Monthly forced to postpone many things, change plans. This is unpleasant, but there are things that can not be done with them. These include many medical manipulations. But what if you have to treat your teeth during menstruation? Can this be done? After all, to support their health in several ways, special diagnostic procedures will be needed. The only answer, whether it is possible to do this, is not here. It depends on many circumstances.
Why visiting a dentist is dangerous
An undesirable visit to a dentist during critical days may be due to several reasons:
- Monthly leads the nervous system into stress. A woman reacts more acutely to everything. And the fact that she will have to sit in the dentist's chair for a long time does not add to the calmness. And although modern dentistry rooms are equipped with the latest technology, which makes treatment painless, the fear of manipulation is familiar to many. Negative emotions on critical days are undesirable, because they violate not only the work of the central nervous system, but also hormonal balance.
- Many women feel broken and tired during this period. Therefore, dental treatment during menstruation, which can last for more than one hour, is painful. Especially if the period is profuse and painful.
- In the "red days" there is a different perception of the body of medicines .Anesthetics used in dentistry may not be as effective as usual. And you will have to endure unpleasant sensations or to prick a large dose of the drug.
- Blood clotting on critical days worsens. So the natural mechanism operates, allowing the uterus to free itself from the old inner coating. But the removal of the tooth with a monthly for this reason is undesirable. After it, an open wound forms in the gums, which can not be prolonged for a long time due to poorly curling blood. A feature can lead to complications.
- Pain in critical days is perceived sharper. This is an important point, since the extraction of the teeth is a surgical operation, and you can not do without unpleasant sensations. Of course, it is carried out with anesthesia. But the action of the medicine is coming to an end soon. And if the wisdom tooth is removed during menstruation, the pain will be all the more severe. After all, the "eight" because of the size or sometimes twisted roots leave behind a large damaged gum line.
- Fabrics in critical days heal worse. Guilty not only reduced blood clotting. Menstruation makes a different hormonal background, which inhibits the formation of new cells. This leads to the fact that it is undesirable not only to remove, but also implantation of teeth during menstruation. The pin is placed in the jawbone during manipulation. And at normal times it does not always get accustomed. And the probability of his rejection, rejection of the body in critical days is even higher. This makes treatment not only meaningless, but also costly in all respects.
- Immunity during menstruation becomes weaker. This is a natural consequence of hormonal changes. But it can lead to the fact that complex dental treatment will be of poor quality, triggering the emergence of a new infectious site in the oral cavity.
What procedures are allowed in critical days of
All this does not mean that it is strictly forbidden to engage in teeth during menstruation. There are procedures that any cycle period does not interfere with. And when menstruating delay treatment should be only in the first 2 - 3 days, when the state of health is unimportant, there are many discharges, the decrease in immunity is as pronounced as the blood coagulability. The same applies to several days before critical days.
It is acceptable to carry out many types of dental procedures without damage to the health and quality of the result of medical manipulations:
- Seal teeth during menstruation. With superficial caries or its second degree, for this purpose, only pre-clean the affected areas. In most cases, the process does not require anesthesia, and antibiotics are not needed. The prevalence of infection is not so wide as to be dangerous to healthy tissues. Drainage and multistage treatment is also not necessary, everything is completed for a single visit. On the adhesion of the filling and tooth critical days have no negative effect. Its tissues will not become more crumbly, resist the installation of light-curing or any other material.
- Prosthetic critical days are not an obstacle. After all, this procedure, no matter how the material is not replaced by missing organs, is multistage. It requires not one visit to the dentist, grinding teeth, making casts, fitting, bringing the structure to the desired size. All this is allowed and with menstruation. Even a ready-made prosthesis can be installed if it's not about screwing the pin into the implant.
- X-ray of the tooth with monthly too it is resolved. This is an instant procedure, which is done by placing a film under the gum area of interest to the doctor. Radiation is directed only to the place where the diseased tooth is. Nevertheless, the rest of the body is put on a protective coating that does not allow X-rays to pass through. The zone of the small pelvis is also safe, where the uterus, the uterus, is changing its inner layer. So expect to strengthen the discharge or other kind of malfunction of menstruation, especially the cycle as a whole is not worth it.
- Professional cleaning is not forbidden. For most dentist patients, the manipulation is painless, as it is done with a non-threatening instrument, but with ultrasound or with a water-soda mixture. If the time of its coincidence with the monthly, you can not save the purge. Moreover, it does not last long, about 30-40 minutes.
- Remineralization of teeth is also indicated during menstruation, as on other days. It is carried out in several sessions. The meaning of manipulation is to saturate the enamel with missing substances for strength and to get rid of superficial caries. If you miss a few days, it will give the infection a chance to linger on the tooth, reduce previous efforts to zero. Therefore, with normal health, you should not skip the procedure.
- It is possible to remove the teeth during menstruation if there is no other way out. The pain inflicted by an organ that is infected by an infection will disturb your health and prevent gynecological health more than the operation. Wait only with the tooth, which is destroyed, but does not bother. And if he literally does not allow to live, as often happens in diseases of these organs, measures should be taken to reduce all risks. They consist in refusal of smoking, alcohol, strong coffee the day before and after the operation. You should also consult with your doctor about taking blood-thickening medications. And after removing the tooth to provide yourself with comfortable conditions, to fulfill all the doctor's recommendations.
Whatever dental procedure is performed during the critical days, it is necessary to inform the monthly doctor. Especially if he decides to remove one of the teeth. The specialist should evaluate the possible risks associated with the subsequent healing of the socket, the impact of anesthesia and other medications, the occurrence of an infection that can not be ruled out.
And if the teeth hurt before the monthly, do not rush them to fill or tear, although the dentist should seem, of course, necessary. The fact is that this can be a manifestation of PMS, when the tissues swell, and the fluid intensifies the pressure on the nerve endings in the jaw region. Methods for getting rid of the problem are different: from stabilizing the hormonal background with the help of decoctions of medicinal herbs before taking sedatives and pain medications.
We recommend reading an article about what can not be done during menstruation. From it you will learn about the possibility of playing sports on critical days, drinking alcohol and conducting sexual activity, surgical operations and carrying out cosmetic procedures.
Dangerous consequences of
Most health hazards occur when you have to pull a tooth out during periods. Among them:
Complications of | Causes of |
Bleeding from a wound on the gums | It can be quite strong, as the biological fluid's ability to clot is reduced. Usually the blood stops coming after 10 minutes after the operation is completed. With menstruation, prolonging the process can cause a noticeable loss of it, which will inevitably affect the overall well-being. |
The development of the inflammatory process that flows into the infectious | This is facilitated by two factors: long bleeding from the wound and reduced immunity. The first causes a thorough rinsing of the mouth, which can wash the blood clot. The growth of the socket is already broken, tissues become inflamed instead of regenerating. Bacteria feel free, actively multiply. All this together can lead to an abscess on the gums, affect not only the soft tissues, but also the jawbone. |
Complications of a general nature | An already not excellent state of health on menstruation days can worsen more, go to fainting or a sudden increase in blood pressure. |
Hormonal failure | The severe stress experienced at the beginning of the menstrual period is also capable of completely disrupting the cycle. It is possible that the next one will have to wait a little longer than always. The reason is too high a burden on the body, which is the removal of the tooth, which was carried out on critical days. |
Dental problems are rarely sudden. To ensure that they are not caught in a difficult period of menstruation, it is worthwhile to monitor the condition of the teeth regularly. But if the problem is revealed in critical days, you need to evaluate all the pros and cons of treatment right now. If you can not postpone it, you should at least wait for the last days of menstruation, when the body will recover a little. Then even the removal of the tooth will be easier, and the consequences will not have to be feared.