Together with later the human body displays metabolic products, excess salts and other substances. The intensity of this process depends on the hormonal balance in the body. The sweat itself is odorless, but on the skin of everyone there is a large number of bacteria and various substances, including ferromones, when mixed with which it acquires a characteristic smell. But what if there is excessive sweating before menstruation or even on other days of the cycle in women? Is it a norm or a pathology?
- 1 Reasons for changes
- 1.1 During puberty
- 1.2 During the reproductive period
- 1.3 During the premenopausal period
- 1.4 Somatic diseases
- 1.5 Pregnancy and lactation
- 1.6 Other causes
- 2 Do I need to heal?
- 3 Methods for getting rid of excessive sweating
Causes of changes
The intensity of sweating is regulated by the hypothalamus of the brain, and immediately in each sweat gland there is a sympathetic nerve fiber, the irritation of which leads to the release of a special fluid from the channel. In different periods of a woman's life, the whole body changes to a new mode of functioning, when the level of sex hormones in the blood changes significantly. The regulation of all these processes also occurs in the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, and the numerous connections between them and the sexual organs. As a result, there may be increased sweating before menstruation, which has to be combated in the most sophisticated ways.
During puberty
Often on hyperhidrosis, girls begin to pay attention to the onset of puberty. Increased sweating is accompanied by the appearance of acne on the face and back. And non-observance of elementary rules of hygiene can lead to a not quite pleasant smell.
During the reproductive period
A rise in blood in women of male sex hormones can provoke increased sweating. Often in such situations, you can notice other signs of hyperandrogenemia: wide shoulders and a narrow pelvis, hair growth in "inappropriate" places - over the upper lip, on the inner thighs, along the white line of the abdomen, etc. Often such girls suffer from a menstrual cycle,they have polycystic-altered ovaries. The most noticeable is excessive sweating during menstruation, which can often be accompanied by a strong unpleasant odor.
In the premenopausal period
During the period of attenuation of ovarian function, hyperhidrosis also appears in 85% of cases, manifestations of which are intensified on the eve or during critical days. In most cases, women note sweating and fever during menstruation, which interfere with full sleep: discomfort occurs, you have to get up and change your underwear. Also, ladies at this age have increased sweating during normal physical activity. The number of heat attacks and moments when thrown into the sweat, can reach up to 10 - 20 times a day, which, undoubtedly, requires serious treatment.
Somatic diseases
The cause of sweating during the day after menstruation or independently of them may be hiding in other diseases. This characteristic is most typical for the following pathologies:
- Various infectious diseases, including those with a hidden course - HIV, tuberculosis, etc.
- Thyroid gland diseases with its hyperfunction. It can be either simple hyperthyroidism or an organ tumor that produces an increased amount of a hormone.
- Diabetes mellitus. In this case, the upper half of the body usually sweats more often.
- Malignant blood diseases.
- In renal pathology, the body can not remove excess fluid in the usual way, so the amount of water released through sweat increases.
- Some medications, including oral contraceptives.
Pregnancy and lactation
Especially the second and third trimesters are accompanied by increased sweating and a change in odor that occurs. All this is due to a change in the hormonal background, both in the bearing of the baby, and during feeding.
Other causes of
Night sweats before menstruation may be due to non-compliance with the temperature in the room. The fact is that on the eve of critical days, the hormonal background of a woman promotes an increase in body temperature to 37.0 - 37.1 degrees. And for the asleep, the center of thermoregulation in the brain always determines the same figures, about 36.0. Consequently, doing everything as usual, on the eve of critical days and during menstruation, a woman can sweat more.
Do I need to heal?
If sweating at night, during menstruation or independently from them, causes considerable discomfort to a woman, affects the quality of life, this condition, of course, needs to be treated. If you can not remedy the situation yourself, you should consult your doctor.
In cases when the family predisposition to increased sweating is traced, most likely this feature of the body does not require correction, except for hygienic and cosmetic measures.
In case of excessive sweating, young girls should also determine the hormonal profile. Perhaps there is an increase in male sex hormones. Their correction will lead to normalization of the situation.
Ways to get rid of excessive sweating
The first thing to do when anxiety symptoms of excessive sweating appear is to undergo a complete clinical examination for the detection of diseases that provoke hyperhidrosis. As soon as the mechanism of appearance of such a state is discovered, various methods of struggle can be undertaken, among them:
- Preparations based on the belladonna extract. For example, formagel and the like. But these drugs should be used with caution, since active substances can influence not only sweating, but also on the dilatation of the pupil of the eyes, heart rhythm, etc.
- Various sedative preparations, both on the basis of herbs, and on reactive substances. Medicines for the treatment of menopausal disorders, such as Klimadinon, Klimaksan, Lefem, will also help get rid of sweating and fever during menstruation. In some cases, preference should be given to hormone replacement therapy, one of the most popular drugs is Femoston.
- Yoga, breathing exercises - all this will help to overcome the situation, especially in women in the pre-menopausal period.
- Physiotherapy. Electrosleep, electrophoresis, fitovannye, etc. are effective.
- Recently, laser radiation has been used in cosmetology salons to reduce the number of sweat glands, and, accordingly, the release of liquid. However, it should be understood that metabolic products in this case can accumulate in the body, leading to other problems.
- Botox injections block the nerve endings for a while and reduce the intensity of sweating. But this is quite an expensive procedure with a short effect.
We recommend reading the article on hygiene during menstruation. From it you will learn about the need to keep clean, shower for menstruating, changing clothes and using hygiene products.
Hyperhidrosis is a condition that leads many women to confusion, impairment of self-esteem and self-doubt. If there is a delay in menstruation, sweating, pregnancy and hormonal disorders should be excluded. Often, hyperhidrosis is of a physiological and hereditary nature. In the fight against this ailment cosmetic procedures are more likely to help than treatment with medications, with some exceptions. It is better to choose the option to correct the situation will help the doctor.