Tonsillitis is a pathological process that affects the palatine tonsils and is characterized by symptoms such as fatigue, sore throat, poor appetite. This disease can occur in two forms - acute and chronic. And if we talk about the acute course, it is less dangerous, since the clinical picture has a pronounced character, due to which it is possible to start therapy in time.

And here the chronic tonsillitis can have a stage of remission( the symptoms are almost invisible and the patient lives a habitual life) and exacerbation( severe symptoms and risk of complications development).


  • 1 Symptoms of
  • 2 Treatment in adults
    • 2.1 Operative intervention
    • 2.2 Folk remedies
  • 3 Treatment in children

Symptoms of

For the acute stage, the symptomatology is initially of a hidden nature. The patient may not even guess that he is sick with tonsillitis. The only thing that bothers him is the persecution in the mountain and the feeling of a foreign object. Do not exclude bad smell from the mouth.

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exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis

In the photo, the exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis

appears. The next symptom of chronic tonsillitis of the acute stage is coughing. The patient feels fatigue and weakness throughout the body. Often the body temperature rises. And it can be permanent throughout the day or rise closer to the night. A person feels broken and unable to perform his usual work.

Chronic tonsillitis in the acute stage is characterized by unpleasant and painful sensations when swallowing. At external survey the doctor observes increase of lymph nodes. And this state is observed for several days. With exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis, the patient will experience headaches that give to the left side of the head.

On video exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis:

Treatment in adults

In the treatment of exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis in adults, conservative and surgical methods can be used.
Conservative treatment of

During an exacerbation of a chronic form of tonsillitis occurs angina. It develops against the background of multiplication of pathogenic microflora in tonsils. For this reason, the main treatment in adults is the intake of such medications as antibiotics and antiseptics.

paratonsillar abscess What you are and what the paratonsillar abscess of microbes looks like, you can see in the photo in this article.

But what are the signs of a paratonsillar abscess, and how this disease is treated, is described in great detail in this article.

How does the treatment after the opening of the paratonsillar abscess help you to understand this article: http: // bolezni-g /abscess/ paratonzillyarnyj-vskrytie.html

How is the vacuum cleaning of the tonsils in tonsillitis, very detailed in this video.

Antibiotic therapy should begin immediately after such symptoms have been discovered: redness of the throat and a rise in temperature. Reception of antibiotics can be conducted in the form of tablets or injections. With exacerbation of tonsillitis, the patient is prescribed antibacterial drugs of the penicillin and cephalosporins group.

To the number of the most effective:

  • Ampicillin, ampicillin
  • Amoxicillin( can I take Amoxicillin for cold, it helps to understand this article)

    On photo- amoxicillin

  • Cefazolin,

    On photo- cefazolin

  • Ceftriaxone( and here is how treatment of antritics with antibiotics Ceftriaxone, tellsin this article) ceftriaxone

If, 2 days after the start of taking these drugs, there is no positive dynamics, the doctor decides to replace the chosen medication with another. This often happens in those people who have repeatedly taken antibiotics and bacteria have developed addiction. To accurately determine the resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics, it is necessary to pass a bacteriological examination to determine the sensitivity of the bacterium to antibacterial drugs.

In addition to antibiotics, chronic tonsillitis should be treated with antiseptic solutions in the acute stage. They are used to rinse the mouth and throat. Produce treatment activities 5-10 times a day. It is advisable to use furatsillin, Iodinol. For local therapy, sprays for the throat are used - Ingalipt( what is the price of Ingalipt spray) and Geksoral( and here is how much is Geoxoral spray, you can find out from this article)


On photo-furatsilin

To reduce painful symptoms in the throat and get antiseptic effect,sugar candies. They need to dissolve during the day. Among the most effective include Faringosept( which is better to use during pregnancy Lizobakt or Pharyngosept, will help to understand this article)


Often, the attending physician in the treatment of tonsillitis during the exacerbation takes a decision to conduct tonsillectomy. This is an operation to remove tonsils. But it is necessary to conduct it only under certain indications. Therefore, it is advisable to carry out surgical intervention with recurrent paratonsillar abscesses. Consequently, when tonsillitis occurs without complications, it is better to use the methods of conservative therapy.

On video removal of chronic tonsillitis:

Interventional surgery is not recommended for the following pathologies:

  • Leukemia;
  • Tuberculosis in active form;
  • Jade;
  • Heart disease.

Folk remedies

In the treatment of tonsillitis in adults, folk remedies can be used:

  1. Propolis .Finely chop the raw materials and mix with alcohol in equal amounts. Store in a dark place for 5 days. Then, take a daily intake of 20 drops 3 times a day. Take medication for 21 days.
    propolis for treatment

    On the photo-propolis for the treatment of

  2. Drops from garlic .You need to grind the garlic, combine it with vegetable oil in equal amounts. Hold the mixture for 5 days in a dark room. Then filter and add a couple drops of lemon juice. The received preparation takes 10 drops 2 times a day.
    drops of garlic

    On the photo- drops from garlic

  3. Beets .Remove the peel from the vegetable, finely chop it. Mix with 800 ml of water, set on a plate and cook for 1 hour. The prepared broth is filtered and used to rinse the throat.
    Beet for treatment of tonsillitis

    On photo-beet for treatment of tonsillitis

Treatment in children

antibiotics for children

For radiation of chronic tonsillitis at the stage of exacerbation in small patients it is possible with the help of drugs, physiotherapy, surgery. In addition, it is important to observe the weight of the prescription of the doctor regarding proper nutrition, walks in the fresh air.

In general, treatment in children is as follows:

  1. Reception of antibiotics. The doctor prescribes this or that medication taking into account what symptoms the patient has and what its microflora. Antibacterial drugs can prescribe both mild and severe. In this case, in combination with antibiotics, it is important to administer and administer probiotics so as not to harm the work of the digestive tract.
  2. Antiseptic preparations .They are sold in the form of aerosols, sprays and solutions.
  3. Desensitizing treatment .Its goal is to stop swelling on the tonsils. In addition, they affect the mucosa of the posterior pharyngeal wall of a person. With the help of such drugs, it is possible to improve the absorption of other drugs.
  4. As is known chronic tonsillitis reduces the immunity of .Consequently, the doctor will necessarily include immunostimulatory drugs in the treatment regimen. Thanks to them, it is possible to activate the body's defenses and defeat the disease.
  5. Homeopathic medicines. Thanks to them, the nutritional function of the affected amygdala is improved. For these purposes, both preparations and rinse solutions can be used. It is even more effective to carry out ultrasonic and steam inhalations, which are based on medicinal herbs.
  6. Mitigation therapy .It is used when there is severe perspiration or dryness in the throat. Peach butter can be used for this purpose. Its dripping in your nose.3% perhydrol still remains effective. Use it when rinsing your throat. It is necessary to take 200 ml of water and add 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide. Rinse to spend 1-2 times a day. Anesthetics. They should only be used when the patient experiences severe pain.
  7. Proper nutrition. For the treatment of chronic tonsillitis at the stage of exacerbation was successful, the child must necessarily monitor his diet. Thus, in his diet should not be fried, smoked, salty and sour food. During an exacerbation, do not eat hard and hard foods.

On video exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis in a child:

Chronic tonsillitis at the stage of exacerbation is a very dangerous disease, since without appropriate treatment can cause multiple complications. Therapy should be an integrated approach, so that you can get rid of not only the symptoms, but also the causes of the ailment.