The inexorable decrease in the volume of sex hormones affects the functioning of all body systems, sometimes leading to negative changes. Therefore, menopause and diabetes often go hand in hand. Why does the disease catch up in the transition period, how to cope with menopause syndrome and not increase blood glucose levels?
Contents of
- 1 A little about diabetes
- 1 Why is it possible to develop diabetes in menopause
- 3 How does diabetes affect climacteric syndrome
- 4 How to improve health with menopause if there is diabetes
- 4.1 Is HRT compatible and sugar disease
A little bit about diabetes
Diabetes mellitus exists in two forms. The one that specialists call SD 1, appears for the first time in menopause much less often. It is distinguished by the malfunctioning of pancreatic cell cells when it is unable to produce enough insulin hormone. Development of DM 1 in menopause is overtaken by 5-10% of women. Its existence does not stop in this period and when it was acquired in the reproductive age.
Type 2 disease is a combination of a malfunction in the operation of pancreatic cells and insulin resistance of tissues to insulin. It is received by women in 90-95% of cases of diabetes.
Why is it possible to develop diabetes in menopause
Climax and diabetes are combined because of the characteristic transient hormonal failure. In addition to slowing and stopping the functioning of the ovaries and the immunity of follicles to substances produced by the pituitary gland, the following changes occur in menopause:
- metabolic disturbances( including carbohydrates);
- malfunctions in the operation of vessels, i.e. conduction disturbances, pressure jumps;
- cardiac arrhythmia, provoking weakening of the myocardium, disruption of the system in general;
- appearance of excess weight;
- negative signs in the structure of bone tissue.
These are all factors of aging of an organism, which experts call an insulin-resistant condition.
A characteristic feature of diabetes is the excess of blood glucose. It depends on chemical reactions that occur not only in the pancreas, but also in muscle tissue, the liver. The decrease in the amount of sex hormones caused by the decline provokes the failure of insulin production and tissue tolerance to glucose. They can consist in increased production of androgens, slowing down lipid metabolism( i.e., growth of adipose tissue).And all of the above is often recorded in menopause.
How diabetes affects climacteric syndrome
Diabetes makes menopause earlier. Usually, its onset in women with this diagnosis is at 49 years old, and at 1 type of disease the first signs of fading in the ovaries are found in 38-40.This is explained by the fact that with an excessive level of glucose in the body produces more than necessary, the amount of insulin. This negatively affects the tissues of the sexual glands, the pituitary gland, the hypothalamus and the adrenal cortex, which also determine the functioning of the reproductive system.
And the symptoms of menopause themselves are different from what women with normal glucose levels experience:
- The urogenital symptoms come to the fore. Appears dryness of mucous membranes, combined with itching and burning. This is due to faster atrophy of the membranes, suppression of immunity, including local. The value has an increased content of glucose in the urine, combined with the frequent need to "run off a little."These factors lead to weakening of the walls of the relevant organs, facilitate the path of infection;
- Decreased libido. In women with normal sugar levels, the need for sex can also increase. Diabetes often provokes not only dryness, but also inflammation in the intimate area, painful sensations during sexual intercourse, which, combined with nervous manifestations, does not give a chance to restore libido;
- Pain in the heart is more common than the usual manifestations in the head region for menopause. Excess glucose and insulin lead to a more rapid development of pathologies in the system, the appearance of tachycardia, deposits on the walls of blood vessels. While with normal levels of sugar, these symptoms are worrisome in the late menopause;
- Against the background of increased concentrations of androgens, psychoemotional manifestations are quite strong: depression, irritability. They are combined with tides, occurring with rapid heartbeats and ending with a profuse sweat. The last signs are not only a deficiency of estrogens, but also insulin, as well as an excess of testosterone and triglycerides, characteristic of the disease;
- The level of bone weakening in this case depends on the weight. In excess, it is not as essential as in the normal volume of adipose tissue. Climax and the diabetes mellitus caused by it lead to the growth of osteoblasts( substances that strengthen the structure of the bone) due to the production of fatty hormones by fatty tissue and increased insulin concentration. Therefore, in obese women, bone density is higher than in thin women.
How to improve well-being with menopause, if there is diabetes
Diabetes and menopause together can significantly worsen the state of health. So it will be unbearable to just take medications to normalize the sugar level and wait for the body to adapt to hormonal changes.
To improve general condition, a specialist can prescribe homeopathic and herbal remedies:
- Remens;
- Qi-Klim;
- Climatoplan;
- Climact-Hel;
- Climadinone.
But they sometimes do not have enough impact on menopausal manifestations. Then there will be a need for hormone therapy. But is it permissible in diabetes mellitus?
We recommend reading the article about the appointment of drugs with menopause. You will learn about the need to take hormonal drugs and their effects on the body of a woman during menopause, the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines.
Is it compatible with HRT and sugar disease?
It is impossible to experiment with hormone intake itself. For appointment and a specialist, you must first examine the patient with ultrasound, blood tests.
It is known that estrogens, which eliminate most of the symptoms of menopause, increase the level of sugar. In addition, some progesterone derivatives required in menopause to exclude the possibility of endometrial overgrowth and the appearance of tumors, enhance insulin resistance. And when you take the pill hormones affect the liver, so if you need to affect the complex of symptoms, you should prefer them to patches or injections.
This is not critical if hormone therapy is given for 3-6 months. Then any drugs are acceptable. With their longer use, specialists avoid only the appointment of those that contain levonorgestrel and medroxyprogesterone acetate. They suppress the ability of cells to perceive insulin. Therefore, temporary therapy is prescribed:
- Triesequence;
- Femoston;
- Triaclim;
- Activel.
If hormones are needed in a constant mode, then the choice can be from the preparations:
- Cleiests;
- Livial;
- Pause.
With severe urogenital symptoms, it is worthwhile to limit the use of local remedies:
- Ovestin;
- Estriol;
- Evalgin.
But at the same time it is necessary to control that candidiasis does not arise. At a high level of glucose, it is more likely.
And if the diagnosis is still there, then with him life can be quite acceptable. It is only necessary to protect health even more carefully, without fearing doctors and medicines.