Whitening teeth during pregnancy is permissible or irresponsible?

Many women, becoming pregnant, go on a decree and get quite a lot of free time. Every girl wants to use it at least with some benefit: try to engage in some kind of business at home, learn how to embroider, put in order your wardrobe, and someone is going to get involved in dental health and arrange several trips to the dentist.

If with usual "household" variants everything is clear and there are no restrictions imposed on them, then a visit to a dentist for pregnant women is most often not recommended. This is especially true when a woman wants to whiten her teeth during pregnancy.

If you study the instructions for almost any tool, method and chemicals that are used in the process of teeth whitening, you can find there a clear warning - during pregnancy and breastfeeding their use is not recommended. Although this is not 100% categorical contraindication, but dentists advise him to listen and postpone teeth whitening until a more appropriate time.

Why is it not recommended for pregnant women to engage in teeth whitening and when can it be resorted to, while minimizing the risks of damaging their health and the health of the baby's future?

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Content of

  • Relationship between pregnancy and dental health
  • Additional risks for mother's health and future child
  • The best option is to treat your teeth before pregnancy
  • If you are still uncomfortable. ..
    • Air Flow - modern, efficient and safe
    • What can be done at home. .. if very boring

The relationship between pregnancy and the state of teeth

Bonding a child is in fact the most important and crucial stage in the life of any woman. During this period, her body very is strongly reconstructed both in physiological and hormonal terms, all the processes occurring in the body are aimed at the successful fostering of the child and nutrition of the fetus with the necessary substances.

There is a significant hormonal imbalance, a lack of vitamins, as well as some important substances and microelements. This condition can often negatively affect the condition of a woman's teeth and is manifested by the following:

  • more rapid development of caries;
  • weaken enamel, due to which it darkens, dims and weakens;
  • gums become more sensitive to any irritants, they often become inflamed and can start to bleed even from the usual tooth brushing;
  • also gums become more loose, can be swollen, which causes discomfort even when eating.

This negative effect of pregnancy on the condition of the mouth is the main reason why teeth whitening should not be done during this period.

Additional risks to the health of the mother and the child

During the bleaching process, the dentist is forced to use a variety of chemicals that in most cases contain aggressive components such as hydrogen peroxide and carbamide peroxide. The concentration of these substances is quite large and they can significantly affect the condition of the teeth and gums of women.

As the tooth enamel becomes weaker during the feeding period and is not as capable as it used to be against aggressive substances, it can lead to negative consequences. Bleaching agent can damage the state of the enamel, leaving on it any defects or unpleasant traces.

Because of the increased sensitivity of the teeth, unpleasant and even painful sensations can arise, which also have to be spent on fighting and using other chemicals and preparations.

In addition, the negative effect can be manifested in the following:

  1. Even with good gum protection, a part of the whitening agent can get on them. This will cause their additional irritation, inflammation. In such cases, there is even a risk of developing gingivitis and periodontitis.
  2. If a woman accidentally swallows even a little of the saliva containing an aggressive bleach substance, this can adversely affect her baby.
  3. Even successful bleaching can lead to the fact that on the front teeth old fillings will begin to unpleasantly stand out with a dimmer color. In this case, they will have to deal with their replacement, which will also be an additional test for the future mother.

The best option - to treat teeth before pregnancy

Before the woman conceived a child, her body is in an absolutely normal working condition and does not feel any discomfort, it is not weakened and is not limited to almost anything. In such a favorable period of life, you can deal with the beauty of your smile without any restrictions, and not even think about any possible negative consequences and contraindications.

That's why whitening, as well as general dental treatment, is best done before pregnancy or after a period of active breastfeeding.

Immediately after childbirth, this period of breastfeeding begins and at this time it is also better to avoid getting into the body of any chemically aggressive substances. Any harmful components in food, beverages or taken tablets may impair the quality of milk, which in turn can affect a child's health.

If nevertheless it is unbearable. ..

Although these limitations and contraindications are quite categorical, not always whitening actually causes harm to the female body. Sometimes it is perfectly permissible to take this step, but you need to choose the safest existing options for the procedure in order to minimize possible negative consequences.

Air Flow - modern, efficient and safe

During pregnancy it is desirable to do bleaching in professional dental clinics, the greatest safety can be achieved using a modern Air Flow device.

This device generates a flow of a special abrasive substance under high pressure. Particles of the abrasive clean well both the surface of the teeth, and the gaps between them from the dark plaque. Thanks to Air Flow you can make your teeth a little lighter, and there is practically no risk to the health of the woman and the fetus. This procedure takes about half an hour and produces a noticeable result.

You can also use the ultrasonic cleaning method of enamel. True, this is a fairly powerful effect on the teeth, which can remove even dental stones. In order not to expose yourself and your child to risk, ultrasound whitening should be consulted by a good doctor.

What can be done at home. .. if it is very boring

There are several ways that you can use during pregnancy to whiten your teeth at home.

You can buy special strips with whitening gel in the pharmacy, you can wear a cap for some time( about 6 weeks), greased with some special gel.

These methods are quite safe, if everything is done wisely and according to the instructions.

There are more exotic options, for example, making homemade mixtures with the use of citric acid and other things, but they are strictly not recommended not only to future mothers, but generally to no one.

As a conclusion, it should be noted that if you are really concerned about the condition of your teeth, then perform the necessary medical and cosmetic procedures only in good clinics and before pregnancy.

You can also take care of the aesthetics of your smile after the period of breastfeeding. And as for pregnancy and feeding itself, at this time it is better to avoid such procedures and do something safer and more useful for yourself and for the future child.

  • Mar 25, 2018
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