So tasty and harmful. ..

Food, like water and air, is one of the most important components for maintaining the vital functions of the body. Together with food in our body, the substances necessary for the functioning of human organs. Many dishes are not just food, but a whole treat of tastes. But for some reason, most of the most delicious food, on the contrary, has an adverse effect on our body. Today, people know almost everything about the benefits and harms of food. But even this knowledge does not stop us in the desire to taste an appetizing( though not the most useful) product. Experts still advise adhere to the rules of food culture, and the sooner we begin to prefer extremely useful food, the better our body will work as a whole.

What should I do in the beginning? Divide the products into useful and not very. And then gradually eliminate the undesirable food from the daily diet. What is not recommended is in large quantities:

  • Donuts. The morning of many working inhabitants of the planet begins with a cup of fragrant coffee in a snack with a fresh donut. Nutritionists insist that such a morning ration breaks all subsequent daily nutritional rhythm. This flour product is very high in calories( almost 200 calories in it).At the same time, the maximum amount of substances contained in the product is not at all beneficial to the body from morning - sugar, sugar, trans fats. There is nothing of energy value in this product.
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  • Instant soups with vermicelli( so-called "hot mugs").The faster to prepare this dish, the less it benefits. For example, if before using this dish, noodles need only be filled with spices and pour boiling water, then our body will not get anything good as a result. All that saturate the stomach - harmful, poorly digestible fats( almost 14 grams).Of the useful components of our body can get, except that part of the daily sodium( slightly more than half).But the energy and nutritional value of instant soups do not have.
  • Fast food. Of course, these are our favorite hamburgers, pies, chebureks and all their derivatives. Such food is prepared with the use of fat( vegetable oil, on which to roast a cutlet or pie itself), then it gets to us in the body. At the same time, it is saturated with toxic substances that settle in our stomach.
  • Foods cooked in breading are a very high-calorie food. Of the 250 calories contained in nuggets, for example, half is for fats. Immediately the body receives a third of the daily sodium norm and takes up to 15 grams of saturated fat.
  • French fries. On the one hand, it seems: a vegetable that is dangerous in it. First, potatoes because of the high content of starch, in itself is already a high-calorie product. A cooked deep-fried, in large quantities of vegetable oil( and on an industrial scale - several times used), this product "enriches" our body with almost 20 grams of saturated fat. The calorie content of this dish is about 400 calories. It is better to refuse the French fries immediately. If you really can not live without potato chips, it is better to cook the product not in boiling oil, but in the oven without the addition of fat. Otherwise, one serving of the deep fryer will leave a trace in your body for a long time. Excessive use of such potatoes also causes obesity.
  • Hot dog. It seems that after eating just one hot dog, the body is quite full. In fact, apart from heavy components, we did not get anything useful. Sausage in a roll, seasoned with sauces - it: more than 10 grams of fat, starch, a large amount of sodium, a high percentage of calories and not a whit of useful components. In the same row there are shawarma, denner, kebab and other similar dishes from dough and meat.

The above-mentioned undesirable foods are among the most common. This food has a significant adverse effect on the human body. Try to limit yourself as much as possible from using products "from the tray."And if so pulls on a similar snack, then it is better to cook it yourself. Try to reduce the consumption of fats during cooking, and also limit to a small portion.

Nutrition and health
  • Mar 25, 2018
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