Wet Products

Moisture is an ancient way of preserving and preserving foods for a long time. It is known that wet vegetables and fruits were widely used before our era by many peoples who lived in the territory of Siberia and Northern Europe.


  1. What is the difference between wetting and other ways of preserving
  2. products What are the taste of wet products?
  3. How to moisten apples and other products
  4. Useful properties of wet products

Interesting is the fact that the technology of products' wetting has been almost unchanged since ancient times to the present day. Now mostly use dishes, which were used in the original technology many centuries ago - wooden barrels, kadushki. According to experts, this allows you to achieve a unique flavor and taste of wet products.

Moisture and other ways of preserving products

A city dweller who does not understand the intricacies of conservation can easily get involved with the digestion process.

After all, the technology of souring and pissing is very similar in appearance. In both cases, the products are placed in barrels, they are poured with brine, after a certain period of time, usually in winter, vegetables and fruits are ready for consumption.

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However, there are certain distinctive features. The main difference between wetting and souring is that when products are wet, it is important to have a large amount of sugar in the products or brine.

At souring the presence of an insignificant share of sugar does not matter, the main work is performed by acid-milk bacteria, which produce acid, it is it that sucks vegetables and fruits.

When the process of wetting in a sweet environment, the main "workers" are yeast, which in turn produce a certain amount of alcohol. In order for the process of the urine to proceed successfully and correctly and the life of the yeast, nothing is prevented, barley malt is added to the soaking tank, after which the whole brine becomes similar to kvass. Soaked in this way, the products to taste also resemble this drink.

What are the taste of wet products?

Many have tried wet apples and remember their interesting and specific taste. They are not as acidic as if they were fermented with cabbage, and have a sweetish flavor because of the high sugar content.

Also, wet products give alcohol, but quite a bit. The content of alcohol in such products is not more than 1%, and this small presence creates such an aftertaste.

Another difference of the wet products from the fermented is their softness. This fact is explained by the fact that yeast basically processes fiber, which is the main solid element of fruits and vegetables.

How to wet apples and other

products As mentioned earlier, products are drilled in wooden barrels, plastic containers are also allowed. Apples( or other fruits, vegetables) are laid in even layers, between these layers put a layer of currant or cabbage leaves.

In older times, the layers were shifted with ordinary green foliage or hay. What is the interlayer consists of, it is of little importance, the main thing is that it damages the pressure of the apples, which are located near above.

After the barrel is filled, the apples are poured with brine. It consists of water, which adds up to 4% sugar, up to 1% salt and about 1% malt. A substitute for malt can be rye flour, which must be taken in one and a half amounts.

After a couple of days of wetting a foam forms on the surface of the barrel - this is a sign that the fermentation process is in full swing. To remove excess gas, it is necessary to pierce the barrel from top to bottom to its base with special metal rods, and then put it in a cool place. After about two months, a useful and tasty product can be eaten.

Useful properties of wet products

Doctors prescribe wet products to those people who can not eat raw vegetables or fruits, because such foods contain less sugar. Even sweet watermelons after the urine become sharp and sour. This feature is useful for people with a problem of obesity or those with diabetes.

Wet fruits and vegetables are much juicier than their fresh representatives. This is especially true for late varieties of apples, which are not distinguished by sweetness and softness. For people who have problems with teeth, such apples will also taste.

Do not forget about the ability of long-term storage. Watermelon, which can not be laid until winter, and apples that can deteriorate under ideal storage conditions before the beginning of spring, are nutritious and suitable for consumption all year round in a barrel of brine, which has provided such wide popularity to this method of canning. Especially this method is relevant in the North, where the storage period for products begins in October.

Due to the fact that the products are not subjected to any heat treatment, they retain all the useful substances. All the useful elements that we get from fresh pears, apples and watermelons, are present in their wet analogs. Therefore, during periods of deficiency of vitamins and other beneficial substances, wet products are simply necessary.

Blanks for the winter
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