Constant low-grade fever occurs for various reasons and can last for several days or weeks. This condition is not said when there are individual cases of an increase in this indicator, because it can be associated with natural processes occurring in the body. The long subfebrile condition is diagnosed when the temperature of 37-37.5 ° C is fixed for several days in a row.
What is subfebrile temperature
Many patients are interested in what is subfebrile? The temperature, which lasts long at the level of 37-37.5 ° C, is called subfebrile fever. When a patient has this condition, the symptoms of the pathology may be absent completely or may be limited to mild weakness. The true increase or heat is said if the value exceeds 38 ° C, and there are signs of certain diseases. If a small temperature persists, the patient should consult a doctor. According to the results of the survey, a specialist will be able to determine the cause of the temperature increase.
Causes of
Long-term subfebrile in adults can be caused by external factors, natural processes occurring in the body, or infectious and non-infectious diseases. The main causes of a persistent small increase in body temperature, which are not associated with pathologies of internal organs:
- Prolonged intake of medications that reduce heat output of the body and increase energy production. For example, the use of Atropine, Fenamin, muscle relaxants.
- Recovery period after surgery or advanced infection.
- Finding a person in prolonged nervous tension and stress.
- Subfebrile may be inherited. In such a situation, a long slight increase in temperature is considered normal.
- Premenstrual syndrome and pregnancy.
- Intensive training.
Diseases that are accompanied by the emergence of subfebrile:
- Poisoning substances causing fever.
- Infectious diseases - syphilis, HIV, tuberculosis, toxoplasmosis, helminthiosis, encephalitis and others.
- Crohn's disease, rheumatism, ulcerative colitis and other autoimmune diseases.
- Anemia.
- Pathologies of the digestive system, accompanied by a violation of normal intestinal microflora. Diseases of the hypothalamus or pituitary gland.
- Low immunity.
- Malignant tumors.
- Pathological conditions of the endocrine system - diseases of the thyroid gland, menopause.
The temperature is maintained at 37.2 without symptoms in the adult
. What temperature is considered subfebrile in adult patients? Patients are diagnosed with a persistent fever if the temperature is kept at 37.2 ° C for several weeks or months. In men and women, fever can be caused by both natural causes and dangerous diseases, which at the beginning of development are asymptomatic. For example, in patients with tuberculosis or oncology. In athletes who regularly experience increased physical activity, too, there is often a slight increase in this indicator.
By the evening the temperature rises 37
The normal temperature of the human body is 36.4-36.9 ° C. It should not reach 37 ° C.Within a day, a change in this figure is permissible: in the morning hours there are minimum indicators, and in the evening - maximum. Physiological fluctuations in body temperature during the day can cause several circumstances:
- recent sleep;
- active rhythm of life;
- type thermometer;
- weather;
- time of year;
- change in hormone levels during the menstrual cycle.
Temperature 37.3 lasts a week
An increase in temperature indices that do not fall neither at night nor in the day can be a sign of a chronic inflammatory process, endocrine diseases or the presence of pathology of internal organs. Noninfectious subfebrile condition should alert the patient, as well as change in normal parameters due to infection by pathogenic microorganisms. With fever of unknown origin, consult a doctor.
With oncology
If after holding the necessary antipyretic measures the fever keeps, then the patient needs to undergo an examination with an oncologist. Often, a disintegrating malignant tumor causes a persistent increase in temperature. In oncology, this condition is caused by several factors:
- production of tumor cytokines;
- destruction of malignant formation;
- joining infection on a background of decreased immunity;
- effects of medicines;
- autoimmune pathology.
After ASVI
In many cases, subfebrile condition is observed in the postinfection period - after the acute respiratory viral infection, acute respiratory infections and other catarrhal conditions. As a rule, these diseases cause an increase in temperature if accompanied by complications on the respiratory system: bronchi or lungs. If hyperthermia is accompanied by a rise in temperature to 38 degrees and a strong cough, then the development of bronchitis. This condition is dangerous for the child, because his immune system was not completely formed. Moderate heat is a sign of tuberculosis, especially if it does not last long.
Temperature 37.2 and weakness
Arising weakness, headache and low-grade fever can mean that a serious illness develops. Some inflammatory diseases of the human musculoskeletal system are accompanied by a malaise of the whole organism. For example, myogelosis of the cervical department has a subfebrile condition in the list of symptoms. This disease causes a violation of the blood circulation of the brain, nausea, loss of consciousness and a constant slight glow. In addition, subfebrile causes meningitis, encephalitis or sinusitis.
Reasons for women
In addition to the above circumstances, in women, frequent causes of small fever include the pathology of the endocrine glands. In most cases of hormonal disorders after the diagnosis of thyrotoxicosis, the disease is confirmed. Men with this pathology suffer much less. Vegetosovascular dystonia caused by thyroid disease in women is accompanied by an increase in body temperature in the evening.
In a certain period of the menstrual cycle, the subfebrile condition can be observed due to physiological causes on the background of normal health. Ovulation( the release of the egg from the follicle) is accompanied by several characteristic symptoms. At this point, women observe a slight body heat, puffiness, irritability and mild pain in the lower abdomen. Many girls who are planning a pregnancy, try, thanks to the subfebrile condition, to determine ovulation, making daily measurements of basal temperature.
During pregnancy
Many future mothers experience, noticing on the thermometer 37.5 ° C.Doctors say that during pregnancy in most cases this condition refers to the physiological norm. If there are no other alarming symptoms( cough, severe weakness or headache), then there is nothing to worry about. Meanwhile, high fever can signal the development of the disease. A pregnant woman should seek help if, in addition to fever, she has bloody discharge, abdominal pain, dizziness, or nausea.
Causes of subfebrile temperature in children
In childhood, there are many causes of increased body temperature for a long period. In infants, moderate heat causes teething. In addition, the kids are given a large amount of saliva, they become restless and moody. The temperature in this period is a natural phenomenon that will eventually pass. If the baby's gums begin to become inflamed during eruption, the doctor may prescribe a local antibiotic.
The main causes of subfebrile condition in older children are colds and helminthiases. Moderate heat is a symptom of toxoplasmosis, giardiasis, ascariasis or the presence of other parasites. In addition, any latent infection( eg, herpes simplex virus) can cause this problem. Parents can not ignore a slight fever of 37.3 ° C in a child, because in many cases it indicates the development of a disease.
Reasons for adolescents
Subfebrile fever in adolescence is not a normal condition, except for cases of exclusion( heredity, medication and others).Often an insignificant heat during this period arises from chronic infections or pathologies of the developing musculoskeletal system. In the transition years, children are exposed to a lot of stresses because of an unstable emotional state, so they have this condition is a symptom of psychosomatic diseases.
Than subfebrile temperature
is dangerous. In itself, this condition is not considered dangerous for the patient's health, but in most situations it signals the development of serious pathologies. If you do not pay attention to the heat and do not undergo timely examination, complications may develop. The danger is the self-administration of medications before going to the hospital for help, because the treatment with antipyretic drugs interferes with the formulation of an accurate diagnosis.
Due to the fact that subfebrile condition is considered a sign of many conditions and pathologies, there are no special methods for its diagnosis. To determine this condition, the temperature is measured every day with a thermometer in the armpit, orally or anally. To get rid of the constant heat, the sick person should visit the therapist. The doctor will conduct an examination and appoint a patient examination, during which he will prescribe to take blood tests, urine, feces, to undergo ultrasound and other necessary diagnostic measures.
How to deal with the subfebrile condition of
The main method of fighting with constant heat is a complete examination of the body and treatment of the disease found. When the cause is established, the doctor will prescribe the necessary therapy. If necessary, a specialist can prescribe antipyretic drugs for the treatment of subfebrile fever. For example, for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, complex therapy consisting of antibiotics, vasoconstrictive drugs against the common cold and Ibuprofen is used to reduce heat.
Doctors say that in this state you can not engage in self-medication. Illiterate intake of drugs may interfere with the main cause and lead to complications. In order for the patient to recover faster, he should observe the day regimen and proper nutrition. The speed of recovery for each person is different and depends on the overall health of the patient.
Measures to prevent persistent small body heat include all activities aimed at preventing the development of pathologies and infection. In order not to get sick, everyone should:
- eat right;
- to observe a mode of work and rest;
- exercise regularly;
- to avoid stressful situations;
- observe the rules of personal hygiene.