In summer and early autumn shops, street stalls are full of watermelons. This berry perfectly quenches thirst, is a source of useful microelements, which the person year round lacks. The choice of such a product resembles a lottery, because not everyone imagines how to recognize a ripe berry.
How to choose a watermelon without nitrates
What you need to know about how to choose a delicious watermelon? The term of ripening berries. Tentatively, this is the end of summer-beginning of autumn. Only at this time you can safely buy a ripe fruit to enjoy its taste and saturate the body with useful trace elements. In addition, the melon should lie on the counter in a shop or on the street on special podiums under an awning to avoid getting pathogenic microorganisms and dirt on the product.
Do not forget that the watermelon is able to attract, absorb and accumulate dust, so carefully inspect the fruit before you make a purchase. Any crack or cleavage should be the reason for rejecting the goods. Do not buy a cut product, because there is no guarantee that microorganisms that do not hit the sweet environment, quickly multiplying, do not fall into it.
Want to know about how you can choose a delicious watermelon without nitrates? Ask the seller to provide a quality certificate. When presenting a photocopy, pay attention to the presence of color printing - this is a sign of the authenticity of the document. Only in this way you can keep your health. Do not rush to grab the largest fruit in size. Maybe it's ripe, but tasty? Optimal choice - the average size of the submitted lot, because a small one can be underserved.
To purchase the product without harmful impurities, you can:
- use a nitrate tester;
- ask to cut a specimen and pay attention to the surface( it should be covered with grains, not glossy, the color of the pulp is saturated pink, but not too bright).
Where it is better to buy watermelons
When choosing the place of purchase, you need to make sure of the main points: the correct placement of goods on the market( on the ground or counter), the availability of certificates. If at least one condition is not met, then the market purchase will have to be abandoned and buy a watermelon in the store. A positive point of purchase in the supermarket is a guarantee of a refund of money, upon presentation of a check and improper fetal quality.
When the watermelon ripens
Maturing "striped" occurs at least sixty days in the early varieties and in the region of a hundred after the emergence - in the later. If you know these indicators, you can guess that in June the fruits can not ripen physically, especially in Russia. At this time, sellers sell products obtained using fertilizer and chemical fertilizing. Do you want to preserve your health and avoid food poisoning with nitrates? Then follow one rule: use the products supplied to stores in August-September.
How to determine the presence of nitrates in a watermelon
To understand if a fertilizer was used to grow a watermelon in appearance can not be, so the first thing to do is look at the fresh cut. If it remained glossy, then watermelon is stuffed with chemistry, otherwise balls or bubbles form on its surface. Another thing worth paying attention to is the presence of white bands coming from the core of the fetus - a sign of the presence of nitrates. The flesh must be scarlet or red and without a purple hue.
Rules for choosing a watermelon
Choosing a watermelon is not an easy task, and everyone copes with it in their own way: they knock on the fruit, look at the tail, etc. There are some patterns, knowing that you will no longer doubt how to choose a delicious watermelon:
- Large size and weight are not ripeness indicators( the correct option is the average fruit size).
- Juicy will be that watermelon, which has a slightly flattened shape, but not oval.
- The dry tail is a sign of ripeness.
- Uneven green crust with a grainy pattern and yellow spot is an indicator of quality.
- A ringing sound, not deaf, when tapping and cracking peels when squeezing, indicate the ripeness of the watermelon.
- Watermelon kiosk should be specially equipped( the products are on shelves under the awning and necessarily above the ground).
- The choice of a delicious fruit is best done on the basis of an integrated approach( the presence of most of the listed characteristics will indicate the purchase of a quality product).
How to choose a sweet watermelon
Understanding how you can choose a delicious watermelon, many start to see photos and video reviews on the Internet. A sweet fruit can be found if you pay attention to the structure of the stem( smooth tail signals a quality product, because with it all the mustaches and hairs have completely disappeared).Do not forget that the sweeter flesh will be easier to weigh, but there are also special features here:
- cool rainy summers contribute to the formation of voids inside the berry;
- hot dry period - quality products.