Many women use different medicinal plants to treat and prevent disorders of the menstrual cycle. A great popularity among such a contingent of patients is used tansy for menstruation.
This herb comes in a variety of herbalists as a remedy for many diseases. However, folk recipes for the use of plants have both positive and negative sides. What is the peculiarity of using this plant for gynecological problems?
- 1 Composition and healing properties of grass
- 2 Tansy and monthly: what to remember for a woman
- 2.1 Contraindications for use
- 2.2 Is it possible to use medicinal herbs to regulate menstruation
- 3 Several recipes from folk herbalists
Composition and medicinal properties of grass
In folk medicineapply the preparations, prepared mainly from the flowers and leaves of this useful plant. What is the value of nature invested in such an outwardly unimpressive flower:
- First of all, this is a set of most of the existing vitamins. Tansy contains vitamins C, A, most of the vitamins of group B.
- The plant is literally saturated with organic acids, the most useful of which for the female body are the gallus and tanacetic acids.
- Tangerine flowers are rich in microelements, but the main factor can be considered a high concentration of manganese. This microelement, rarely found in plants, is necessary for the normal functioning of metabolic processes in tissues.
- The medicinal flower is also distinguished by the high concentration of several essential oils, and the camphor oil that it contains gives the plant an original smell and impressive medicinal properties.
In addition to the listed substances, the composition of the therapeutic plant includes proteins, glycosides and alkaloids. Thanks to this concentration of healing properties, the plant is widely used in medicine, including tansy with a delay of monthly.
Here is a far from incomplete list of diseases when this folk remedy is recommended:
- Infusions and herbal teas are widely used for gastrointestinal diseases. The plant showed itself perfectly in the treatment of gastritis and gastric ulcer. It is recommended for various liver pathologies as a choleretic preparation.
- Tansy is used for inflammatory processes in the respiratory system. Often, the plant is recommended as a diuretic for pneumonia or pulmonary edema.
- As worm infections occur in patients more often, it should be recalled that this plant helps to get rid of lamblia or pinworms.
- Medicinal herb can be included in a complex of medical measures for heart diseases as an antihypertensive agent.
This was made possible by the content of plant hormones in flowers and leaves that affect the hormonal balance in the body, which is often the cause of the most common female diseases. The effect of grass on the uterine tone is also used by gynecologists to normalize the menstrual cycle in patients.
We recommend reading the article on how to trigger a monthly delay. From it you will learn about effective drugs and the effectiveness of traditional medicine.
Tansy and monthly: what you need to remember a woman
Quite often, girls began to wonder how to drink tansy so that the monthly went. Many women, being influenced by the popularity of this medication, forget that this plant has quite high toxic properties.
Contraindications to the use of
This plant, when used alone, can cause a number of side effects in young women:
- The healing flower contains a large amount of carotene and camphor, which, if overdosed, can cause serious complications from the cardiovascular system and the central nervous system. Tansy can cause irritation of the stomach wall, as it reduces the acidity of the gastric juice.
- Organic acids in the plant in large quantities can cause a violation of the CNS in a woman, which is often expressed in worsening of sleep, dizziness and excessive irritability.
- In addition, the infusion on the basis of the plant is a pronounced cholagogue, excessive use of which can provoke acute inflammatory processes from the gallbladder and pancreas.
- Well, of course, one should remember about possible allergic reactions. Tansy has a fairly high activity, which must be taken into account when using this plant.
Many women believe that tansy to call monthly is a proven and absolutely safe remedy. However, this is not the case.
Look at the video about possible causes of menstruation delay:
Is it possible to use medicinal herbs to regulate menstruation
Really often gynecologists recommend this plant for menstrual irregularities. The action of tansy on smooth muscles( and the wall of the uterus consists precisely of such muscle fibers) leads to its contraction.
On the question of whether tansy is monthly, the answer, of course, will be positive. However, with such attempts, several factors should be considered:
- The medicinal plant has the ability to interfere with the hormonal background of patients, so the use of infusions or decoctions can provoke serious reproductive harm in women.
- If the absence of menstruation is caused by physical causes, for example, hypothermia or emotional breakdown, taking the drug in question often provokes excessive uterine bleeding that requires specific therapy.
- When there is a short delay, there is always the opportunity to interrupt the coveted pregnancy. In addition, if a woman takes this medicine, knowing about her "interesting" position, she must take into account the poisoning effect of tansy on the growing body of the unborn child.
Several recipes from folk herbalists
There are several original recipes for preparing a drug from tansy to stimulate the menstrual cycle:
- It is recommended to take 30 grams of dry plant leaves, fill it in a thermos bottle and pour 1 liter of boiling water. The resulting mixture is covered with a lid and insist for 60 minutes. Decoction of tansy for monthly strain through cheesecloth or fine sieve and cool to room temperature. The permissible dose for obtaining the result should not exceed 200 mg of the beverage, divided into three doses.
In addition to the decoction to stimulate menstruation, you can use and tincture of this plant. You can prepare it yourself or purchase a pharmacy from the factory.
- To prepare the infusion, 150 grams of fresh flowers of this plant are taken, they are poured with 2 bottles of vodka. The mixture should be stored in a dark cool place for 21 days. The dishes should be made of dark glass. The resulting product is filtered and used to normalize the menstrual cycle at 15 grams three times a day. The daily dose of the medicine should not exceed 50 grams of infusion. Use the drug preferably for 15 - 20 minutes before meals.
But tansy not only causes a period. The juice of this plant is successfully used to reduce the abundance of menstruation and shorten their period. However, in this form it is quite a potent drug, so to apply for the treatment of such pathology should be a factory drink and strictly follow the instructions.
We recommend reading the article about the reasons for the delay in menstruation. From it you will learn about the diseases that provoke the absence of menstruation, gynecological and non-gynecological causes, diagnosis and treatment.
Therapy of delay of monthly with the help of tansy, and furthermore independently, is very risky business. It's even more frightening when young ladies try to adjust the menstrual cycle with this plant to their life's collisions. Interference in the reproductive function of a woman is fraught with serious complications. If there is such a need, then such actions should be carried out under the control and with the participation of a specialist.