Even if you have the best boss in the world, then for sure he ever came to work in a bad mood and spoiled it to you.
It's at such moments that you begin to wonder: " That's how to start your business ", not to nurse the mood of your boss, do not tolerate his quibbling, do not work for a miserable salary while he buys a third car.
The desire is very commendable, but only it is not enough to become a free and successful person.
Start your business - it's not easy, but it's very interesting.
Today, many people are engaged in business, so everyone has not one, and even - not two people who are called proudly - a businessman.
I have a lot of these buddies.
But I would like to tell you about my friend's friend Sergei Borisovich.
He was the consultant of this text.
Even in Soviet times, a man dreamed of being himself a master, but then private entrepreneurs were called exclusively speculators and barygami.
Busy business Sergei Borisovich already in the turbulent 1990s.
First he traded bananas and other exotic fruits on the market, then - he bought a stall in half with a friend, and after - became the owner of a building materials store.
Business in the 90's was not just a difficult, but also a dangerous occupation.
Everyone survived as best he could, there was no money, there were no products, the police together with the racket robbed entrepreneurs.
But Sergei Borisovich had a goal: to become rich and successful.
He caught the advice of more successful colleagues, how to start his own business , tried to find at least some thematic literature, made useful acquaintances and worked 15 hours a day to build a successful business.
How to start working for yourself: practical advice
Today, he has 3 stores of construction products, he drives a huge black monster, lives in a cozy country house, teaches children abroad.
He achieved everything he wanted, and believes that it is possible for anyone who is ready to go to his goal, no matter what.
How to start my own business: 5 misconceptions
I asked Sergey Borisovich to advise something to my readers on the topic.
On the recommendation, he was not greedy.
I wrote down everything that was said by a successful entrepreneur, and systematized information for you.
Those who only dream of the how to start their own business , often become victims of stereotypes.
You will never succeed if you think like this:
A businessman is someone who only earns income, and others work for him.
No one will worry about your profits the way you do.
If you really want to build an empire, you will have to control everything from cleanliness in the institution to the quality of the materials that went on sale.
It will be easier when you have a reliable team, but it takes several years.
Business equals big money.
It depends, first of all, on the direction of the case, which you are engaged in.
Stocking products bring much less profit than ownership of dressing.
For the promotion of business you need huge money.
Yes, indeed, starting capital is needed.
But you can start a business with a small bag.
Just do not swing at once to a three-story office, start small.
Today all profitable niches are busy.
Nonsense! You can always find an innovative sphere that will benefit people, and you - profit.
You can not do business without having connections.
We, thank God, do not have India with castes, and not a slave system, when only the elected do not live well. Of course, it's good if there are acquaintances who can bring with the right people or parents that they will support financially, but you can succeed on your own.
And in the course of activity the necessary connections will appear.
How to start your own business: 5 mandatory components of
Entrepreneurship - this whole complex of compulsory actions.
Of course, each industry has its own characteristics, but without five basic you can not start your business, nor lead it to success.
Sergey Borisovich believes you definitely need to have:
You should choose such a niche for the business, which in a short time will lead you to a good profit.
Before embodying your idea, analyze the market to understand whether it is worth discovering, for example, an auto service or better looking for something else.
You can start the business on your own, but you need a team to promote it.
Get rid of those who are dishonest on the hand or lazy, but well reward those who work perfectly.
Starting capital.
You can collect it yourself, saving for a while, either - borrow without interest, or - take a loan from the bank.
The latter option is the least profitable, since interest in our country is often predatory.
Personal qualities.
Not everyone can become a successful businessman.
Some people by virtue of character will never be able to start their own business.
In order to succeed, you need to be persistent, strong, hardworking, smart, creative, easily trained.
Belief in success.
If you start a business with motivation: "Well, okay, I'll try. But I am sure that nothing will turn out, "you are sure to go broke.
I want to offer you to watch a video on how to start your business using the Internet!
Online business has huge benefits!
What? Look and you will know.
How to start your own business: 5 tips of pros
Sergey Borisovich says that every businessman for years of work acquires his secrets, which lead to success.
Five of his own he shared with my readers:
Do not be afraid of failures.
Starting a business from scratch is not easy.
Failure will be much more than success.
Not everything will immediately glue together and there will always be a time when you want to quit everything and return to your previous job under the wing of the boss.
Do not do this - success is just around the corner!
Prepare for small incomes early in the journey.
Big money will come only when your business gets stronger, and half a year, or even a year will have to tighten your belt.
Do not listen to advice from losers.
When you decide to quit your stable job in order to start , you will certainly hear a lot of tips: "That's not right!", "You'll still burn yourself and die of hunger!", "You have a good job - bringingdo you want? ", etc.
Ignore them!
Look for new ways to implement.
Even if today your business brings good profits, tomorrow everything can change.
Constantly offer your customers something new to keep them.
Love what you do.
This is perhaps the main key to success!