Honey enjoys well-deserved love of the people. The reason lies not only in its tremendous taste, but also in the healing effects on the body. The product has been used for food since ancient times. It is also valued for its high energy properties. As you know, it is quite caloric and is not included in the category of dietary products. That is why the daily norm of honey is of interest to many. So, how much can you eat an "amber treat" without fearing for a figure and health?
Is it ok to eat honey?
In order to answer this question, it is necessary to determine the terms. For every person, the phrase "eating for nothing" does not mean the same thing. Someone will have enough 40 grams of honey per day, and someone will not be satisfied with 100 g. Therefore, the question of how much honey a day to eat without harm to health involves an ambiguous answer.
Warning! The daily norm of a bee product depends on the individual needs of each person, as well as on many other factors.
These factors include:
- lifestyle;
- state of health;
- kind of work activity;
- the nature of physical activity;
- normal or dietary food.
Dependence on lifestyle
For example, a person engaged in uninterrupted physical work or sports should make a diet based on how much honey can be a day with an active lifestyle. Naturally, as much as possible( but within acceptable doses) in order to replenish quickly consumed energy. In the opposite case, a person who leads a sedentary lifestyle should reduce the consumption of the bee product, so as not to harm the figure and health.
However, in any case, honey should be eaten in moderation, since even the most useful product with excessive use starts to bring only harm.
Warning! According to dieticians, the daily rate of honey for a person losing weight is not more than 50 g. While doctors advocate a dose of 60-100 g per day, used in several receptions. For children this figure is halved.
"Amber dessert" should be taken 1-1.5 hours before meals. The most healthy use of honey with water, tea, milk, that is, in a diluted state. The product can not be diluted with hot water, otherwise it will not only lose its healing power, but will also release harmful substances.
Honey and overweight
Many people mistakenly believe that honey, being a sweet product, provokes extra pounds. However, it is not. Fat layers are often formed as a result of the fact that the body receives more food than it is able to consume, and excess calories lead to excess weight.
For your information! In order to determine how much you can eat honey per day, you need to build on your diet, adjusting the amount of calories received by the body from sugars, the canons of healthy nutrition.
If a person sits on a strict diet, eating nothing but low-calorie drinks, the daily norm of the bee product increases to 200 ml. It helps to fill the last deficit of vitamins and nutrients in the body.
Thus, the daily rate of honey is calculated with an eye on the individual needs of each individual. In any case, do not completely abandon this delicacy, even with dietary nutrition. Some useful recipes and tips on the use of this product you can learn from the article on how to apply honey in a diet.Instead of sugar
According to medical studies, if you completely reject sugar in favor of honey, a healthy adult person can eat on the day of 150 g. To exceed this dose is not recommended, as well asstrictly observe it. Even if doctors advise one or another proportion, decide how much and how often you can eat honey will be your body. If a person is absolutely healthy and adheres to an active lifestyle, his internal "counter" will tell him the correct rate.
To consume honey in its pure form or in a mix with other products( cinnamon, lemon, ginger, eggs, herbs of herbs) it is possible and necessary every day."Amber dessert" is easily absorbed by the body, saturates it with vitamins and serves as a preventive remedy for the army of diseases.
Attention! When calculating the daily rate of honey, attention should be paid to the lack / presence of allergies in a person. For such consumers, the standard dose of 100-150 g is hazardous to health.