Beautiful, long and healthy hair up to the waist - this is an occasion for pride, luxurious decoration of a real woman, a symbol of femininity, which gives the girl a special attraction, magnetism. According to ancient teachings, they protect the girl and her whole family from all bad things, if their length is below the middle of the chest. However, split, dull hair does not add beauty. Therefore, long strands are a painstaking work, the main secrets of which you will learn from the article.
Causes of slow hair growth
To at home to grow chic hair up to the waist, you must first find out the cause of slow growth. The most basic is the inability of the body to supply nutrients to the scalp. In this case, passivity is observed behind the follicles, but their functions are preserved. When the nutrients come in the proper volume, then rapid hair growth begins. Growth can be slowed down by poor care, the use of improperly selected products, permanent staining, lightening, sluggish blood circulation.
Hair, to grow them at home, you need a certain minimum of amino acids and vitamins. However, the modern rhythm of life does not always give full value to your own hair. Most of the hair is a protein from chains of amino acids, among which the most common is cystine. In the reproduction of hair cells, stress plays a role - the more often you are exposed to it, the slower your hair grows. Dirt, bacteria, sebum envelops the roots of the hair, preventing their breathing, which also adversely affects growth.
Factors affecting the growth rate of hair
Appearance of strands, their length excites many of the fair sex. There are certain factors that both inside and outside influence the speed of hair growth at home. The role is played by physical activity, nutrition, special means of escape, techniques for stimulation. Having considered each factor, you can quickly grow hair at home.
1. Healthy lifestyle - bad habits, a tendency to stress adversely affect the growth and condition of the hair, making them weak, brittle, dull, prone to loss. To avoid such troubles, it is recommended to stop smoking, drinking alcohol, regularly walking on fresh air, to be physically active, to observe wakefulness and sleep.
2. Proper nutrition. To grow long hair at home, you need to increase the intake of protein, which serves as the main building material. Enrich the daily diet with fish, chicken, turkey, eggs, cheese, seafood. To add energy, which needs hair and body, eat some seeds or nuts every 4 hours. On such a diet strands will react quickly.
In addition, the food should be enriched with such products: salmon, mackerel due to fatty acids prevent the loss of internal moisture;the liver, thanks to the lysine content, accelerates growth;eggs, rich in sulfur, give shine to the hair;seafood due to zinc prevents thinning;cereals and whole wheat bread, thanks to vitamins B feed roots, strengthen the basis of the hair;cottage cheese and dairy products prevent brittleness due to the calcium content;olive oil and almonds protect the hair from harmful external influences due to vitamin E.
3. Competent care of hair and scalp - this factor also affects your strands. It is necessary to apply means depending on whether you are a blonde or a brunette, with curly or straight hair, thin or thick. Combing and washing should be done very carefully using an air conditioner, a shampoo suitable for your hair type, combs made of natural bristles or wood. Staining, lightening leads to the fact that the hair will break.
Dry the hair cascade better in a natural way, as chemical styling products, hair dryers, tongs, curlers destroy the hair structure, preventing them from fully growing. It is necessary to cut the split ends, because they can not get rid of them: it is better to do this according to the lunar calendar to the growing moon, the 3rd or 4th lunar day.
How to grow long hair after a short haircut
It's difficult to turn a short haircut into long hair, as it requires a lot of patience. When you grow a hairdo may look sloppy, which does not add to the beauty lady. What to do? How to grow hair from a short haircuts at home, so as to look stylish? The following simple tips will help you in this:
- If you decide to grow hair, do not stop going to your master. Regularly cut the split ends.
- Do not forget to use accessories that will greatly simplify the process of laying and introduce a highlight into the image. To short haircuts there are rims, kerchiefs that are easy to learn how to tie beautifully.
- Try to experiment with the styling: make the hair voluminous, smooth, comb the bangs, cut with a ladder, cascade. However, do not try to discolor, lighten, dye your hair, otherwise they will fall out.
- The most important factor in growing hair at home is patience.
How to take care of hair to speed up their growth
Thick, shiny hair says that their owner is bursting with health. To maintain an attractive appearance, proper care is necessary, because stress, unfavorable ecology, lack of sleep, overwork, fatigue have a negative effect on the condition of the strands. In order to grow hair at home, it is necessary to observe the following rules for care:
- Wash the head with such an interval, as required by the hair. The main criterion is the degree of their contamination.
- It is better to use soft water for all manipulations.
- Do not rub your hair too much.
- Use warm, but not hot water, which provokes increased work of the sebaceous glands.
- Dry your hair without using a hairdryer. With a turban, too, do not go for a long time.
- Before going to bed, it is important to thoroughly comb your hair.
- It is necessary to use lotions and masks for growth, to regularly massage.
Special means to stimulate hair growth at home
Stimulate hair growth by different means. Below is a list of the most effective and effective techniques that you can use both in complex and separately. Try and pick up the remedy that will give the maximum result
- Ampoules are a means for restoring, stimulating hair growth. Special solutions are placed in plastic or glass containers. Such a tool perfectly helps to grow hair at home even when alopecia is started by feeding deep layers of the hair structure. Among the most popular ampoules for growth are: Complex, Biolag, Dercap, Loreal, Phytolab, Bonakur, Stvolamin, Schwarzkopf.
- Darsonval is a great way to grow hair quickly at home, to prevent their loss. The effect is based on the action of high frequency pulse current and voltage. This improves microcirculation of blood, lymph, has a drying, antiseptic effect.
- Laser comb is a good helper to grow hair at home and get rid of problems with them. The laser activates growth, eliminates dandruff, strengthens the roots, revitalizes the scalp. Laser rays strengthen blood microcirculation, hair roots are saturated with oxygen, nutrients, strands become thicker, healthier, thicker. The energy of the laser goes into the biological, takes part in the synthesis of protein, improves blood supply. A laser comb removes seborrhea, itchy scalp.
- Professional cosmetics - how fast you can grow hair at home, are influenced by those factors that reach the hair follicle. Professional cosmetic products Schwarzkopf Professional, L'Oreal, Weleda, DS Laboratories, Bosnic and others with active ingredients are able to give the effect that ordinary shampoos, masks, balms can not.
The most important components are capixil, oil acid compounds, dwarf palm extract, inositol, placental extract, nicotinic acid, zinc, copper, cysteine, methionine, vitamins A, E, C, group B. Combined use of correctly selected professional drugs and folkmeans.
- Healing creams, lotions and whey. In some cases, a healthy lifestyle, nutrition, careful care does not help to quickly grow hair at home. Then you need to seek help with medications. To induce hair growth, to wake sleeping bulbs, use Vichy Dercos Neogenic. High-quality preparation Eksiderm is used to prevent baldness, increase the volume and density of hair. Serum Andrea is used to strengthen growth, strengthen.
Home recipes for masks
To achieve maximum effect, when it is necessary to grow hair at home, it is recommended to supplement the care with folk remedies. The most useful are recipes that contain caffeine, capsaicin from red capsicum, burdock root, green tea, decoctions and extracts of mountain arnica, nettle, cedar, pine needles, citrus, sage, powder from the pulp of acai berries. To increase the volume of hair will help with hydrolysates of red algae, based on gelatin, with jojoba oil, shea, olive extract.
- Egg .The action of this mask is based on an abundance of nutrients and vitamins, which help to grow hair at home more quickly. Mix one yolk, a tablespoon of castor, olive or burdock oil, add a few drops of the oil solution of vitamin E or A. Apply the compound to the roots, rub into the skin, distribute the rest of the mass. Wrap your head, wash it off after 30-50 minutes.
- Buried .Burdock oil is rich in vitamins and other active ingredients, which improve the hair condition and increase the rate of their growth.2 tablespoonsor more( depending on the length) of the oil warm up to a comfortable temperature in a water bath, apply to the skin, roots, entire length, tips. Wash off after 1-3 hours.
- Clay .White and blue clay is rich in magnesium, zinc, silica, iron, phosphate, nitrogen, which strengthens the hair, helps grow at home. Dissolve the powder with warm water in such a proportion that the mixture in a consistency resembled sour cream. Apply to damp hair, wrap with polyethylene, a warm cloth, leave for 15-20 minutes, rinse.
- Mustard .The action of the mask is based on the fact that the mustard burns the scalp a little, increasing the flow of blood. Mix in a container of 1 tbsp.honey, 2 tbsp.powder of mustard, one yolk, 1 tbsp.heated olive or burdock oil, warm water to the consistency of sour cream. Apply the mask to the hair by rubbing the roots into rooted roots and distributing them along the length, wrap them, wait 15 minutes to an hour, as long as you are enough. If burning is unbearable, then wash your head and next time reduce the amount of mustard.
- Gelatin .Collagen in the composition of gelatin penetrates into the deep layers, enriching with building material. Soak 1 tablespoon.gelatin in 4 tbsp.water, leave for swelling. In the meantime, wash your hair. Put gelatin on a water bath until completely dissolved, add a lightly cooled mass of 1 tbsp.burdock and castor oil, 2 tbsp.colorless henna, 5 drops of lavender essential oil, yolk. Apply on hair, hold the hour. Wash off with warm, but not hot water.
- Honey onion .The effectiveness of the mask is based on the content of silicon, zinc, vegetable proteins, fiber, mineral salts, vitamins of group B, PP, E, C. Mix one onion, grated on a grater, with a teaspoon of honey. When dry, we add vegetable oil. We put the resulting mush on the hair, wrap it and leave it for 30-45 minutes, wash it off. After this, you need to hold a herbal rinse.
Massage and other effective ways
Regular head massage is a pleasant way to grow hair at home, to relieve the body of stress. Classic technique: 50 strokes with a brush of natural bristles, tilting the heads forward, others 50 - out of habit. A good effect is given by a massage on the parting, starting from the central, stretching and rubbing the skin along the line. After a minute, move to the centimeter from the previous and so on the entire head, alternating the right and left sides. A pleasant way - massage with circular, light movements of the pads of the fingers, starting behind the ears, at the base of the neck in the direction up.
The next secret, which will help you grow your hair to the knees and deserve the title Rapunzel, - thoroughly combing your hair a couple of times in the morning and at night to stimulate the work of capillaries. For this purpose, choose combs of natural bristles, for curly give preference to combs. The scalp needs a detox. Due to accumulation of toxins, lack of oxygen, the fragility of the bulb increases, so strong hair can not grow from it. Therefore, use periodically detox shampoos.
Video tips: how to quickly grow long and thick hair in a week
Thick long hair attracts attention, because a beautiful shock is considered an indicator of health. To grow long hair at home, to improve their condition under the power of each girl. In the video below you will learn about the effective ways that you can get beautiful long curls. Remember that the right approach is to eliminate negative factors, proper care, balanced nutrition. It will take a lot of patience to make the dream come true.
Feedback on results
Marina, 26 years old : "I bought Darsonval on the advice of a friend. Her hair was dripping terribly, and after the first application the condition became much better. When I started using it, I noticed an improvement in the speed of hair growth and their condition. "
Ekaterina, 35 years : "I bought myself a laser hairbrush when I saw the advertisement. The results appeared only after a month of regular use. My hair became more shiny, sturdy, obedient, the undercoat began to grow. "
Evgenia, 23 years old : "I once read the mustard mask recipe and tried it. Since then, this is my number one product for hair care. They began not only to grow faster, but also became thicker, thicker. I noticed that, taking off the hat, the hair seemed to spring, restoring the volume. "