During critical days, the female body needs an increased amount of vitamins that help reduce pain and increase comfort. In each case, there are certain nuances, and some recommendations of doctors related to what fruits with monthly are considered the most useful, may not be suitable for everyone. However, there are some general tips that you should pay attention to.
- 1 How to help the body cope with pain
- 2 Get rid of cravings for "unhealthy" glucose
- 3 Correct the cycle with
- 4 nutrition Help in combating discomfort in the chest
How to help the body cope with pain
Proper nutrition during menstruation can solve a number of problems, especiallythis refers to the characteristic pains in the lower abdomen. For those who suffer from such a disease, it is necessary to include in their menu fresh fruits rich in magnesium and calcium, and also having an antioxidant effect. This is primarily about different varieties of apples, currants, plums, oranges and a lot of summer delights. It is worth noting that seasonal fruits, which are recommended to eat during menstruation, are much more useful than those that are on the shelves of grocery stores all year round. The most delicious "anesthetizing", characteristic for the end of July and August, are rightly considered watermelons and melons. The effect of these summer berries is felt both at the beginning of the critical days, and throughout the period of menstruation.
Those who are interested in the methods of ayurvedic medicine may find the following advice useful: during monthly use of cherries on an empty stomach. Supporters of this movement believe that there is no better medicine against pain and spasms. It should be borne in mind that this method is fraught with a digestive disorder, so you need to know the measure and not get too carried away.
If pains during menstruation disturb for a long time, it is helpful to eat foods rich in fiber, since they help improve digestion and relieve discomfort and heaviness in the abdomen. Such berries include:
- raspberry,
- blueberry,
- currant,
- gooseberry,
- strawberry,
- blackberry,
- elderberry.
Speaking of fruits with a high content of dietary fiber, usually allocate bananas, oranges, pears, apples, prunes, peaches, raisins, persimmons and guavas. It is worth remembering that most of the fiber is in the skin of the fruit. This means that before use they must be thoroughly washed and not cut off the top layer, especially if the fruit has grown not in a personal suburban area, but in unknown conditions.
Another common recipe for pain and discomfort during menstruation is the inclusion of foods containing omega-3 fatty acids in the diet. It is considered that such trace elements can be found only in fish, but they are also found in some fruits. For example, in avocado. So those who do not really like seafood, there is an excellent and no less useful alternative.
We get rid of cravings for "unhealthy" glucose
Some young women are familiar with the obsessive craving for sweets, which suddenly appears at the beginning of menstruation. Sometimes it is experienced even by those who do not consider themselves sweet and do not like candy too much. In such a situation, one should not go on about the desire to eat an annual supply of chocolate, and confine ourselves to bananas and figs. These fruits not only perfectly replace the sweet, but also help to quickly get rid of the unpleasant bloating that often accompanies this period.
Correct the power cycle of the
Often young girls suffer not only pain with menstruation, but also various violations of the menstrual cycle. In such cases, doctors can prescribe medications containing vitamins B and B6.Do not forget that these elements are contained in both medicines and in many fruits. Knowing this, the treatment prescribed by a specialist can be combined with eating such foods:
- quince,
- apricot,
- cherry,
- lemon,
- grape,
- grapefruit,
- dogrose,
- mandarin,
- dates,
- pineapples,
- cranberries,
- dried apricots.
All these and many other useful fruits help to accelerate a number of metabolic processes and prevent the development of hypovitaminosis, which can adversely affect the woman's body.
The lack of pyridoxine, this is how the other name of vitamin B6 sounds, especially such products as sea-buckthorn and sweet cherry. It is important to note that all fruits and berries must necessarily be fresh, as most of the useful qualities are lost during freezing, cooking and drying.
We recommend reading the article about the diet during menstruation. From it you will learn about the appetite and taste of a woman during critical days, what you need to eat during this period, whether you can lose weight with menstruation, and the effect of diet on menstruation delay.
Help in combating discomfort in the chest
It is noteworthy that many of the products listed above and many others also have another, equally useful component - vitamin E. This chemical element is good for those women who during the months suffer fromincreased fatigue and to some extent experience discomfort in the mammary glands. If such symptoms are present, the following should be tried more often:
- kiwi,
- strawberry,
- gooseberry,
- watermelon,
- cherry,
- avocado,
- apples,
- lemons,
- blackcurrant,
- mango,
- grapefruits,
- melons,
- cherry,
- maracious.
However, if the cause of discomfort is a serious gynecological disease or inflammatory process, some fruits will not be enough. The most correct decision in this situation will be a visit to a doctor who will prescribe the necessary treatment.