Not every day you cook goose, but utensils, for an important bird intended, will suit for cooking other dishes, no less important.
So what should a gusjatnitsa be for cooking in it become easy and tasty?
1. Bulk
Goose, which it is supposed to cook, the bird is rather big. In addition, in addition to carcass in the vessel should contain a certain amount of water, otherwise the dish will not work - it will burn.
In addition to poultry in the goose fry, you will lay other ingredients. So it turns out that the allowance of the internal space should be calculated on them. But this does not mean that your gusseatnitsa will be gigantic. It should be large enough to fit in the oven. Yes, this dish is not only for the stove.
2. High
This is not a frying pan for you. To fit completely, the goose, and other products need to "go deeper into the process."
3. Tightly closing
The oblong "kazanok", which in appearance is a gusyatnitsa, must be covered with a lid. From the same material as the vessel itself.
If there is a gap between the cover and the walls, steam and hot air will find their way out, depriving the necessary atmosphere from inside the product. Then it will not be possible for you to cook a goose, as it should.
4. Solid
The goose is not prepared for a long time, all this time the dishes are exposed to heat. What will sustain such loads? Aluminum, successfully replacing cast iron( by the way, the latter is slow to refuse because of its long-term retention of heat, stability), refractory glass, ceramics, enameled dishes.
Based on the properties of each material, choose from which your gusjatnitsa will be made. No defects in materials( chips, cracks) are taken categorically.
5. With comfortable handles
As a rule, they are located on both sides of the gusjatnitsy, on its narrow edges, so that it would be convenient to take them. Although still there are models without the necessary for the hand protrusions, which complicates the use of them( for example, some decorative ceramic options).
In the course there are also gosjatnitsy, the handles of which are slightly offset from the axis line. These are easier to enter the oven. But if they seem uncomfortable to you, it's better to choose a standard layout. The handle must be on the lid. Again, not all gusjatnitsy can boast of it.
If there are no knobs, open the dishes during cooking is not possible, then choose a cover of transparent material. For the convenience of observation.
You can cook ragout, pilau and other dishes in the cassava, if you have chosen the dishes correctly.