- 1 Rules for a balanced diet
- 2 Sample menu for the week
Remember that no diet will not have a lasting effect and all quickly lost extra pounds will necessarily return if you do not eat properly.
Rules for a balanced diet
- The morning begins with a glass of water. You can add a spoonful of honey and a slice of lemon to strengthen immunity.
2. Have breakfast after 30 minutes after drinking a glass of water. A good start to the day: porridge! with fruit and yoghurt. Kashi is the main source of carbohydrates, which provide us with energy for the whole day.
3. In order to saturate the body with water, drink a glass of water 30 minutes before a meal.
4. The main motto of proper nutrition: " eat little, but often ."The ideal serving is food, which is placed in a regular glass. But meals should not be less than 5 with breaks in 2-3 hours.
5. The last meal is 3 hours before bedtime.
6. Let's prefer to raw fruits and vegetables .But give up bananas, grapes and potatoes.
7. Drink water! Drink approximately 2 liters of water per day.
8. Less sugar and salt .Replace sugar with honey, and gradually reduce the amount of salt to a minimum. Remember that table salt serves as a source of sodium, but its overabundance increases blood pressure.
9. Do with the sport of .
10. It is necessary to completely reject the roast. You can cook food, bake, cook for a couple.
11. Do not be afraid of fat, it is also necessary. Sunflower, olive, corn oil and fish oil contain vitamins and essential fatty acids.
12. Good both d: soup or meat \ fish with salad.
13. Correct dinner : salad( you can fill with lemon juice and oil) with meat / fish or sour-milk products( kefir, cottage cheese, natural yogurt).
14. As a snack, : fruit, natural yoghurt, vegetables.
15. In order to get all the necessary vitamins, minerals and minerals, the diet should be varied.16. Completely discard: smoking, alcohol, fast food, chips, Coca-Cola( and other soda), sausages and sausages, mayonnaise( and other shop sauces), cakes, ice cream.
17. Protein: fat: carbohydrate ratio = 1: 1: 4 .Visualize it this way: divide the plate into 4 equal parts.2 parts - carbohydrates, 1 - proteins, 1 - fats.
Sample menu for the week
Breakfast: a glass of freshly squeezed juice( apple, celery stalk, carrot), oatmeal with a spoon of honey, rye bread.
Second breakfast: fruit.
Lunch: steamed or stewed fish, unsweetened tea, lettuce( tomatoes, cucumbers, cauliflower, spoon of olive oil, pinch of salt).
Snack: kefir or natural yoghurt.
Dinner: Salad( thinly sliced raw zucchini soaked in lemon, sweet pepper, tomato, parsley, cucumber, spoon of olive oil, pinch of salt).
Breakfast: 90-110 g of low-fat cottage cheese with fruit, green tea, hard boiled egg.
Second breakfast: any berries.
Lunch: 40-60 g of boiled veal, steamed vegetables.
Snack: fruit.
Dinner: low-fat cottage cheese or kefir, half a ripe avocado.
Breakfast: grain loaf with low-fat cheese, tea with melissa, mint or ginger.
The second breakfast: orange.
Lunch: 140-210 g boiled chicken, steamed broccoli or asparagus, citrus fresh.
Snack: kefir.
Dinner: vegetable salad.
Breakfast: grain loaf, low-fat yogurt, fresh.
Second breakfast: berries.
Lunch: tea with lemon, vegetable salad, 130-160 g of baked or boiled fish( preferably red).
Snack: 70 g of cottage cheese.
Dinner: boiled chicken breast with fresh herbs.
Breakfast: green tea, a pair of slices of low-fat cheese, cooked on the water any porridge with dried fruits.
Second breakfast: natural unsweetened yogurt.
Lunch: light soup( zucchini, carrots, red peppers, greens, eggplants, onions, etc.).
Snack: kefir.
Dinner: 140-160 g fillets of fish with greens.
Breakfast: 90-110 g boiled chicken, green tea, cereal loaf.
Second breakfast: fruit.
Lunch: vegetable salad with feta cheese, 140 grams of pasta with tomato paste, tea with mint.
The snack: vegetable.
Dinner: burger and protein cocktail or unsweetened drinking yogurt.
Breakfast: muesli, apple, water or fresh.
Second breakfast: any mixture of nuts and dried fruits.
Lunch: 140-160 g of low-fat meat, steamed cauliflower and broccoli, water without gas.
Snack: low-fat yogurt or kefir.
Dinner: salad of beans and red pepper.
If you adhere to all the above rules, extra pounds will go away very quickly and unnoticeably, and most importantly, you will feel cheerful and cheerful all day long. Also, balanced nutrition helps to cure chronic diseases and improve the general condition of the body. So do not be lazy to give yourself time, to start the day right and not to deprive yourself of the opportunity to be healthy and beautiful.