Love dependence is one of the most painful forms of love.
The person suffering from it, seems to be under the influence of some spell or hypnosis: he is not able to think about anything other than the object of his passion and is ready for anything to always be with him.
If you fell victim to this "disease", then you should think, how to get rid of the love dependence , because indulging your addictions is extremely dangerous.
It was dependence, not love, that pushed people to crazy acts and brought them to prison and even death.
I can get rid of love dependence by running away. ..
I, fortunately, never suffered from love dependence, but I was a witness of how cruel thing it is and how badly it affects a person.
My friend's brother was madly in love with his girlfriend.
He started a real drug addiction when he did not see his beloved for several days.
He called her 50 times a day, constantly offered to get married to be always together, guarded about her house and work to make sure that the beauty does not change him.
Woke up in a cold sweat, because he dreamed that the lady of his heart tells him that he met another.
Native ones began to worry, because several times in the middle of the night their son jumped out of bed and ran to open the front door, because it seemed to him that his girlfriend came to him.
What else is called, how not love addiction?
And then something happened that my friend's brother was so afraid: the girl told him that she was tired of his total control, persecution and suffocating form of love and in general - met another.
The guy did not remember how he got home after such terrible news for himself and woke up only when he began to rummage in the medicine cabinet in search of medicines that would permanently rid him of terrible mental anguish.
How to understand men?
Then the unfortunate lover truly became frightened that he would do mischief because of his love dependence and decided to get rid of it as quickly as possible.
The young man decided to leave.
Very quickly issued documents( the blessing that he already had a passport) and went to work abroad.
It helped.
Already six months later, I began sending photos to my sister, in which I was sealed together with a pretty girl, and his appearance was serene and happy, and not like a maniac who trembles that someone will "take his charm."
To get rid of love addiction, you need to neutralize the object of lust
Do not be misled by the word "neutralize" - I'm not talking about physical elimination.
Just remember the proverb "Out of sight and out of mind".
The proverb really works.
Confirmation to that - a lot of relationships that could not stand the test of distance.
If you live in a small village with a person who is addicted to love, it's best to act like my friend's brother: to go to another city or even to another country.
Direct all the passion and energy you are experiencing to completely change your life, to start everything from scratch in a new place.
If you live in a metropolis and, fortunately, do not live near the object of your passion, then you can not move.
To get rid of love addiction, just exclude this / this man / woman from your life:
- change job if it's a colleague;
- destroy all joint photos;
- throw out of the house all her / his gifts and the most symbolic things, for example, a cup from which a loved one always drank coffee or a t-shirt, in which the loved one slept when you stayed overnight;
- , stop visiting restaurants with which there are some memories;
- do not listen to music and do not watch movies that you listened or watched together.
To get rid of love addiction, switch to something else your attention
I understand that this is very difficult, because the man / woman who became the cause of the love affair takes up all of your thoughts, but you must fill your life to the maximum with various tasks and worries, , so that you do not have time for sufferingremained:
- focus on your career or study;
- start attending some courses;
- find a hobby;
- engage in volunteer activities;
- sign up for the gym, etc.
Even your weekends should be painted every minute.
No lying on the couch, indulging in suffering.
No idle wander around the house, whining and tears.
Only active.
As soon as you stop, immediately remember about your love addiction, getting rid of it will be times more difficult.
By the way, so active way of life has some advantages of :
- you can achieve financial and career success;
- you will learn something new;
- you will find new friends and, quite possibly - a new love;
- your figure will become flawless;
- you will not suffer from insomnia, because, tired for the day, you will only dream of a comfortable bed.
How to get rid of love addiction? Direct your suffering in a creative way!
This advice will be especially relevant for those who have artistic, literary, musical or some other talent.
But, even if you did not realize that you are capable of doing something beautiful, then it is quite possible that it is your love addiction that will help to open talent.
Famous writers, musicians and artists drew inspiration from love, and their unhappy love inspired them much more than happy.
Do not rush to get rid of your love addiction by radical measures.
Direct her energy to create poetry, prose, paintings, music, theater, etc.
You do not have to do this alone.
You can join an amateur theater, start attending a literary mug or art school.
In the circle of creative people, your love affair will begin to bring useful and beautiful fruits.
Who knows, perhaps in many years you will thank a man / woman who was addicted to love, because that is what helped you to become famous on the creative field.
How to recognize
's love affair and how it differs from love and falling in love,
gives a detailed explanation in the video:
When you can not get rid of love dependence on your own. ..
Love affair has different forms and stages.
In addition, it can suffer as emotionally stable, strong enough people, and those who are acutely responsive to emotional upheavals and because of their own weakness is unable to cope with difficulties.
Let's say you:
- have tried various ways to get rid of love dependence;
- tried to convince oneself that you no longer suffer from someone you were in love with;
- sought solace in other men / women;
but nothing helps, you still remain an addicted person with a broken heart.
If you feel that you can not get rid of love dependence on your own, then no one prevents you from seeking help from a psychologist or a psychotherapist.
The doctor will help you to find out the reason why you became addicted to another person and will provide professional assistance in the struggle for your return to a normal state.
You do not need to know, how to get rid of the love dependence yourself.
For that, people receive special education to help in crisis situations.