In the language of physicians, periodontitis is the gradual destruction of the periodontal( periodontal tissue).
The disease is very insidious, because the pathological process proceeds slowly, and the patient remains in ignorance for a long time, that the bone tissue of his jaw is atrophied.
- Symptoms and signs of illness
- Which medications should I choose?
- What folk remedies can help?
- Application of hydrogen peroxide
- How to strengthen the gums with daily oral hygiene?
- Recommendations for nutrition
- Preventive measures
Symptoms and signs of the disease
Several stages of the development of the disease stand out:
- Initial .To diagnose it is very difficult even for a specialist. You can only notice that the cervical teeth are slightly exposed. X-ray does not show any pathological process.
- The first is manifested by increased tooth sensitivity. They hold fast in the holes, but the gums begin to drop a little. Radiologic examination fixes the onset of the pathological process in the bone tissue.
- On the , the second widens the distance between the teeth, their heightened sensitivity greatly worries the patient. On the x-ray you can see the pathology of the alveolar process.
- The third is characterized by the appearance of tooth mobility. The alveolar process is shifted by 1 cm.
- On the of the fourth stage of the , the teeth are to be removed. They are practically not kept by the bone tissue, they prevent the patient from talking and eating.
It is possible to suspect parodontosis on the following grounds:
- at all stages is marked by bleeding gums when brushing teeth;
- halitosis, muffled which does not help mouthwashes and dental gums;
- pale gum color due to reduced blood flow to them;
- the process of chewing food delivers discomfort.
Which medications should I choose?
Treatment with medication gives a good effect if the disease has not managed to get into a serious form. At the last stage of the disease, drug therapy should be combined with other methods of treatment: laser, electrophoresis, and surgical intervention.
- Antibiotics .The course of their reception varies depending on how pronounced the pathological process, but on average is 10-14 days. Antibiotics can be taken in the form of tablets or administered to the patient by intramuscular injection. Their reception has an antimicrobial effect. The correct dosage is selected by a specialist, while taking into account the characteristics of the patient. For example, if he suffers from diabetes, antibiotics of the fluoroquinolone series are prescribed. In parallel with their reception, doctors often appoint metronizadol and vitamins. Metronizadol( Trichopol) is a universal antimicrobial agent that affects the pathogenic flora of the mouth, and the vitamin complex strengthens the immune system.
- Gels and ointments. These are topical products, they are applied directly to the gums. They have on the gums strengthening anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous effect, normalize the blood flow in the vessels, heal the damaged epithelium. Due to its structure, gels and ointments are perfectly absorbed. If a patient has periodontal pockets, the gel is laid directly into them. Most often, experts appoint heparin ointment, troxevasin, cryogel. They improve the blood supply of the peri-toothed tissues.
- Gels are used for antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory purposes: "Holisal", "Asepta", "Metrogil Denta", "Kamistad".
- Homeopathic remedies .In the treatment of periodontal disease, they will have to be taken quite a long time. Only in this case it is possible to achieve a lasting effect. Homeopathic remedies are aimed at stabilizing the current situation, that is, they are designed to consolidate the effect achieved from the treatment and not to exacerbate the pathological process. For their proper selection, it is best to turn to a homeopathic doctor, he will make a scheme of treatment and help determine the dosage. There are complex homeopathic preparations that can be used in the vast majority of patients. These include: "Parodonton", "Engistol", "Traumel C" .
What folk remedies can help?
You can use the methods of traditional medicine against periodontal disease, only after consulting with a doctor in advance. Here are some effective recipes:
- Propolis treatment with .Prepare the infusion in the calculation of 25 gr.of ground propolis per 150 ml of alcohol or vodka. Propolis must completely dissolve. Insist for two weeks, add 50 gr.shredded leaves of St. John's wort. Then mix 1 tablespoon.infusion with 2 tbsp.vegetable oil and apply on the gums 2-3 times a day. Also, the gums can be treated with 5% propolis ointment, purchased at the pharmacy.
- Treatment with honey .Honey is a traditional remedy used in the treatment of many diseases. It is also used for periodontal disease. Preliminary it is necessary to be convinced of absence of allergic reaction to honey. Unpleasant sensations in the gums can be eliminated by rastering 20 gr.honey with 10 gr.salt. The mixture is so thick that a ball can be rolled from it. Then this ball is wrapped in a clean cloth. The gum so produced should be rubbed with gums. Application of birch tar .This is a very simple method of treatment. Birch tar is bought in a pharmacy and applied to the gums. For convenience, this can be done with a cotton swab.
- Sea buckthorn oil has a soothing effect on the gums. It is necessary to soak up the cotton pad with oil and apply it to the affected areas, especially to the pockets.
- Calendula has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Alcohol tincture of calendula from a pharmacy for the treatment of periodontal disease is not suitable, it is best to cook the infusion yourself.3 pour half a liter of boiling water, insist at least for half an hour, drain. After the broth has cooled down, rinse out the mouth cavity in the morning and evening.
- Infusion of oak bark will help strengthen the gum.2 tablespoonscrushed bark pour a glass of boiling water, insist 30 minutes, rinse the genus twice a day.
Application of hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is a cheap but effective remedy with a powerful disinfecting effect. It can stimulate metabolism. It can be applied in different ways, both inside and outside:
- It is forbidden to use peroxide in its pure form, therefore it is necessary to prepare a solution. In 50 ml of pure water, dissolve only 1 drop of peroxide. Drink either half an hour before eating, or two hours later. The course lasts ten days.
- The easiest way is to simply wipe the gum with a cotton swab dipped in peroxide, before going to bed.
- For each tooth brushing, add 1-2 drops of peroxide to the toothpaste.
How to strengthen the gums with daily oral hygiene?
In cases of periodontal disease, care of the oral cavity should be carried out especially carefully. Brush your teeth at least two times a day, no less than 2 minutes, and after meals use mouthwashes.
To reduce the number of bacteria in the mouth, it is necessary to clean the tongue. For this purpose, special scrapers are on sale.
Toothpastes should be designed specifically for the prevention of periodontal disease. They are more effective than others to eliminate odor from the mouth and reduce bleeding gums. Medicinal herbs should be present in the composition and there should be no abrasive particles( "Рarodontax").
The toothbrush should be with soft bristles. Special brushes for patients with periodontal disease, not only effectively clean the teeth, but also massage the gums.
The use of rinse aid after each meal has an antimicrobial effect and soothes the gum( for example, "Forest Balm", "Redodontax", "Green Pharmacy").
In addition to daily oral hygiene, patients with periodontal disease show gum massage. Massage helps improve blood circulation in the gums and strengthens them. It will be fine if the dentist shows the correct technique of implementation, but there are general recommendations for its implementation.
In the presence of designs in the oral cavity( dentures, braces, crowns), it is recommended to use irrigation systems that effectively purge the intermixture pockets and perform gum massage in parallel.
Recommendations for nutrition
Proper nutrition can prevent the development of pathological processes in the oral cavity. It shows the use of solid foods, vegetables and fruits. In the process of chewing them, a kind of gum massage takes place. Also, foods rich in fiber are also useful.
To strengthen the jawbone and the teeth themselves, it is necessary to introduce into the diet foods rich in calcium: lactic and fermented milk products.
Avoid sweet foods rich in carbohydrates and adhering to teeth, as well as carbonated drinks, tea and coffee. Such products cause a lot of trouble for a person, slowly destroying the teeth and provoking the development of not only periodontal disease, but also caries and gingivitis.
Preventive measures
In order not to miss the onset of the development of the disease, you must regularly visit the dentist( twice a year), do not be lazy to care for your teeth, use additional oral hygiene( irrigator and dental floss).
Correctly made menu, rich in calcium, vitamins and trace elements will also prevent many problems with teeth and gums.