suffer from a lack of fluid.
It's the same with hunger, stiff back, tired muscles, etc.
If you work physically, then take a short break before your muscles tell you "I can not!".
If you are sitting at a computer - get up, not allowing backache and neck.
Do not let yourself be distracted.
Nothing! No social networks, magazines, interesting sites, the next series of your favorite TV series.
Nothing of this!
Even a lunch hour should be prohibited.
Prepare yourself a meal in advance for a full dinner, and for snacks, so that on a superproductive day, do not spend a lot of time on it.
Work-work-work is the main component of your day.
Allow yourself to take breaks that do not lead to relaxation.
Viewing a movie, reading an interesting art book, climbing in social networks are breaks that lead to complete relaxation and a malfunction of the working mood.
If, for example, I have to spend a whole day writing articles, my breaks look like this: the press shook and stretched my neck, I pampered myself with coffee and candy, read a short cognitive article, went out for a 15-minute walk, wrote a list of cases for tomorrowstroked the dress that I will put on tomorrow, etc.
You see?
These cases do not take much from me, they are useful and do not let me relax.
Do not stop.
Superproductive day because it is called that the phrase "I'll finish tomorrow" on this day is not used.
Even if you did not keep within the planned time period, do not relax until everything is finished.
Throw the unfinished business once and it will become a habit.
Just next time, make a plan more literally.
Try this technique at least once, and you will no longer be asked by the question " How to manage all ?".
Today I want to talk with you about such a concept as time.
I do not know about you, but I often get angry at my watch because I can not control it.
There are days when one single question " How to manage all ?" Is in the head. This is if you have accumulated a lot of work or you are busy with something incredibly interesting.
The passing time seems even more inexplicable when I remember how slowly the clock moved when I was sitting on an incredibly boring pair or had to endure an unfortunate meeting till the end.
Julia, help me to manage everything!
I'll tell you the truth, I often have days when the ratio of cases that need to be performed without fail today, and the time clearly is not in favor of the latter.
There are days when I would give everything for the "flywheel of time"( remember the magical object from the "Harry Potter", which was used by the curious-Hermione, to attend even more lessons).
"Minutes like flying horses, flying,
You'll look around - the sunset is already close."
And yet the question " How to manage all ?" Does not bother me as often as my friend Natalia.
She, being kind of very creative with the primary inclinations of a sloth, never does not have time.
Her favorite phrases: "Caput! I do not have time! "," I was so wrapped up, but I still do not get any smaller! "And the like.
One day Natalia called me in a panic, with the traditional screams for her: "I again have a blockage! What to do?!".
I promised to help her and started looking for an effective technique.
And I found this beauty.
After testing it on my kaput-nothing-no-time friend, I realized that it really works.
10 tips to help you keep up with all
I will say right away that this technique is not suitable for everyday use, otherwise in a month you will simply slip from overwork.
But in order to sort out the accumulated blockages, these tips are ideal.
So, let's get started!
And one more valuable advice for each day is how
to manage everything!
Turning on and watching 😉
Well, and the last advice: if you were a good man and your day was superproductive( you fulfilled the plan, meeting the deadlines), then tomorrow it's better to arrange a day off to reward yourself for success.