Curcuma is the secret ingredient for the beauty and health of your skin.

  1. Incredible efficiency
  2. Prescriptions
  3. How not to damage the skin?

Oriental spice called turmeric has gained immense popularity in the field of cosmetology. Possessing a unique chemical composition, it has a rejuvenating, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect on the skin.

Turmeric masks can be used at any age and with a different skin type

A facial mask made from turmeric prepared at home is equipped with the ability to effectively clean pores from comedones, heal inflammation, treat acne and prevent wrinkles. It is indispensable when it is necessary to remove redness and to smooth out complexion, quickly tightens small wounds, reduces traces of scars and promotes healing of cracks.

Incredible effectiveness of

Today turmeric is recognized in cosmetology, and modern pharmacology has classified this spice with natural antibiotics. Its amazing properties are due to the rich vitamin composition and the presence of other useful substances, among which:

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  • essential oils;
  • phytochemicals;
  • macronutrients - potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus;
  • microelements - iron, manganese, copper, zinc, selenium;
  • vitamins - B1, B2, B3, B4, B6, B9, C, E, K.

Turmeric is very useful for the face, and after using the funds on its basis, the skin will become fresh, young and healthy. These compounds act almost instantly, as turmeric substances quickly penetrate into the deepest layers and immediately begin to actively "work".

  1. Essential oils or terpenes act as antiseptics and relieve irritation.
  2. Vitamin B6 is an effective anti-inflammatory substance.
  3. Folic acid is protected against the adverse effects of external factors.
  4. Ascorbic acid disinfects and rejuvenates.
  5. Phylloquinone or vitamin K eliminates edema and is an excellent anti-inflammatory substance.
  6. Niacin or vitamin B3 promotes cell regeneration.
  7. Choline or vitamin B4 reduces the intensity of sebum secretion.

Attention! When using the products that make up this spice, you must act very carefully and always follow the formula, as curcumin, which is part of it, is a very strong natural dye.

Recipes of

Home masks from turmeric are very easy to prepare and do not require any special monetary costs. All the ingredients are completely accessible and certainly will be found in every refrigerator. When making a product, consider all recommendations, and the result will please you with your immediate action.

Tip! Cooking and masking is recommended in gloves, as turmeric can stain the nails. If the product still falls on the nail plate, but remove it will help freshly squeezed lemon juice.

For cleansing

This facial cleanser contains turmeric and flour. The last ingredient acts as a scraping component and gently cleanses the pores. Prepare such a composition as follows:

  • a fourth of a teaspoon of our spice to combine with a tablespoon of pea flour;

    Tip! Instead of chickpea flour, you can use rice or plain wheat flour.

  • stir dry ingredients and pour 30 ml of cream;
  • should get a thick gruel, which must be insisted for five minutes;
  • the composition is applied to the face with a thick layer to prevent it from drying prematurely, and rinse after 10 minutes;
  • , after the procedure, rinse the skin with cold water.

Attention! Do not panic if after using this remedy the skin turns red slightly - this effect will take 10-15 minutes.

This mask will make the face skin fresh and healthy

For dry skin type

Turmeric is ideal for dry skin. It perfectly nourishes, moisturizes and heals small cracks. To prepare this mask, you need to do the following:

  • a quarter teaspoon of spice mixed with a teaspoon of milk powder;
  • mix the ingredients and pour a small amount of boiled water to get a consistency of thick sour cream;
  • mask keep for about 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

The effect will be visible after the first use - the skin will be saturated with moisture, will become soft and elastic.

For oily and combination skin

This agent monitors the intensity of sebum secretion and helps reduce pores. The recipe for cooking is as follows:

  • to connect ¼ teaspoon of turmeric powder and 30 ml of coconut oil;
  • thoroughly mix the ingredients and impose the composition on the face;
  • soak for 15-20 minutes and wash off the mask with lukewarm water, rinse with cold water.
  • apply moisturizer.
This mask will eliminate oily gloss and will make the skin matte

For any skin type

This mask is universal and contains a large number of different components that will "work" together and will bring an excellent result. So, we prepare the remedy:

  • , a fourth of a teaspoon of our spice is combined with half a teaspoon of saffron powder;
  • dry ingredients are mixed and add 5 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice, half a teaspoon of almond oil;
  • a teaspoon of cottage cheese to pass through a sieve and send to the rest of the ingredients;
  • add 5 ml of glycerin, 10 ml of liquid honey and aloe juice, 15 ml of radish juice and 30 ml of carrot juice;
  • mix and overlay on face;
  • after 20 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water.

From acne rash

Turmeric is able to relieve acne, but for this it must be combined with the following components:

  • 2 tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese to pass through a sieve;
  • add ¼ of a teaspoon of our spice, a tablespoon of oatmeal and ½ teaspoon of sandalwood powder;
  • mix everything thoroughly;
  • is washed off this remedy after a lapse of 20 minutes.
This mask promotes the disappearance of acne, acne and smooths the skin tone

From the black points of

Clean the pores with the following composition:

  • combine half a teaspoon of spice with a tablespoon of lentil flour and add the same amount of oatmeal;
  • diluted with water to a mildew and applied to the face;
  • after 15 minutes, wash the product and apply a moisturizer.

From wrinkles

The recipe for a mask from turmeric for rejuvenation is as follows:

  • ¼ teaspoon of our spice to combine with a tablespoon of cosmetic clay;
  • dilute the dry ingredients in water to obtain a consistency of thick sour cream;
  • mass apply to the face and leave for half an hour;
  • after this time, rinse with warm water.

From scars and scars

If on your skin there are minor flaws in the form of scars or scars, then the following composition will help to correct the situation:

  • combine in a container of 15 ml of liquid honey and milk, mix;
  • add ½ teaspoon turmeric and apply to the surface of the skin;
  • soak for about half an hour and remove the mask with warm water.

To improve the complexion of

This mask is simple enough and at the same time effective. It smooths the skin tone, moisturizes it and makes it velvety:

  • ¼ teaspoon of our spice is mixed with 15 ml thick cream and ½ teaspoon of rose water;
  • after application should take about 40 minutes, after which the mask is washed off. You can use warm or hot water.

Tip! This tool can be used not only for facial skin, but also for the neck and neck area.

From inflammations of

If there are inflamed patches on your skin, then the following mask is able to help:

  • take turmeric powder in the amount of half a teaspoon;
  • add half a glass of natural yogurt, mix;
  • slightly warm up the mixture in a water bath, moisten the gauze in it and apply the compress on the inflamed areas;
  • after 20 minutes, remove the compress and wash your face with warm water.
This composition will eliminate redness and restore the water balance

Nourishing mask

This product perfectly smoothes and nourishes the skin. After the first application, you will get rid of peeling, and with regular use, eliminate fine wrinkles:

  • ½ a teaspoon of spice mix with 150 g of sugar;
  • add 4 drops of any essential oil, pinch of vanilla and 70 ml of olive oil or any other vegetable oil;
  • should be mixed, applied to the skin and notched for half an hour;
  • After this time, rinse with warm water.

Tip! This composition can be applied to the whole body after taking a shower. The mask has an excellent scrabbiruyuschim effect, gently cleanses the skin and eliminates keratinized particles. After using it, it is recommended to apply a moisturizer.

How not to damage the skin?

Of course, turmeric can solve many problems, but do not expect that it will get rid of unsolvable tasks. If there is a lot of acne on the face or acne is spreading to other parts of the body, then it is necessary to resort to complex treatment. Masks based on this spice can only reduce their intensity, and if you think that increasing the amount of turmeric in the recipe will enhance the effect of the drug, then this is a mistake. A large concentration of spice can lead to redness and even burn.

Before using one and these masks, make sure that you do not have individual intolerance to its components, and remember - turmeric should not be used for the face if the skin is too flaky. With special care, you should use these drugs in a particularly sensitive type.

With a competent approach, turmeric can help eliminate existing problems - from the first wrinkles to inflammation. Discover the secrets of oriental beauty and the result will stun you.

  • Mar 25, 2018
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