Episcleritis of the eye. Description and treatment

Episleritis is a benign inflammation of the connective tissue of the eye from which the sclera of the eye is formed.

Inflammation itself is characterized by the appearance of hyperemia, that is, the appearance of red-violet mesh on the eyeball, as well as painful sensations.

Usually, this inflammation does not last long, often without treatment. In 60% of cases, he does not require a doctor. Most often, this disease affects the elderly;even more often - women in the age after 40 years.

    • 1. Reasons:
    • 2. Symptoms of episcleritis
    • 3. Diagnosis of episcleritis
    • 4. Treatment of episcleritis

It can be combined with both a systemic disease and it can be a separate ailment. Simple episcleritis very rarely passes into a true scleritis and does not bring complications.


  • tuberculosis;
  • the effects of an insect bite;
  • sarcoidosis;
  • syphilis;
  • viral infections;
  • streptococcal infection;
  • pneumococcal pneumonia;
  • instagram viewer
  • inflammatory processes;
  • gout;
  • atopy;
  • collagenoses;
  • rheumatism;
  • polyarthritis;
  • elevated levels of uric acid in the blood;
  • chemical or mechanical injury.

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Symptoms of episcleritis

Most often, epicleritis develops on the areas between the eyelids in the corners of the eyes. Painful sensations occur suddenly, tearing, sharp pain, pain, redness and photophobia appear. The affected areas are pink to bright red. After a while they take a lilac or purple hue.

There are 2 main subtypes: simple and nodular. Most often, simple episcleritis occurs. It is more painful, more prolonged, however, it is easier to treat and the probability of relapse is also much less.

Nodular episcleritis:

This kind of disease is most common in the elderly.

Episerclar slightly swollen, because of what a person has a feeling that the zone is slightly elevated. When touched, there is a slight pain, however, the older the patient, the greater the pain. When the episcler vessels significantly expand. Nodules with a diameter of 2-4 millimeters are formed, which can be hard and soft to the touch. Sometimes there are several nodules that can soon merge into one. On average, this disease lasts 2-3 weeks, but it can last up to 5 months.

Nodal epicleritis lasts longer than usual. Often the disease spreads to both eyes. In the process of treatment, the nodules resolve and leave behind a light, aspidic color. With nodular episcleritis, neither photophobia nor lacrimation is observed.

Migrating episcleritis

Reports painful sensations and swelling in the eye. In the eye near the limbus, a hyperemia is formed. Often accompanied by an angioedema and edema of the eyelids and headache. Migrating episcleritis very quickly passes: within 2-3 days on the eye there will be no trace left.


This kind of episclerite is very similar to the migrating type: all also appear nodules of a purple hue on the eye. The difference is only one - the cornea is affected, which is called rosacea-keratitis. It is most often combined with the appearance of rosacea on the skin of the face.

The defeat of the cornea is the most serious part of the disease, there is a great tendency to relapse.

Diagnosis of episcleritis

The diagnosis is based on the whole clinical picture, in all patients with a suspicion of episcleritis, an anamnesis should be collected. However, along with the data of the examination, it is necessary to conduct additional laboratory tests, such as: uric acid, rheumatoid factor of antinuclear antibodies, ESR, developed blood formula, fluorography, a test for syphilis.


  • Episleritis differs from scleritis with a lower severity of the process and in that the disease proceeds without affecting the vascular tract.
  • Absence of characteristic surface vessels, purple hue. Duration of flow distinguishes episcleritis from phlyctenular conjunctivitis.
  • Posterior episcleritis is difficult to distinguish from serous tenonitis.

Treatment of episcleritis

For treatment to be effective, it is first necessary to remove the inflammation. It is necessary to limit any load on the eye, give it more rest and rest.

Wash eyes with cold tea leaves. It is best to take black leaf tea. In this way, rinse the eyes 2 times a day. This method will help to remove inflammation from the eye and reduce discomfort.

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Information on why the eye twitches.

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Bury in the eye aloe juice

To speed up the process of treatment, drip your eyes with drops, which contain aloe juice. Aloe is one of the most effective stimulants of tissue regeneration.

You can make such drops yourself. To do this, you need to dilute 1 drop of aloe juice with 10 drops of water. Take only boiled water and room temperature.

Bury in the eye such drops need three times a day for three months.

Please note: For each instillation you need a new portion of aloe juice. That is, cut off a small part of the leaf from the plant and squeeze out one drop.

Eye wash

In addition to instillation of aloe, and tea flushing, a healing tincture will help you to speed up the course of healing.

For its preparation you need:

  • 20 grams of chamomile;
  • 20 grams of flowers cornflower;
  • 20 grams of burdock root;

The collection of these all plants must be thoroughly crushed and mixed.

After this, take one tablespoon of the collection and pour a glass of steep boiling water. Infuse half an hour, covered with a lid, before the broth does not become room temperature.

After that, the eyes are washed with a ready-made broth. You need to do them as often as possible. Also, from the resulting broth, you can make compresses that need to be kept for at least 15 minutes. Such compresses can be done up to 5 times a day.

For the treatment of episcleritis, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. For example, flurbiprofen with a dosage of 100 milligrams should be taken 3 times a day for 4-5 days. This type of treatment is recommended for severe relapse or prolonged course.

Complication: In the place of infiltrates, sometimes connective tissue is formed in excess. It spreads to the limbus and cornea causes sclerosing keratitis, secondary glaucoma, reduced visual acuity. The process can result in the scleral infiltrates ulcerate and the full wrinkling of the eye occurs, that is, death, and irreversible blindness.

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