Since childhood, our grandmother taught us: Useful broths Adam's apple!

MacLaura: Adam's apple, Chinese or Indian orange, "God's gift" - all these are synonyms for the name of the plant. The fruits of the orange macro round are 10-15 cm in diameter and have a light green color. They really look like ordinary apples, but their surface is very uneven and wrinkled, so they are also called pseudo-oranges.

MacLaura consists of numerous small dry fruits that are caught by one fleshy axis of the inflorescence. In the core is a white sticky substance and seeds of gray color. When cutting fruit, the smell resembles a fresh cucumber. Despite the similarity with apples and oranges, "God's gift" is not edible. But the compounds that make up the plant have medicinal properties.

Where the adam tree grows

People planning to start treatment with Adam's apple may be interested in: where does this plant grow? Homeland maklyura orange consider South America. Now the plant grows on many continents( America, Central Asia, in particular Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan).Also, the mackerel grows in the southern regions of Russia and in the Crimea.

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The chemical composition and therapeutic properties of the clover

The fruits of the Adam tree contain milky juice, which contains the following substances:

  • fatty acid esters,
  • various enzymes,
  • saponins,
  • a lot of macro- and trace elements,
  • pectin substances,
  • vitamins,
  • sugar,
  • citric acid,
  • flavonoids( mainly kaempferol and isoflavones).

Such a rich chemical composition of a clover or Adam's apple allows the plant to be used for medicinal purposes in many diseases. Perhaps the most valuable component of fruits are flavonoids. These substances are the strongest antioxidants, similar in structure to the vitamin P. It is the flavonoids that determine the antitumor activity of the onion, thanks to which they are used to treat various malignant and benign tumors.

Pharmacological effects

The fruits of the Adam's apple have healing properties:

  • strengthening of the immune defense,
  • antibacterial and antiviral action,
  • normalization of the functions of the nervous and cardiovascular systems,
  • increase in general tone,
  • antitumor effect,
  • antisclerotic effect,
  • wound healing effect,
  • detoxification activity( due to improved liver and spleen performance).

Indications for the use of Adam's apple

The fruits of a clover or adam apples are used in the form of ointments and tinctures. In the pharmaceutical industry, components of the Adam's apple produce antibiotics and local medicines. Indications for topical application of the plant can be:

  • various wounds and burns,
  • skin diseases( eczema, dermatitis, skin cancer, for example, basioma),
  • diseases of the joints and spine( arthritis - rheumatoid, gouty, sciatica, rheumatism, osteoarthritis).
The tincture of the fruits of the clover is excellent for the treatment of oncological diseases.

Due to its wound-healing, antisclerotic and antibacterial properties, the plant accelerates the epithelization of wounds, prevents the formation of gross scars, heals from infectious skin diseases.

The tincture of the fruits of маклюры is taken inside for the treatment of oncological diseases. There is some information about the Adam's apple: that it can be treated even late stages of cancer, when metastases appeared. The greatest effect is observed with cancer of the lungs, prostate and larynx. Also, it is used for the treatment of hypertension, various nervous diseases, atherosclerosis, to improve immunity and general vitality, improve resistance to infections, normalize blood coagulability in hemorrhagic diseases.

The fruits of this plant help with gynecological diseases( mastopathy, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, etc.).

On how to apply the fruits of the clone for the treatment of the diseases listed above, we described in the article: If you apply the Adam's apple - Joint pain can be healed. In it you will find the best recipes of tinctures and ointments on the basis of this healing plant.

Important: Before using the Adam's apple plant to treat a disease, consult a doctor. In many diseases, this natural medicine can be used only as an additional method of treatment against the background of drug therapy.

Contraindications to the use of fruits of the ascodrill

The fruit of the macular Adamum apple has contraindications to the use. Since the plant contains a lot of sugars, this fruit can not be used by people with diabetes. Other contraindications include pregnancy, the period of breastfeeding, children's age( with external use, consult a doctor).Also it is not recommended to use the remedy for people suffering from allergic diseases, since the fruits contain potential allergens.
In the presence of chronic renal or liver failure, it is necessary to take the apple Adam's fruit with caution - it contains toxic substances.

Important: if during the internal use of the agent from the onion appeared symptoms of poisoning( nausea and vomiting, shortness of breath, dizziness, weakness), you must stop treatment and seek medical help from a doctor.

  • Mar 26, 2018
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