Hops - all about a lowly plant

  1. Interesting facts about hops
  2. All about hop cones
  3. Recipes: how to make the right remedy with hops
  4. Contraindications to hop application

Common hop( or Humulus lupulus in Latin) is a dioecious perennial that belongs to the hemp family. Its stem slightly curls, in length it can be from 7 meters and more. The leaves have a roughened surface, most of them are whole, separate can be cut incised on 3-5 blades with sharp edges. Hop flowers are same sex. In female plants, they are presented in the form of dense cones of 30-60 flowers, collected together. Men's inflorescences look like panicles without leaves and with strong fork.

Hops: photo of a climbing plant, cultivated at home
Pollen has practically no weight - under the influence of wind, hop seeds can travel distances up to 3 km. Propagates vegetatively or by seeds. The plant blossoms in the period July-August, and the fruits ripen in August or by the middle of September. You can meet him in Central Asia, Eastern and Western Siberia, the Far East, the Caucasus and virtually every region of the European parts of the CIS.
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Interesting facts about hops

Most people, at the first mention of the word "hops" instantly imagine a mug of foaming beer. However, this plant has found application in a huge number of spheres of human activity. Basically it's medicine and cooking, but not only:

  • hops extract of an ordinary concentration is contained in the following medicinal preparations: Korvaldin, Valokardin, Urolesan, Novo-Passit, Valosedan, Sedavit and others;
  • dried stems are used in the manufacture of coarse yarn for burlap and ropes and low grades of paper;
  • in Belgium, hop leaves are used as a condiment for soups and salads, and in Romania as a substitute for asparagus;
  • in China leaves are useful for feeding silkworm;
  • in spite of the fact that the plant is hop from the family of cannabis, it is forbidden to take it in any way, except for those recommended by folk medicine
  • in ancient times, the cones of hop hopped the newlyweds, that their union was strong, and the health excellent;
  • hops are highly flammable because it has a high concentration of alpha-acids;
  • properly treated leaves and hop stems can act as an absorbent. For example, 1 gram can neutralize 74 milligrams of lead;
  • hops grow very fast, it can add a few centimeters per day, and it grows exceptionally clockwise.
The main sphere of application of hops - brewing

The plant of hops was also known among the Slavs. Its use was very limited and was recommended only on holidays or in certain rituals. After the baptism of Rus, all these traditions began to be forgotten, as a result of which beverages with hops in the composition began to be considered a "devil's potion".In folk medicine, this plant has been used more than actively, healers, herbalists, vets and others have successfully treated them with a variety of diseases. They prescribed it to people in a variety of variations - in the form of tinctures, broths, ointments, poultices, compresses and so on. Especially popular hops were in the treatment of all types of cutaneous moss, when useful properties of hops were used as a highly effective analgesic.

Interestingly: it is mentioned even in the Bible, where it was identified with an excellent means of combating a terrible disease - leprosy( leprosy).

But the ancient Romans and Greeks on the contrary were sure that beverages containing hop are the property of barbarous cultures, and gave it exclusively to slaves and plebeians. However, the fall of the great Roman Empire destroyed these canons, as a result of which beer became very popular and began to spread throughout Europe.

All about cones of hops

How and when to assemble them

Hop cones are the main medicinal raw material among all other parts of the plant, it is recommended to collect them approximately in the middle of August, when the maturation is just beginning. They should be greenish-yellow at the same time( if green - immature, and yellow or even brown - overripe).Are not suitable for medical purposes, hops copulation, in which the scales are protruded or enlarged, since there is very little active material in them - lupulin - and too many seeds. In general, suitable cones should be cut off one by one and monitored so that they have a pedicel, since without it they will simply be showered.

The extracted raw materials are dried in a place without direct access to sunlight, spreading them in a thin layer on a clean cloth or paper.

Tip: properly dried cones, stems or hop roots will have a natural color, smell and retain firmness.

It is highly recommended not to dry the hops by collecting it in bundles. In this case, the cones will crumble, resulting in a significant decrease in the concentration of lupulin. It will be visible after shedding in the form of a fine powder with a golden color.

You can store this raw material for 3 years in tightly closed jars without access to fresh air. Its smell will become more and more astringent and saturated with time. If you hold out longer, then in the future, the extract of hops will not be so useful.

Benefits of hop cones

Than useful hops - in folk medicine for a long time and successfully used female flowers, if collected in the right period, then the composition will be the maximum concentration of the chemical composition. Cones contain organic acids, essential oils, alkaloids, flavonoids, phenols, resinous substances, as well as lupulin and humulon, which have a calming effect. The vitamin group is represented by ascorbic acid and minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium.

The preparations prepared on the basis of hops or having it in structure, possess following effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • is antispasmodic;
  • sleeping pills;
  • is an anesthetic;
  • soothing;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • is a laxative;
  • normalization of the digestive process and improvement of appetite;
  • antiparasitic action;
  • normalization of the hormonal background in a complex menstrual cycle.

Outside of medicine tinctures and decoctions with hops are used in cosmetology - thanks to them it is possible to give beauty to hair and lose weight.

Important: In itself, hops do not help get rid of excess weight, for weight loss it must be taken in conjunction with other means.

The main purpose of hops in the cosmetic field is strengthening the hair and improving its appearance.

When the application is topical

Traditional medicine offers to get rid of a wide variety of ailments using hops in one form or another. For example, it is used in the following cases:

  • tinctures are relevant for inflammatory diseases of the kidney or urinary tract, as well as for colds, neuroses of varying severity, gastritis and if vision begins to deteriorate;
  • compresses or lotions with hop tincture are useful in joint pain, frostbite or burns, with rapid baldness, bruises, and it will also help in the fight against wrinkles on the face;
  • correctly prepared broth stabilizes the condition of a patient with lung or stomach cancer, he is also able to take swelling and normalize the digestive system;
  • if you fill the pillow with a small amount of dried cones, you can get rid of insomnia;
  • made ointment is useful in the treatment of neuralgia and joint diseases
  • the healing properties of hop roots are noted and in cosmetology - ground to the state of powder they can be used to strengthen hair.

Another interesting feature of hop cones is breast augmentation. Official medicine until this fact does not recognize. However, she does not deny that the female inflorescences contain 8-prenylnaringenin, which belongs to phytoestrogens. This is a kind of analogue of the sex hormone of women - estrogen. It is believed that it has a beneficial effect on the overall hormonal background, "activating" the external manifestations of femininity. This is also the size of the bust.

Important: the effectiveness and validity of using hop cones for this purpose is not proven, therefore it is not recommended to use them for breast size increase.

On the other hand, thanks to the same substance, hop helps to fight the negative consequences of menopause. It is important to observe the timing of the collection of cones - the activity of the substance reaches its peak only in green( fresh), in already dried up it becomes useless. Therefore, if the climax does not go as smoothly as one would like, it is recommended to make tea on the basis of green cones of hops.

Recipes: how to make the right remedy with hops


For making tea with hops, you need to fill 2 teaspoons with cones in ¼ cup of boiling water and allow to brew for about 15-20 minutes. Drink it should be 2 times a day for a glass to achieve a sedative effect, and if to combat insomnia, then 1 glass for half an hour before going to bed.


Kvass from hop prepared as follows: you need to mix bumps and crackers in one jar, then pour boiling water and allow it to cool. As soon as this happens, you should add 5-10 grams of yeast and put in a warm place for 2-3 days. Further strain the resulting kvass and if desired add sugar.


One tablespoon of chopped flowers should be filled with a glass of boiling water, and then heated for half an hour in a water bath. Further, the tincture of hops should be cooled and filtered through gauze. Take three times a day for ¼ cup.

Tincture on alcohol

Shredded cones should be mixed with alcohol in a proportion of 1 to 4, then let it brew for a week and drain. Take need for insomnia once a day for 5 drops per 1 tablespoon of boiled water.

Anti-dandruff tincture

4 spoonfuls of hop are poured into 0.5 liters of water, boil over low heat for about 10-15 minutes( without opening the lid).Next, the resulting mixture should be allowed to infuse for about 30 minutes and strain through gauze. After this, the tincture can be used as a rinse aid 2-3 times a week. As a result, the hair becomes stronger, and the tips do not split so severely.


To prepare a decoction of hop, one teaspoon of hops and 200 ml of boiling water will be needed. The cones are filled with boiling water, after which they need to be boiled for 20-30 minutes. Then strain through gauze and drink 3-4 times a day for ¼ cup.


To prepare the ointment, grind the hop cones to the powder state, then mix with a tablespoon of lard and melted butter and mix thoroughly. Apply it as follows: rub into the inflamed joints and places where there is a lot of pain.

Hop oil

In order to make the hop oil, it is necessary to fill in a 0.5-liter jar in advance with crushed cones, after which completely pour it with olive oil. Next, the mixture should be allowed to infuse until the contents begin to settle. After that, add oil overnight, and then put the jar in a dark and cool place for a week.

Important: The container should be shaken once a day, so that the useful substances are evenly concentrated, rather than stagnant on the bottom.

After a week of settling, the oil should be filtered and then left again for three days. After that, the oil will be ready. It can be applied in different ways - applied to the comb and combed hair( this strengthens them), smears on the skin of the body( tones and relaxes the cells).Also, it can be mixed with cosmetic products, such as creams, masks, gels and tonics, and then applied to the skin of the face. This will help smooth out small wrinkles, improve the process of cell regeneration, prevent their rapid aging and improve tone.

Contraindications to the use of hops

Hops have both beneficial properties and a number of contraindications, since it is one of the poisonous. The most important rule when using any medication or medication with it is dosage compliance. If it is increased, all signs of intoxication( poisoning) will appear in the body, including dizziness, nausea and vomiting, and strong pulsating pains in the digestive system are also possible. If a person has an individual intolerance to any substances that make up the hop, then the use of funds on its basis is contraindicated categorically. Otherwise, allergic reactions are inevitable.

When an overdose of hops, all signs of typical

poisoning are observed. Also, cones of hops are contraindicated for women in the position and breast-feeding mothers. If you apply it for breast augmentation, it is possible to malfunction in the menstrual cycle and release from the vagina mucus with a thick concentration.

The use of hop as a sedative and sedative should be limited in terms of - no more than 30 days. Otherwise, the plant will have exactly the opposite effect, a person will develop depression and insomnia( due to excessive concentration of active substances in the body, which will not have time to leave it).

Hops are also prohibited for children under the age of three.

With the competent application of all traditional medicine on the basis of hops, there will be no problems, they will have a positive effect on the contrary!

  • Mar 25, 2018
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