Indoor plants occupy an important place in human life. Almost every apartment has its own favorite flowers, which please the eye with all kinds of leaves and an unimaginable palette of colors. Many houseplants are useful for humans. But there are also some that are in no way worth keeping in the house.
- Poisonous
- Adenium
- Azalea
- Dieffenbachia
- Croton
- Euphorbia
- Mimosa shy
- Monstera
- Oleander
- Nightshade
- Ivy evergreen
- Primula
- Trihotsereus
- Ficus
- Philodendron
- Cyclamen
- Allergenic
- Alokaziya
- Geranium
- Hydrangea
- Lily
- Orchid
- Fern
- Tuberose
- Folk signs
to contents ^Adenium
It's also called adenium fat, Adenium thickIs Desert Rose, and all because of the stem, which has a bottle shape. It blooms very richly, with bright beautiful flowers. However, its juice, getting on the skin and mucous membranes of a person, penetrates into the blood, causing poisoning.
Azalea( Rhododendron) is a very beautiful plant. His flowers are like lilies and with proper care it blooms very abundantly. But the juice and nectar of Azalea is poisonous. If you accidentally swallow a slice of leaf or nectar, will begin profuse salivation, it is possible to vomit, lachrymation. Rhododendron flowers have a strong odor that can cause allergies. This is manifested by rashes on the skin and a headache.
to the table of contents ^Dieffenbachia
Although Dieffenbachia cleans well and even moistens the air, however, this plant is not suitable for living quarters, since it has very toxic milky juice. When exposed to open areas of the skin, it causes ulcers and severe irritation. It is more dangerous if the juice gets into the eyes or into the mouth. In the first case, blindness is threatened, in the second - a strong swelling of the throat and tongue, and a person can simply suffocate.
The plant belongs to the family of small-lot, so it also has a poisonous juice that can cause burns on the skin. And its getting into the blood with a cut or inside the body is fraught with resuscitation or death.
to contents ^Euphorbia
So this plant is called because of its milky juice. It is necessary to know that Juice Juice is poisonous, therefore it is dangerous to keep it in the house. On the skin, it causes redness, burning, blisters. Especially dangerous is Molochia juice for the eyes, it can cause inflammation, temporary blindness and conjunctivitis. Do not taste it - it will cause poisoning, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, cramps and circulatory disorders.
to the table of contents ^
Mimosa shameful
Mimosa was dubbed shy because of the ability to fold its leaves when touched. The pollen of this plant causes a strong allergy. This plant can be pretty poisoned only if it is eaten. Basically, the poison accumulates in the root system in special nodules.
to contents ^Monster
This exotic plant is famous for its wide leaves with unusual slits. It is in the juice of these leaves that the poison is contained. If by carelessness the juice gets on the skin, it can cause burns, blisters, redness. If you get juice in your eyes, you can temporarily go blind, earn conjunctivitis and burn.
Despite its beauty and love of flower growers, this flower is very toxic. Even the aroma of this plant causes dizziness. When Oleander juice comes on the skin, burns occur, and if ingested, serious poisoning occurs. It can cause blindness if it gets into the eyes.
to contents ^Nightshade
This beautiful evergreen plant abundantly strewn with bright orange berries. All parts of Nightshade are poisonous, but attractive berries are especially dangerous. Strongly it is not recommended to grow it in an apartment, if there live small children. The child will definitely try a bright berry, and it can cause a strong digestive disorder.
to table of contents ^Ivy evergreen
A very common houseplant that pleases the eye with its glossy leaves. The poison is found both in leaves and in ivy berries. When poisoning can cause delirium and cardiac arrest.
to table of contents ^Primrose
Indoor primrose with a rosette of leaves and a variety of colors of flowers is not so harmless. The poison of this plant causes a rash on the skin, itching, irritation and even eczema.
to contents ^Trichocereus
Trichocereus is a cactus with long spines. Blossoms with white inflorescences with a strong odor. This plant is poisonous, since it contains alkaloids and hallucinogens, which paralyze the nervous system.
to the table of contents ^Ficus
Ficuses are very common houseplants. Their stems and leaves are poisonous. The juice of the plant, getting on the skin, causes redness, irritation and blisters. Ficus can also cause severe allergies.
This plant is very appreciated for its remarkable greenery. Some Philodendrons are lianas, others are bushes. Toxic are all kinds. The poison contains the juice of the plant, it is very dangerous for the eyes and skin. An intact plant is absolutely safe.
to contents ^Cyclamen
Cyclamen's poison is similar in its composition and action to the poison of curare. The tubers are most poisonous in this plant. Juice tubers are used in folk medicine, but it should be treated very carefully.
to contents ^Allergenic
to contents ^Alocasia
This is the representative of the family of Aroids. All plants of this group are toxic. Allergies cause juice, so they need to be transplanted in gloves to protect the skin, and the gauze bandage also does not interfere.
to the table of contents ^Geranium
Pelargonium( Geranium), in whose leaves contains a large amount of essential oil, its odor can cause allergies. But this sharp aroma stands out only if you touch the plant.
to contents ^Hydrangea
Allergen is the juice of this beautiful plant, which is present in stems, leaves and flowers. On contact with it, rashes, itching, weakness, nausea may appear.
to the table of contents ^Lily
Beautiful flowers have a very strong smell, which makes you dizzy and dizzy, allergic, fainting. Very toxic juice of the lily. It can lead to death if it enters the body. There is no antidote for this poison.
to contents ^Orchid
Allergy orchid causes in people with weak immunity - difficulty breathing, pawns the nose, the mucous membranes can swell. For allergy sufferers, the fragrance of this flower is deadly because of the swelling of the throat.
to contents ^Fern
All species of this plant are dangerous for allergy sufferers. It causes allergy of fern pollen, which easily scattered throughout the house.
to the table of contents ^Tuberose
The strong smell of Tuberose causes allergies, suppresses the psyche, causes a headache. In the dark, this plant absorbs oxygen and releases carbon dioxide.
to the table of contents ^Folk signs of
There are a number of folk signs that attribute different magic properties to plants. Or maybe this is the result of centuries of people's observations. Here are some of them:
- Money tree( Tolstyanka) brings money to the house if it has a lot of round green leaves resembling coins. If the plant is sick and the leaves fall off, nothing good in terms of money can not wait.
- Zamiokulkas is called "Dollar palm", as it is believed that this plant attracts currency into the house.
- Recently, a plant such as "The Flower of the Upstart" has spread. But it can not be kept at home, because at the astral level the energy of this flower is programmed to bring poverty to its master.
- Dracena Sander or "Happy Bamboo", brings his owner a career growth and good luck in everything.
- A golden tree( Akukuba) reveals in a person talents and promotes their development, brings prosperity to the house and protects them from enemies.
- Croton is called the protector of the house. He removes all negative energetics, brings harmony to the house, calms the hyperactive people, allows his owner to put his thoughts in order, get out of depression and crisis. Also from gives strength and promotes the development of creative abilities. There is a belief - a person who planted or acquired Kraton in a year will be able to radically change his life.
- Ficus is not desirable to have in the bedroom, otherwise the relationship between spouses may deteriorate. But in other rooms it is possible, especially since it neutralizes negative energy and removes aggression.
- Bamboo is able to turn negative energy into a positive one.
- Paper flower( Bougainvillea) very rarely grows in houses and apartments, but its owner with finances will never have difficulty.
- Cacti also attract money to the house, but they still do not allow their masters to be wasteful.
- Spitafillum is called "Women's happiness."The popular name speaks for itself, as unmarried girls help this plant to find a happy family, and gives them peace and happiness to married people.
- Why can not I keep dried flowers in the house? The answer is simple: the charm and energy of women are drastically reduced, and so men turn to women who have such flowers in the house, less attention.
- Why can not I keep flowers at home? The presence of such colors suggests that your man will be following each skirt. It is better to keep indoors not curly, but erect and powerful plants.
- Why can not you keep artificial flowers at home? Since they have inanimate energetics and are more suitable for the cemetery.