Who actively uses bee pollen, the nerves and heart strengthens oneself

Bee pollen contains a large number of nutrients, so it is considered more useful than honey bees. It contains many proteins, biotin, amino acids, pyridoxine, thiamine, riboflavin, folic, nicotinic and pantothenic acids, inositol. The use of bee pollen is indicated for physical and mental exhaustion, decreased immunity, frequent colds. B vitamins stimulate immunity, and rutin strengthens the walls of the capillaries and protects the body from the penetration of infections.

Pollen is an excellent adaptogen of natural origin and used to restore physical and mental performance.

Bee pollen is a natural concentrate of amino acids, carbohydrates and minerals that restores tissue proteins and relieves the body from the effects of malnutrition. This is especially true for weakened patients and elderly people.
The shelf life of bee pollen is two years, and if it is stored in honey, the period can be increased to five years. After the expiration date, it loses more than seventy percent of the medicinal properties.

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Therefore, when buying this natural product in the store, it is necessary to pay attention to the date of collection and store the purchased product in a dark place at an air temperature of up to twenty degrees and at a relative humidity of less than 75%.

Useful properties of bee pollen

Nutrients contained in bee pollen have a positive effect on the human body:

  • stimulates metabolism,
  • triggers hematopoiesis,
  • optimizes the nervous system,
  • improves metabolism in bone and cartilaginous tissue,
  • positively affects thehuman growth,
  • excretes harmful cholesterol from the body,

  • strengthens blood vessels,
  • improves blood composition,
  • restores damaged cells of the body.

You will learn more about the healing properties of this beekeeping product and its effect on human health from the article: All about the benefits of bee pollen. And now let's talk about what diseases it can help and how to take it right.

Diseases in which the reception of bee pollen

is indicated. In case of heart and vessel pathology, bee pollen is indispensable for the elimination and prevention of heart attacks, strokes, ischemia, hypertension, tachycardia and cardiac arrhythmia. It successfully fights against anemia, functional and organic lesions of the cardiovascular system.
Pollen is recommended for taking in diseases of the pancreas, liver and the whole gastrointestinal tract, as well as during the recovery from treatment after alcohol dependence.
The use of bee pollen for men is indicated in infertility and inadequate number of live spermatozoa. Pollen is an excellent dope before a love date and a source of sexual energy. It contains about two hundred useful ingredients, among which are sexual leaders - trace elements of phosphorus and magnesium.
Antibacterial and fortifying properties make this natural remedy irreplaceable in the treatment of colds of infectious diseases. With it, mental and physical activity increases.
This universal remedy relieves depression, sleep disorders, impotence and prostate lesions. Pollen restores and strengthens the body after trauma, prevents age-related hormonal decline, senile diseases, endocrine disorders, decreased memory, attention, lethargy, hair loss, that is, all signs of premature aging.

How to take bee pollen?

To strengthen and restore physical or mental strength, take pollen one teaspoon three times a day.

For various diseases

  • Very effective treatment of bee pollen of the initial stages of hypertension. To do this, the product is taken on an empty stomach on the third part of a teaspoon. This allows you to quickly normalize blood pressure, get rid of headaches, dizziness, weakness and malaise.
  • Treatment of any pathology requires the use of only fresh bee pollen collected and stored for not more than one year.
    With frequent catarrhal diseases, immunity can be increased by taking half a teaspoon of miracle cure three times a day. Duration of treatment - a month.
  • How correctly to take bee pollen in case of gastrointestinal pathology? To do this, regularly use a medicinal natural remedy on a teaspoon three times a day. Especially effective is pollen with gastritis, ulcers or colitis.
  • Mixed with honey pollen is useful for hepatitis, lung diseases, certain oncological ailments. Treatment lasts for two to three months with a two-week break. The curative mixture is pre-dissolved in a glass of warm boiled water.

How to use bee pollen to restore vital body functions? In case of physical overstrain, exhaustion, and also to restore the body after surgical interventions, take pollen by the third part of a teaspoon three times a day. The duration of treatment is three to six months. In such cases it is useful to mix pollen with honey in a ratio of one to one and take a teaspoon three times a day.

For children

Due to its sour-sweet taste with a small bitterness, pollen is used quite actively among children. At the same time, the dose of a natural remedy is reduced and makes up a fourth or third part of a teaspoon at a time.
Use bee pollen to treat children with extreme caution in order to avoid allergic reactions or other pathological disorders.

For pregnant

Bee pollen during pregnancy protects the weakened body of a woman and fetus from the harmful effects of toxins and environmental factors. It helps to reduce the risk of congenital malformations and fetal development anomalies, as well as to eliminate embryotoxic effects of certain substances. Flower pollen stimulates the physical development of the fetus, protects the liver of the mother and child, since approximately from the fifth week of intrauterine development in the liver of the fetus, independent hemopoiesis begins.
The use of bee pollen in pregnancy is beneficial in all respects, as it contains vitamins necessary for the life of the mother and child.

Contraindications to

Contraindications to the use of bee pollen are the following:

  1. allergy,
  2. diabetes mellitus,
  3. increased tendency to bleeding.

Before the main treatment is recommended to eat a little pollen. If pathological reactions appear in the form of skin itching and worsening of the general condition, then the taking of this remedy should be stopped immediately.

  • Mar 25, 2018
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