Dental stone - this is a very common problem, because, despite the level of culture of society, it is on such minor symptoms that often turn a blind eye.
Subsequently, the disease can become a source of more serious diseases. It is important to remove the emerging education in a timely manner and to comply with preventive measures.
- Why does the stone lay on the
- What are the dangers of the
- dental deposit How to get rid of the problem at home
- Hygienic rules and tools
- How to remove the deposits by folk methods
- Tooth mask
- The stones "are afraid" of the radish
- Citruses to help
- Polishing of the affected teeth with ashes
- Purity - and medicine and poison
- Coconut oil
- Preventing the appearance of dental deposits
Why the stone falls on the teeth
Dental calculus is formed as a result of the hardening of the plaque. As a rule, it consists of dead epithelium, bacteria and food residues.
Under the influence of salts of phosphorus, calcium and iron, as well as proteins from saliva, the plaque becomes dense and hard and firmly deposited on the teeth.
Most often, it is located on the inner side closer to the gums, since in this zone the most bacteria and it is more difficult to get it with a brush. The tartar can be supraspine and subgingival, depending on its location.
There are many reasons for the appearance of stones, but they can all be divided into two groups:
- caused by improper hygiene .The first group includes irregular brushing of teeth, incorrect cleaning process, mistakes in the choice of brushes and toothpastes, frequent sealing, provoking looseness of the enamel, substandard crowns and even incorrect bite.
- Associated with disturbed power supply .The second group assumes the absence of solid foods with hard dietary fiber, abundance of sweet, the abuse of alcohol, tea and coffee, the presence of gastrointestinal diseases affecting the microflora of the oral cavity, unilateral chewing.
Than the dental deposits
are dangerous. It takes a long time to form tartar, but if this happens, then the person systematically violates the rules of oral hygiene. Because of this, most often there are serious diseases of the mucous and gingival tissues.
The stone and the accompanying plaque alone are already a source of danger, as with each day the deposits gradually grow and spread both over the damaged tooth and next to the standing ones.
Dental stone destroys the enamel, the protective shell of the root of the tooth, resulting in the risk of removal of the latter.
In addition, dental stones are sources of pathogenic microflora, because of which a whole range of diseases develops. Among them, tooth decay, stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontitis and other problems that, if neglected and untreated, lead to serious damage to the gums and teeth.
Another undesirable companion of dental stones is bad breath. This problem is caused by an excessive accumulation of bacteria in the field of education. In addition, the stones provoke yellowness of the teeth, which does not look aesthetically pleasing.
How to get rid of the problem at home
There are many ways to remove the tartar yourself, but they all can help in dealing with the problem located on the protruding part. The stones and the raid forming them, hidden under the gums, will remain in their places.
Rules and hygiene products
To quickly remove the tartar at home, first of all, you need to focus on proper oral hygiene and choose a brush and paste to help fight the deposits on the teeth.
The brush should be of medium rigidity with a flexible head to reach the hardest areas.
Scientists today can boast of special technologies in the production of toothbrushes. Some of them help to remove stones in the space between the teeth.
Special attention should be paid to electronic brushes, which are characterized by a high intensity of the effect on the enamel, as a result of which the stones eventually disappear.
The latest development in this field is an ultrasonic brush that, thanks to radiated waves, weakens the stones in the area of their attachment to the teeth and cleans teeth from the stone at home.
The effectiveness of toothbrushes increases significantly when using the appropriate toothpaste. Medicines have a high level of abrasiveness, which contributes to a more severe cleaning.
On the packaging this index is indexed as RDA , it should exceed 200 .Such pastes are not allowed to be used by people with sensitive teeth, since they can damage the enamel.
Most toothpaste pastes use calcium carbonate as the main abrasive, but its effect is leveled if the composition contains fluoride. Usually it can be recognized by the inscriptions fluor or fluoride.
Specialized toothpastes must have active substances that eliminate the problem. They include papain, pyrophosphates, polydon, bromelain.
How to get rid of tartar at home will tell phytotherapist:
How to remove sediments folk methods
To remove tartar at home help recipes of traditional medicine.
Tooth mask
A popular folk remedy for calculus is a mask made of soda and hydrogen peroxide, but you need to be very careful with it.
Too frequent use of the drug or an increased concentration of one of the substances can cause problems with the enamel. For the mask you need a teaspoon of soda, 10 drops of peroxide and 3 drops of lemon juice.
Liquid gruel is applied to the teeth and left for two minutes. After exposure, the mouth should be rinsed with water and cleaned with ordinary paste, preferably with a level of abrasiveness not more than 100.
You can use the mask not more often than, every other day. Drink and eat after the procedure is not recommended for an hour.
The stones are "afraid" of the radish
This is capable of black radish. Its frequent use in food reduces the formation of plaque, softens already existing deposits. It is enough to thoroughly chew the slices of the vegetable every day, and the problem will disappear by itself.
People with high acidity can spit out residues after chewing, so as not to irritate the stomach.
Citruses to help
Citrus fruits, in particular lemons, grapefruits and oranges, have a similar effect.
In addition to the dissolving power, they disinfect the oral cavity and whiten the teeth.
After use, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with clean water.
Polishing of affected teeth with ashes
Ash from eggplant will be an excellent polishing material, capable of removing dental deposits. It is enough to burn the vegetable, crush it and use it in problem areas. The ash remaining after the procedure can be stored in a cool dry place.
Repeat cleaning is allowed once a day. There is an opinion that ordinary ash can have a similar effect, due to the saturation with minerals.
What ways of treatment at home still exist?
Purity - and medicine and poison
Purity is known for its medicinal properties, but in high concentrations it is toxic.
To prepare a decoction it is necessary to pour a teaspoonful of a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 30 minutes. This means you can rinse your mouth, but you can not take it inside.
Coconut oil
Coconut oil effectively copes with the tartar of the house. It can be rubbed into affected areas and left for a couple of minutes.
Active substances contained in coconut, soften dental calculi and prevent plaque formation.
Preventing the appearance of dental deposits
The best way to prevent the appearance of tartar is to comply with the rules of oral hygiene.
The following measures will help to avoid the problem:
- thorough tooth cleaning at home twice a day with fluoride paste, once a week it is recommended to use a whitening paste;
- using dental floss at least once a day;
- application of sugar-free chewing gum after each meal;
- visit to the dentist every six months for reorganization if necessary;
- use of dental sealants , protecting enamel from harmful effects;
- decrease in the diet of sugar and starch ;
- consuming more fruits, vegetables, yogurt and greens .
Toothstone does not seem to be a serious problem for many, but it does not look aesthetically pleasing, and it affects the enamel day after day.
In addition, it promotes the propagation of pathogenic microflora, which can provoke serious diseases of the oral cavity. In this regard, it is important not only to treat the problem, but also to carry out preventive procedures.