Causes of urinary incontinence in menopause

With climax unpleasant changes come. They affect not only the reproductive organs. One of the manifestations are problems with urination. Many believe that this is an inevitable age-old evil, which can only be tolerated, using aromatic gaskets and without leaving the apartment for a long time. But even with such seemingly irreversible manifestations as incontinence in menopausal women, treatment is even possible.

Contents of

  • 1 What does "incontinence" mean?
    • 1.1 Why does not it stick?
  • 2 Can I return urinary organs to normal?
    • 2.1 Conservative therapy
    • 2.2 Surgery against incontinence
    • 2.3 What else can a woman do to normalize urination?

What does "incontinence" mean?

Incontinence as a symptom of menopause has several manifestations:

  • Urine is excreted at the slightest motor activity, that is, coughing, laughing, lifting a small weight. Physicians call this a stressful form of incontinence. Before the outflow of urine a woman does not feel the urge to this;
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  • When there is a lot of fluid, there is no way to keep it until the right moment. The woman feels the need to urinate, but does not have time to reach the toilet. This is an urgent form of the symptom, which also occurs frequently. Sometimes it is connected with a stressful, that is, with laughter, sneezing, a woman feels a sharp need to run to the toilet;
  • The urge to urinate becomes more frequent even at night. If you have to get up for this more than 2 times, this is already a sign of negative changes in the urinary system.

Why does not it stick?

Urinary incontinence in menopause occurs even in women who previously did not know the problems in this area, did not catch colds, had no diseases of the kidneys and other organs related to this system. The main cause of the symptom are the hormonal changes carried in the menopause .

The main cause of urinary incontinence in menopause in changing hormone levels in the body of a woman

Due to the extinction of ovarian function, the body stops receiving estrogen. And this substance, among other things, makes the fabric more durable and elastic. Its deficiency provokes several new features that make possible incontinence in menopause:

  • Decreased tone of the pelvic floor muscles. They, being elastic at a younger age, control the functioning of the bladder. Having lost their former elasticity due to the natural decrease in collagen, they can no longer control the process in full;Excess weight. This problem, characteristic of the age of the menopause, has a great influence on the functioning of the urinary system. Unnecessary kilograms weight the load on the muscles of the pelvic floor, which are already worse in coping with their supporting function;
  • Change in the tissues of the bladder. Its foundation becomes more rigid, poorly stretchable. Loss of elasticity leads to the fact that the walls are made prone to irritation. The organ is more actively contracted with the slightest movement, that is, the climacteric of the bladder makes it hyperactive. The liquid can spill out of it, even if it is not completely filled;
  • Dryness of mucous membranes. Decreased estrogen leads to a decrease in the secretion. This applies to a greater degree to the vagina, but similar complications exist in the area of ​​the urethra. Thin and moisture-deprived tissues easily pass the infection, which is also capable of provoking incontinence or intensifying the symptom;
  • An omission of the vagina or uterus. At some bodies walls weaken so much that they change their location in the pelvic region. This irritates the bladder, causing involuntary fluid withdrawal from it;
  • Climax incontinence provokes that many diseases during this period take an acute form, and some are detected for the first time. This is due to metabolic disturbances. A woman can have kidney stones, diabetes or digestive problems. Any of these diseases can affect the work of the urinary organs for the worse;
  • Removal of the uterus. Some doctors are forced to perform this operation according to the indications. As one of the consequences, incontinence may occur in the bladder. But the mechanism of its appearance in this case has not yet been studied.

Is it possible to return the urinary organs back to normal?

Some women are sure that urinary incontinence in women with menopause can not be corrected. And it remains only to mask the smell of gaskets with odor.

In fact, if the problem is left without a solution, it will worsen, grow into something more serious and harder to treat.

It is necessary to get rid of incontinence, there are a lot of ways for this, depending on the main reason for its appearance.

Conservative therapy

Kegel exercises help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles

To treat urinary incontinence in menopause, treatment is complex. An important role in his conservative character belongs to Kegel exercises. This is a gymnastics to restore the tone of the pelvic floor muscles. Make them sitting. The meaning of the exercises consists in the tension-relaxation of the muscles, when the woman imagines the urge to urinate and makes an attempt not to let out this fluid that does not exist at the moment.

Gymnastics is done 3-4 times a day, starting with short cuts and reaching holding in one position for 2-3 minutes. Then you can diversify the exercises, doing them with coughing, laughing, that is provoking circumstances.

Stress incontinence is also treated with medicines. But it helps mainly in mild cases. Assign at the same time can:

  • Driptan, Spazmex, Vesicar, Detruzitol. These are drugs that affect the tone of the urethra and the sphincter of the bladder;
  • Ubretid, Proserin, Axamon, Nivalin, Neurromidine, Reminil. These remedies also have the ability to regain elasticity and maintain the ability of the muscles of the pelvic day;
  • Duloxetine, Simbalta, which relieve tension of the nervous system, contributing to the normalization of other processes in the body.

Some for the removal of the problem is enough hormonal drugs that are used to eliminate the complex of climacteric symptoms:

  • Climonorm;
  • Divina;
  • Climen.

Are capable to correct it and homeopathic preparations:

  • Remens;
  • Climadinone;
  • Climaxan.

Surgery against incontinence

To eliminate the 100% incontinence that occurs with menopause in women, treatment is chosen promptly. It is more traumatic, but it gives an excellent result.

Do not use surgery in dealing with this problem in severe diabetes, inflammatory and tumors, bleeding disorders.

There are several types of operations:

  • Urinary incontinence in women with menopause

    Using a sling. It is an elastic device in the form of a mesh loop, supporting the urethra in a normal position. Due to this, the liquid can not flow spontaneously. Sling intervention is performed under local anesthesia, and this is the most common surgery for this problem. But for some, the manipulation will not be the last, perhaps the return of incontinence;

  • With medication. There are means( collagen, adipose tissue, silicone), which when inserted into the submucosal space of the urethra fix it, giving it an anatomically correct position. They are hypoallergenic, the manipulation itself is not very traumatic. Efficacy is achieved by compensating for soft tissue deficit in this area. Injections are done on an outpatient basis, under local anesthesia, but this method is not a panacea, after it the problem can arise again;
  • Colposuspension. The sagging tissues around the urethra are fixed to the inguinal ligaments. This is done during laparoscopic intervention under general anesthesia. From the point of view of efficiency, the method is in the first place. But most people use it last because of the list of contraindications and the complexity of the intervention;
  • Colporaphia. This pulling down the fallen walls of the vagina. With the normalization of their position, the cause of urinary incontinence disappears, as pressure on the organs decreases.

We recommend that you read an article on postmenopausal women. You will learn about the causes of its appearance, the nature of the secretions in this period, the need for the use of drugs to alleviate the symptoms.

What else can a woman do to normalize urination?

If urinary incontinence is a problem in menopause, treatment should not consist solely of the physician's efforts. A way of life is needed that will help to cope or not allow the problem to develop:

  • Make 20-minute walks;
  • Avoid eating and drinking irritating bladder walls( spicy, alcoholic, coffee, chocolate);
  • Try to urinate on schedule;
  • Keep track of weight, if possible, strive to lose weight when there is excess.

Urinary incontinence is not at all a cross, with age. This is only a reason to call a doctor, which in our time is eliminated without consequences.

  • Mar 26, 2018
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